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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Per their customer service their pans with the PSTK coating are good to 750*. Even their cookware pieces (fry pans, saute pans etc..... W/ slightly different coating) are oven safe to 700*. The dough recipe came from Deep Dish dot com. 2 hour time by the recipe but it also talks about a longer refrigerator ferment. I highly recommend that website. 400*-450*. The pan I have is 12". Two people would have a hard time eating all that in one sitting. But for 2 people it does leave leftovers for lunch the next day. They sell them in sizes from 6" - 18" in diameter.
  2. Glad you like it. It's of decent quality and fits right. But I can't really take credit. A member over on Guru that has a md Konro showed it to me.
  3. I can now see the pictures. Maybe the forum was having a moment the other night - LOL
  4. Sometimes I wing it and sometimes I plan. The cook also goes smoother when I plan it. I should plan more often. Yea Lloyd Pans has made a few sales lately
  5. I have a single angle gadget similar to that. What you have (I think this is what @Tuckeris sayin) is a compound angle gadget. Gadget - A very technical term for very simple technology.
  6. Looks fantastic. You riding my coat tails makes us both look better Great pizza. Love the crumb. I need to do a full on cheese pizza soon.
  7. Like everyone said, great video! I definitely liked the over the house maneuver.
  8. ckreef


    So the question stands - where do you live and will you custom roast and ship overnight? That's really hard core.
  9. Unfortunately I do not. I do think those pictures were loaded directly into the forum so not sure why they no longer show. Sorry.
  10. Thank you everyone I appreciate the compliments. The timeline was sort of critical because I didn't want to eat dinner in the middle of the night. Before I started I came up with a work flow (in my mind) that would get everything accomplished without rushing. I stuck to my work flow and pulled it off in the anticipated 3 hours.  Critical to that time line was properly managing that baking stone. It's 7/8" thick and takes a good while to heat up.  That Chicago pan doesn't look all that big in pictures but it's huge for 2 people especially being as thick as this pizza was. Sunday we ate half the pizza. Normally I would take the leftovers to work on Monday. Since we had a full half pizza left we figured we would eat it Monday night. I brushed ghee all over the crust (bottom, sides, and rim). Threw some more mozzarella on top along with some pepperoni, popped it in the (dare I say) oven. Awesome leftovers. Note that pan I used to reheat it is my Lloyd's 10"x14" grandma pan.
  11. This adventure started at 5 pm and I only had 2 hours heat up time. The WFO would have taken another hour or so and definitely would have taken more work.
  12. I am a huge fan of the Lloyd Pans. If you get one you won't be sorry. I like them so much I'm going to buy their cookware set sometime in the near future.
  13. Wasn't much effort. Most of the effort was 12 oz curls while the dough rose and the KK came to temp.
  14. Sunday cooked a late brunch on the outdoor griddle. French toast stuffed with sweet cheese and Lingonberries, bacon, and hash browns. After brunch we drove my son back to college. On the way home I got thinking. We didn’t have anything planned for dinner and if we were willing to eat a little late I could squeeze a Chicago Deep Dish in for dinner. I should have all the ingredients at home and it will give me a chance to try out my new Lloyd Chicago Deep Dish Pan. When we got home first thing I did was mix up the dough since it would need a 2 hour rise. I then went outside and fired up my 19" Komodo Kamado to get that up to 400*. Back inside to lightly brown some Italian sausage and make a homemade pizza sauce using San Marzano tomatoes. After an hour the KK was crusin steady at 400* so I put my Komodo Kamado baking stone in. It's a big fat baking stone and I knew that would take about an hour to come up to temperature. At the 2 hour mark the dough was looking right so I went outside to check the temperature. 408* at the dome and the baking stone at 391*. Close enough, time to build the pie. Also note while the inside is basically 400* the outside a mild *112.  I went for a traditional Chicago Deep Dish Pizza. Stretched the dough up the sides, Mozzarella cheese and the Italian sausage. I normally use sliced mozzarella but I didn't have any so I went with what I had. Shredded mozzarella will have to do. Lastly I added the sauce and sprinkled on some parmesan cheese. About 40 minutes later it's looking right. I brought it inside and let it rest for a few minutes. It slide right out of the pan without any effort. I really like Lloyd Pans. Bottom of the crust browned perfectly. Ooey, goey, yummy on the inside - LOL A spur of the moment decision turned out spot on. Total time, 3 hours from start to finish. Dinner was at 8 pm.
  15. The only beef ribs worth buying are at a butcher shop about a 75 minute drive away. I have no problem with the ride but you either get there before 9 am on a Saturday or you wait in an hour line. To top that off when ever I go there the cuts look so good I drop 2 or 3 bills.
  16. We're patiently waiting
  17. Ribs looking good. I like your kiln drying wood. They talk about doing that in Wood Fired Ovens. After you're done using the oven you remove all the coals then load it full of wood and shut it down. You then use that wood for your next burn. I probably should try that. If I get my oven fully heat soaked and cooled down a little it'll still be around 120* 24 hours later and that's with 40* nighttime temps.
  18. You do realize that as kids we had no choice and somehow liked it. As adults we carefully read the packages to make sure it never passes our lips ever again. My son is lucky - I knew better before he was born. He's never had the privalage.
  19. I've done that before but you only get a limited amount of smoke. The cold/hot smoker will keep the smoke coming for hours on end with very little if any tweaking.
  20. Strangely enough I have potato nails and use them in larger potatoes. Your concept is a decent idea. The potato nails are aluminum which I believe is a better conductor of heat compared to SS. The problem with potato nails for your suggested use is they are just not that long and you would want maybe 1 inch sticking out of the butt which would reduce their length even more.
  21. The little guy is hanging out for a few days before he continues towards your house @MacKenzie. Hummingbird wings are surprisingly loud. I was on the porch with my back towards one of the feeders (20' away) when I heard him zoom up to the feeder behind me. Dinner was basically ready so I didn't get a picture and these early spring birds only stick around for a few days before moving on.
  22. That's what I said to myself but sure enough one came by last night looking for the feeders. I loaded up the feeders. We'll see what happens.
  23. A couple of weeks ago I thought the customers were going to come early this year. One showed up a few minutes ago. I scrambled to serve up a sweet treat. Hopefully he'll come back tonight or tomorrow. I'll try and get a picture. This is the earliest ever - global warming at its finest -
  24. I'm desperately trying to ignore this thread but for some reason I keep right on reading. Death by espresso? That would be when Mrs skreef killed me after I spent that much on an espresso setup. I barely survived the WFO purchase - LOL
  25. BTW I have plenty of guns. People kill people. It takes a person to pull the trigger......... Political rant over and out......
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