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Everything posted by jdbower

  1. jdbower


    Nah, the loader was full of brisket so they wouldn't fit.
  2. My sister is a high school chem teacher and did pumpkin experiments over Halloween. She brought home the remains and had to find more creative outlets than pies, the family favorite was the pumpkin flan.
  3. I've been tempted to upgrade to a Blendtec just for this line of video ads
  4. In Asia they were also smart enough to locate their fault lines in the middle of the ocean instead of underneath major cities (including a city with a rather ill-conceived subway system...). In Taiwan I experienced my first Earthquake and it was an interesting experience; the SoCal girl I was with was terrified because it lasted about a minute, but there was no damage because the entire island shakes as one. One of the buildings has a huge sphere it uses is a rolling support column to help absorb the motion - kind of cool.
  5. I wonder where they're hiding... I guess it also depends on what you mean by cold - for FireMonkey it's anything below 70F
  6. Fun? You want to have fun here? That attitude will get you banned for life! Oh wait, make you a welcome addition - I forgot where I was for a second there.
  7. Bidding has ended, but this item has a colorful history.
  8. Nah, it's properly fatty food that keeps things lubricated. If you need roughage you can always scarf a bag of chips. If you need a little more help get the ones with Olestra
  9. Ya got green stuff all over your food, I hate when that happens!
  10. Sorry, we only like Nikon pics here You can download the ImageShack toolbar, that makes things nice and easy. Once you install it, just drag your pictures to the text box you type in and it will automatically upload it and put a link in your post.
  11. Luckily the train systems in Switzerland are a joy to use, I've spent quite a good deal of time in that beautiful country - mostly in Bern but I've flown into Zürich and Geneva (sorry, maybe it's my Teutonic pride but I prefer the former ). The man has taste! Well, I like the legs but the textured black is a great choice.
  12. Maybe Dennis needs to add a little window. Or a heat-proof webcam - ooo, with infrared imaging so you can see how hot your food is!
  13. Nah, nobody's mentioned it here until today. It gets mentioned all the time but this is where we put those indispensable tools like grill cleaners, chili cookers, and draft control devices.
  14. The Labor Day post above reminded me, someone found Kirkland lump at Costco. Mine doesn't have it so I'm not hopeful for yours, but you can try BJs and Sams as well. They'll usually let you in to look around without a card so you don't need to buy a membership.
  15. My WalMart is the same as yours, briquettes galore but no lump. I'm not 100% positive but I don't think my Lowes carried Cowboy until this summer (early in the summer it wasn't around, I didn't know to look last year). If you've got a local hardware store they may be able to order some for you. You can also check out to find a BGE Dealer. Worst case, you can also make your own.
  16. I can't believe no one's mentioned this here yet! Food Saver is the ubiquitous vacuum sealing system that allows smaller families like mine to cook the massive quantities of food the KK allows without throwing most of the meal away.
  17. jdbower


    Howdy! I must admit with all the time I've done in Korea I cringe when I see the words "Hungry" and "Dog" that close to each other...
  18. I finally made it across route 9 to Wally World (I'm a Target man - closer and cleaner). Not a chunk of lump in sight here in Joisey I'm afraid. You guessed correctly on the Cowboy - I get it from Lowes and it's better than briquettes. Even my Weber Kettle can suffocate it to death, the Kingsford briquettes burned down to nothing even with little/no O2.
  19. I'd start by reading up on TNW's site - he's got great reviews and the best collection in one place on the net. As far as what to buy, I try to stay local when I can. For now that means Cowboy for me but I'm still looking (and I've got time since I've only got a tin can to grill on now). If I were to order a pallet I'd certainly consider Dennis' lump (high temp) and extruded (low and slow), but Wicked Good and Royal Oak are also good stuff.
  20. Think of the BGE like a Toyota; cheap, reliable, ubiquitous and it gets you where you need to go. The KK is like a Maybach; an elite thing of beauty that looks great and gets you where you want to go in comfort and luxury. A BGE is a very nice ceramic cooker and has the benefit of a nationwide (worldwide?) chain of stores that can provide parts and service. A KK, on the other hand, has a single point of contact that you can order whatever you need and you've got a much more personal relationship with the company. A KK also has much better insulating properties which means that they're more efficient at keeping the temperature constant with less coal. Finally, Big Green Egg made their name by making an ugly cooker in whatever color you wanted (as long as it was green) that stands out at BBQs but performs very well. KK's are much easier on the eyes and perform even better Both cook fairly well with the KK's more even heat and more efficient thermals providing a slight edge, but KK is a much more friendly and personal company and looks much better on your patio.
  21. OK, this is a little more manly ballast than making it look like an overgrown lawnmower Sorry about the color, I left my exposure compensation on -1.3EV and it's apparently hard to recover a green tractor against a green background...
  22. We should chip in so Sanny can cook with style wearing this
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