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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Very nice. That should be a useful accessory.
  2. Creamy Dill Chicken. I decided to run the wood fired oven differently today. Normally I run the fire on the left side and cook on the right side. Today I ran the fire in the back and cooked in the front towards the door. For cooks like this it gives you a bit more temperature control. If you need more heat push the pan farther inside towards the fire. Less heat pull it out towards the front.  I started with a loaf of bread. Not my best but not bad just the same.   I pan seared 2 semi flattened chicken breasts in a carbon steel pan. You can just barely see the foiled carrots in there to the left.  After I pulled the chicken I cooked down some onions and tomatoes. There is the new carrots now uncovered.   Once the onions and tomatoes were ready I added the creamy Dill sauce and let it cook down a bit (at around 450* it didn't take long). A really crappy money shot (very disappointed with this picture), but it tasted awesome. 
  3. The main tube should be angled towards the KK. I have only ever used pellets and I've never had a problem. I lite it in the side holes with a MAPP torch. Although you would think the going through the lit pellets adds a bunch of oxygen, it really doesn't as the burning pellets uses up most of the available oxygen going in from the air pump.
  4. Link didn't post. Please repost the link as this is definitely something I'm interested in
  5. @Flemming just curious would it be possible to attach rain gutters to the gazebo without a lot of modification?
  6. She did a really good job with that one. It was delicious. She did forget the spring form wraps. They are specially designed cloth strips you soak in water and wrap around the spring form pan before you put it in the grill. Helps keep the sides from darkening up so much.
  7. @MacKenzie that is some seriously good looking bread. Here is what my sweetie (Mrs skreef for the new members) made me for a valantines desert. Baked in the 19" KK. Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake Brownie mix in the bottom of a spring form pan with cheesecake mix on top. Cooked it together at the same time. Topped with a fresh strawberry compote and a bit of white chocolate. Brownie bottom cheesecake will be our goto cheesecake from here on. I'm a chocoholic and brownie and cheesecake just go so well together. A brilliant idea she thought up when the local Piggly Wiggly didn't have the cookie crust she was looking for.
  8. I really like the gazebo especially the way it top vents. How big is it? You got me thinking........ Mrs skreef better watch out - LOL
  9. Very interested to see the gazebo completion.
  10. While we are talking about old Coca-Cola items........ I had a small wall area in the game room that would fit an old vintage Coca-Cola thermometer. Every one I came across was in rusty crappy condition for $75 - $100. One day I was at a small, private, Coca-Cola advertising museum. Very small museum in an antique mall - just a museum, nothing for sale. I got talking to the museum owner complimenting him on his Coca-Cola advertising collection and what I was trying to find for my game room. He then sold me this early 1950's Coca-Cola thermometer in great condition for $35. Very little rust or wear but the thermometer is cracked. Fortunately you can buy a replacement thermometer for a few dollars on the web. You just never know what you can find if you look carefully and talk to the right person.
  11. The sign may not be original to the cooler but from the pictures the sign itself looks old. If the sign is original the sign itself would be worth way more than what you paid for the whole thing. Yea I've done a bit of searching for antique Coca Cola items and they are definitely not cheap.
  12. I love those skewers. Why do they stop selling items that actually work compared to all the gimics that live on forever?
  13. The desert is my Sweets For Your Sweetie - Valantines 2019 Challenge entry on the Guru. Won't win but sure tasted good and will go in my personal cook book.
  14. You won't be disappointed with the purchase especially since you got that fantastic BARGAIN
  15. Surf and Turf on the Konro. This is my preferred method for steak kabobs. Start by cooking your steaks low-n-slow until an IT of 110*.     Let them cool. Trim the edges, cube them, then marinade them a bit.  Steak kabobs and small dwell in the shell lobster Tails ready to go. Meanwhile I had some green beans going on the KK. A few on grill shots. Done this way the steak kabobs end up a nice md rare with just the right amount of char. With Baked Apples a la mode for desert. 
  16. I hate to say it but those are some pretty anemic looking burgers. Suffer through it. Happy wife sometimes means miserable life
  17. Yea I've gotten some crate art. Still have the board laying around the shed and I posted about it somewhere on here. I also have some original @Aussie Ora art. Just waiting for Chris to become famous
  18. Great pictures. This will be fun following along.
  19. ckreef


    Yea I like that pot
  20. ckreef


    Tasty looking sandwich.
  21. Mrs skreef was drooling. She's ready to give a quad a try. We move to Australia....... She's out on the road....... I'm over at Aussie's poping a local brew and cooking on the KK
  22. LOL - I was talking about the broccoli
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