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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Getting ready for this weekends, garden upgrade. What could it be? I'll never tell ........... . But it should be sort of kewl so stay tuned. . Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  2. I'd go heavy on the CoffeeChar lump and lighter on the Cocochar. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  3. . We only get a few this early. I think they stop over to rest and let it warm up a bit before migrating farther North. Maybe this little guy will make it all the way up to you . I like putting the feeders out early so they stop in every year. . The major bulk of the humming birds will start showing up around the middle of May. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  4. Nothing wrong with just burgers. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  5. Speedy recovery. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  6. First customer of the year. . Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  7. Very nice. Now I remember - you live in FL not to far from my sister's house. I might be willing sometime to visit for a day or two and get some flag stones laid down. My 14' x 14' area was really just one days work even though I split it over 2 days. My sister is planning to visit this summer but I usually go to her house once a year. Maybe early fall this year. I'll let you know. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  8. If I'm not mistaken the side tables come with hooks that attach at the KK bolts. Not sure if you can get them separately or not. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  9. I like the gutter idea too - that was brilliant. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  10. There does seem to be some double posting going on. Not sure if there is a lag and people are hitting the post button twice or if it's a glitch in the upgrade. I had to delete 2 double posts between yesterday and this morning. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  11. Nice herb garden Firemonkey. You got a whole lot packed in there. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  12. Awesome friend, awesome grill. Seems like with a little bit of love you'll be cooking in no time. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  13. I'm 100% tapatalk/smartphone/tablet for everything I do on the Internet. I might fire up my pc once every 2 months. . Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  14. It's happening to me to. I get notifications for any thread that is posted in and I'm not subscribed to anything. I should only be getting notifications when someone quotes me. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  15. You did an excellent job on that fatty. I like the flavor combinations. Money shot is making my mouth water. . . Gives me an idea to do surf and Turf Pinwheels. Use your shrimp and scallops stuffing rolled up in a flank Steak then cut into slices and cooked on a CI griddle........ Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  16. ckreef

    Easter prime rib

    Tasty for sure. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  17. Looks tasty from the Bistro. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  18. They eat ham but like cschaaf said not sure they could get over pink chicken although that wouldn't stop me from trying it. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  19. Looks good although the other Reefs would probably freak over the pink looking chicken. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  20. How about a forward sear, pull the rack, spread the paste then finish it off in the 350* range. This way you're also keeping the paste from burning. I prefer the forward sear anyway. . Either way delicious looking meal. . Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  21. Butt is looking good. . I actually think it looked good siting on the flag stones but then again I'm a little partial to flag stones. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  22. Nice looking pizza. Awesome you were able to question the chef and get some dough. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  23. Very nice looking grill - welcome aboard. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  24. He's got 10.I think he should take the first 10 orders off this forum - let's face it "we" are the ones who's going to use it and show it off. . A few of us will post all over Guru spawning another KK sale or two. . Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
  25. Live in the car. Cater out of the 42" - that's my advice and I'm sticking to it. Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT
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