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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. I tried two more tests on Sunday. Lunch test was total disaster. We ate them but no way was I taking a picture. They were so ugly I was scared they would break the camera lense - LOL Shut the grill down and later in the day I reconfigured the setup. Gave it another try. Getting closer to perfection but not quite. I do have a few more tweaks I want to make and will try again next weekend at the latest.
  2. Ran the first test last night with 4 pizzas. They all tasted good. It's a sound concept but the execution needs a little tweaking. Thursday night I mixed up the dough and let it rise until doubled. I made the balls and proofed them for about 30. Lastly I stretched the dough into the pans, stacked the pans, and put them in the refrigerator. Friday night they were cooked at 500*. The two on the right were pulled out of the refrigerator and let come to room temperature for about an hour. The two on the left (with green pepper) were pulled straight from the refrigerator just prior to dressing.   This was a new dough recipe. A copycat Pizza Hut recipe. It tasted good and was easy enough to work with. The very bottom of the crust had a nice crunch and the middle was still soft and moist. I'll probably make a slightly smaller batch next time. I also need to up the temperature and get a shorter cook time. Weather to let them come to temperature first or come straight from the refrigerator is still undecided. Will probably try again Sunday. 
  3. No problems if it buckles, I won't stress about it. This pan seems like it's about 4 x's thicker in the bottom. Very excited to try this but I have 2 major cooking projects I need to get done first.
  4. New personal pan pizza pans recently posted along with new paella pan. I'm not done yet just done for the moment
  5. Nope not tonight but coming soon. This is my new paella setup. A 13" double gauge, steel paella pan and some goodies. I've never made paella before so I figured it was about time to try. I have a lot going on so it might not be for a couple of weeks but coming soon. 
  6. I knew somebody would totally understand my adventure The dough is rising as I type this. Before I go to bed I'll form some balls and let them proof. Stretch them into the pans then stack the pans in the refrigerator. Personal pan pizzas for tomorrow night's dinner. Unless they screw up which is totally possible.
  7. I already put a few more pennies in the jar after posting my last reply
  8. Wish me luck. This is something similar to what some pizza restaurants do. I'm just trying to make it easier at the time of cooking. 3 or 4 pizzas on the fly not to big of an issue. If you're going for 8-12 a much bigger issue. Besides I want to enjoy the time not working for everyone's benefit.
  9. I got my new 7", stackable Lloyd personal pan pizza pans. Five of them.  Why 7" you ask? These were bought as to go pans to be used in my Primo Oval Jr Go setup.   Why stackable you ask? Stackable pans have a little over 1" of space between pans when stacked and the top pan acts as a cover for the pan below it. The idea is to make and stretch the dough in the pan the night before or the morning of. You then stack the pans and stick them in the refrigerator or cooler. When ready to cook you pull them out let everyone dress their own lunch pizza and throw them on the grill.  Let the tests begin this weekend. I have two dough recipes to try out to begin with. Can you go straight from the refrigerator to dressing then onto the grill or do you need to let them come to room temperature first? I want these to cook in 4-5 minutes. If I have 12 pans (6 sets of 2) I should be able to roll them through the grill in 30-40 minutes total time. To me that would be acceptable. Hopefully I can get this all figured out within the next few weeks. I'll posts my tests in this thread. Once figured out I'll get a head count for my sister's house and buy some more pans. That way I can take the oval Jr and pans to her house early this summer for vacation. 
  10. Why did you all have to bring this post back up? I had forgotten all about it. This kind of cookware is right up my alley.
  11. Yea Aussie must have taken a cut out of it - LOL
  12. I don't know that looks more like 4 fingers - an oz baggie - just sayin.......
  13. I was slightly teasing. Not sure burger smoked salmon would be a good flavor - LOL - but the concept is there.
  14. @Flemming I have to ask - what's with the gasser? Son and girlfriend don't deserve lump fired burgers? J/K But not exactly. With that much real estate you could have direct cooked the burgers on one side while the salmon sucked up the indirect heat on the other side.
  15. Bummer on the pan but I sort of figured that. Good thing you can send it back. Pizzas just slide out of the no hole pan with very little if any effort. For pizzas like this I make a cooked sauce which takes care of the liquid issue. For Neopolitan style I'll do a uncooked sauce but I still squeeze out the excess liquid as best as possible. At those temps with a limited amount of sauce the water that is left will evaporate. BTW even with the issues it still looks good.
  16. Really interested to see how the ones with holes in the bottom work. I'll be watching for the cook.
  17. I agree with MacKenzie. Sounds scarier than it is and definitely start early in the day. Totally fill up the lump basket before starting (all the way to the basket handles).
  18. Great video and delicious looking ribs all around. It looked so pretty all clean and white. Keep this video because you'll never see that again until you buy a 42" Super Big Bad.
  19. Being my lazy self I left my rotisserie Motor (one grill 4pm05) permanently attached to the KK since the day I got it maybe 1 1/2 years ago. I've used it frequently during that time. It eventually started making noises which (being my lazy self) I ignored. Well the other week I went to do a rotisserie chicken and the motor wouldn't turn - big bummer. With nothing to loose I took it apart tonight. Immediately a mud dobbers nest fell out - hmmmmm. I took the motor spindle out and it was a little (very little) chewed up. I'm guessing my upper and/or lower motor spindle bearings started going bad with caused it to get a little chewed up. Not to be discouraged I broke out a metal file and smoothed things back up. I gave it a good cleaning and applied a little light machine oil to one area (seemed like it needed it). Anyway back together again and we are once again in business. Rotisserie chicken coming this weekend. Two lessons for other people. 1) don't be lazy like me. 2) if it dies out of warranty don't throw it away there maybe hope for it after all. And no I still haven't learned lesson # 1. It's back in it's rightful place installed on the 19" KK.
  20. Mine is the 12" x 2" high nesting pan with PSTK coating. The nesting pans have a slight angle on the sides which is fine and is what I would recommend for a general use pan. I am about to order five, 7" x 2" stacking pans to make personal pan pizzas for lunchtime. The stacking pans gives you 1 1/2" space between the pans when stacked. I want to build the pizzas in the pans in the morning and stack them in the refrigerator until I am ready to put them in the grill/WFO later in the day. If this works as I think it should I'll buy another 5 or 10 next time my family comes to visit. Would make cooking multiple pies easier if they were premade and ready to go. One thing to mention - these pans are built to order. When you place an order your order is put in the production que. Because of that there is a 3 or 4 week lead time before they'll arrive at the house.
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