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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Pickled beets are a favorite, as a side. Cheese on a hamburger is the norm, however, if you live in the southern hemisphere I believe it maybe a constitutional amendment, or a decree of some sort to put beets on the hamburger but, when England deposited those incorrigibles so many years ago there was no cheese, and alas the " custom has stood to this day. "
    2 points
  2. yep that's me . Iremember that cook tasted so good and the crackling was crunchy.You will get it for sure Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  3. I hope that plays out for you, tekobo! I've enjoyed my retirement so far - 5 1/2 years in!
    1 point
  4. Well, the meal looks tasty in any case. I guess the Maker's Mark didn't go to waste. I went over to the kamodo guru forum to look for the post that @parisbrownep referred to and found it here: https://www.kamadoguru.com/topic/28353-crackle-on-the-jt/. The crackling on that belly looks great. Do you masquerade as Aussie Joe over there? If so, kudos for that crackling. Looking forward to my next attempt, will take some of the tips from there as I am keen to do the porchetta the "authentic" way, on a roti.
    1 point
  5. Stop bragging about how young you are, some of us have been there and wish we'd see it again, no need to remind us.
    1 point
  6. Preach on, sister, preach on!!!
    1 point
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