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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. I got my fingers crossed. LOL Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
  2. I'll just stick to normal pizza dough, thank you. Yea I got the wooden spoon across my back side when I was young. As far as food allergies - the only thing that messes me up is large amounts of ginger. I can cook with it but I have to be careful going to a Japanese restaurant with pickled ginger dipping sauce. It's a real bummer because I love ginger.
  3. I logged back onto tapatalk and replied to your message.
  4. Great picture. My guess is they were filming with a HD video camera and pulled the frame from the video.
  5. I have yet to locate those really thin wrappers. Will have to look harder.
  6. Nice - Yea that's a bit of a hill.
  7. I too like most of his videos. I could skip the lighting and setting the vents but I'm not his intended audience either. In general Kamado Guru (and John) has done a good job promoting kamado cooking in general. There are a few of us on this forum that wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his forum. I might not have ever bought a kamado except I found Kamado Guru in my research. I think he went about the smoke pot a little wrong but I gloss over a lot of what gets posted anyway. It's just not all that.
  8. I've cooked just about everything you can imagine but I rarely cook for large crowds so I don't have the type of picture you're looking for.
  9. I like the American burgers from Australia. I mean if you don't use Australian seasoning how else does one eat a true American burger? LOL - just don't follow the directions on the package or you'll be eating American meatloaf.
  10. All of that is awesome. You're going to love it.
  11. You outdid yourself with that cook Aussie - fantastic.
  12. I don't know what's up with that but I took care of the extras.
  13. Mrs skreef was watching that video so I ended up wasting more of my life watching it again. He said he was going to pound the dough with his left hand. I thought he was going to break out a kitchen mallet and pound the dough. Or at the least throw it back and fourth between his hands. No pounding just stretching. A self described "foodie". As a "foodie" if that's the best you can do with pizza ..........
  14. LOL - now that put that way - made the video worth watching.
  15. I think I'd have to spring for that just to see. Then you would know if you wanted to try some of the other classes.
  16. Got to ask - how much for how long?
  17. I'm not even going to read it. I have a smoke pot and use it on occasion. When it gets heated up properly it works good. I still want to get a cold smoker and try that.
  18. ckreef


    Pan seared some crab cakes (Phillip's Crab House) in my homemade ghee last night. Definitely gave them a nice buttery crust. Dang they were good.
  19. I'd be willing if it wasn't crazy expensive. Even if it's a basic class I'm sure I would learn a thing or two and you usually get to eat what you cook.
  20. OMG - I guess if your pizza restaurant of choice is Chuckie Cheese - LOL On the rare occasions that I eat pizza out I'll only go to 2 maybe 3 different places and they make serious Artisan pies. These forum members make serious pies. Maybe I'm just a pizza snob. Anyway he got the basic stretching idea right but the rest of the video - no comment. And handfuls and handfuls of semolina, what was the man thinking.
  21. Looks good even if it doesn't sound good - LOL
  22. Great looking pie. Glad you liked the tutorial. My favorite thin crust.
  23. Congratulations, it'll be one of the longest weeks of your life but so worth it in the end. Can't wait to see it in it's new home.
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