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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2024 in all areas

  1. I was inspired by @remi cook of my Peruvian polo a la brass so decided to make it tonight. Never disappoints @tony bi ate at a good Peruvian place yesterday and struck up a conversation with the chef who asked me where I sourced ingredients in San Diego…told him I grow my aji Amarillo and we got to discussing the Peruvian green sauce…the real stuff used a herb called Huacatay and I purchase a plant yesterday https://thegrowers-exchange.com/products/huacatay?variant=40098478522449&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2019-12-19&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj-iu7pTDhQMV0MzCBB1mJQ-HEAQYASABEgLDnfD_BwE I am going to make it my mission to nail down the authentic version of this sauce this year. The jalapeño substitute is fine but the real deal is so much better. This chef used jarred Huacatay but he asked me to bring him the real stuff along with my fresh aji Amarillo which I’ve already started growing this week….stay tuned for updates but I’m gonna figure this out this year….going to Peru for two week over Christmas so I will get this “Peruvian crack” recipe nailed down this year
    6 points
  2. Early anniversary dinner, screw going out. 8 times out of ten I’m thinking I could have made something better at home. Only thing is the cleanup, I’m exhausted! Those oysters were monstrous and delicious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. Yes, Fireboard 2 Drive or Pro and a Pit Viper would be the best. I have the FB Pro and Pit Viper. Love it.
    1 point
  4. I know this thread is a little old but wanted to see if anyone would suggest anything different in terms of a control unit and fan. I think it's time to retire my Rock's BBQ stoker. From what I read, learning towards a fireboard 2 with a pit viper fan. Thanks,
    1 point
  5. Not at all. The genesis of my plan to go to my local bakery was seeing an ad for sourdough starter from California. "Wow" I thought, Tartine starter, here in my kitchen. And then I came back to the real world and realised it made much more sense to walk the five minutes to our bakery, get theirs and start using it asap with no yeast or other intermediate stage. Good to see that the KK shopping channel still lives. Congrats on your purchase.
    1 point
  6. Everything is airflow.. My mantra is "Charcoal always burns at the maximum volume for the given airflow." If it's not hot enough, open the damper top. It's too hot, close it a bit. If your fire went out and it was not an issue with the moisture content of the charcoal it did not have enough oxygen to burn. I'm guessing the top was too tight/closed and the exhaust was not getting out. For 235º the top is barely cracked, and it's easy to close it too much and kill your burn.. We've all done it. I usually put my hands near the damper top to feel for the hot air if there is no smoke to see. I drive my cooks from the damper top.. If it's not leaving the top, it's not getting in the lower draft door. The vacuum is from the hot air exiting.
    1 point
  7. Flat iron, carrots, air fryer potatoes
    1 point
  8. i used my rib rack for the first time today. i've had it sitting in my shed since i bought the 19. i don't think it was made for beef ribs, but i couldn't get the single bones to stand up without falling over. i also used wood chunks right on the coals. still works great this way and less hassle.. used only half a basket of charcoal and for almost 8 hours i only burned through half that. what a charcoal miser..
    1 point
  9. Recent loaf of whole grain sourdough, don’t laugh but I made that for my dentist. They made me some spaghetti sauce that was absolutely amazing!!!!!
    1 point
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