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Everything posted by Fetzervalve

  1. Re: Yo Fetz.. Not all at the same time.. I thought I did post a picture... I know I did with 40 pounds a couple years ago.
  2. I used FM's 4:1 mixture and applied it during the re-heat and holding. Worked great
  3. It's the "concrete monster" in its natural habitat!
  4. You could get by with a $100 gas grill, or you could have gotten by with that concrete monster you had... Get 'em both, you will use them eventually, but I'm pretty sure it will be difficult to get 50 pounds of meat in either basket. I should rotate something this weekend.
  5. Re: And now for something completely different... That guy clearly has swine flu...
  6. I'll second the Cleanstream endorsement, I had pretty much given up on my ShopVacs (dust redistribution systems) then I got Cleanstream and they are everything they say, 5 stars.
  7. Re: First Tri-tip cook Sanny, Have you seen the new "splash proof" Thermapen?? Perhaps they made it in your honor...
  8. Toot Toot Toot it Finney, life is short and most of us don't get many opportunities, so TOOT away, and congratulations! It will even be sweeter when you win it on a KK.
  9. You've never seen my wife... or any of Curly's cousins!
  10. You may get some talk about juice distribution etc., but I do it just because I CAN!
  11. Open enough that you can feel some heat/see some smoke escaping the top. That usually means a fraction of a turn from seated tight, it will seem like it's closed. I run the Guru shutter half open unless I'm trying to bring the temp up fast.
  12. Thanks for posting a definitive comparison. The original point was that there was certainly no reason to choose a K7 over a KK for size reasons, and you have made it even more obvious.
  13. I like the pattern models. That has to at least double the labor - doesn't it?
  14. Syz, I guess you have pulled the trigger, (nice color) here I have a visual for you of the 23" main grill vs a #7 main grill.
  15. I have the 15" stone without the flame pan. I always use the heat deflector on the lump basket. There are times that the flames come up high enough to reach the stone on the upper grill (upper/sear grill on top of the main grill), but with the HD on the lump basket it keeps them far enough to the sides that I have not had any issues. I don't know if that would be the case with a 19" stone. I have had the stone for probably 2 years.
  16. I will have to measure it to be sure, but as I recall, it's a little bit bigger than the heat deflector.
  17. Nice, did you build it yourself?
  18. Re: novel ceramic cooker I don't think it's that new...
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