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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Here are some more sneek peeks.. We're just casting the first one with the new insulation tomorrow.. Here are some more sneek peeks..
  2. In following my mission statement and driven by an unyielding desire to build the best that is possible, I set out to make a list of what I'd change if I was to start from ground up and build a new Gen II. These were features that in hind sight or from customer feedback were found to not be as good as they could be. Changes/Upgrades: 1.) A lower rear Stainless spine not only the one over the hinge. 2.) To improve the ease of installing the rear stainless cover. 3.) More room between the main and lower grill and enough room for the heat deflector and new larger drip pan to fit under both the lower grill and an 8" EZQ cradle with a big bird in in it. 4.) To change the shape and size of the charcoal basket to give more airflow resulting in more even burn patterns and better airflow for high temp searing. 5.) A digitally milled interlocking lip. The original interlocking lip was milled in my woodworking factory in MDF which in hindsight lacked the rigidity needed for the mold making process. The back right side did not completely fit the upper half perfectly. 6) During inevitable expansion from very high temps the grout could not move with the cooker which created cracks that opened while hot and closed when cold. Some customers needed to fill expansion cracks with silicone which could handle the movement and temperature. This just was not acceptable. The problem with expansion was most noticeable in the textured cookers which eventually led to me discontinuing building them. For almost two years, I scoured the internet and tried numerous products that either were unable to handle the high temps or were impossible/difficult to work with. Many of the materials were NASA and military spin offs and ridiculously expensive. Including the one that I finally went with. Last summer I started testing an elastomeric industrial insulation that incorporates nano ceramic spheres created in a high temp vacuum.. It is marketed as an outdoor spray on insulation for reducing heat loss as well as OSHA rated protection from exposed high temp pipes (designed to be used as an insulation for the space station/shuttle. A 385ºf high temp steam pipe can be sprayed with 1.5mm of this material and you can grab the pipe with your bare hand and not be burned. It not only wears great but drastically improves the cookers performance buy reflecting heat waves back into the cooker. I'm also now using it as an adhesive to attach my most current production. The magic is in it's being elastic and does not crack or tear when the cooker expands from high temps. It's not been announced to the public yet as not to kill sales of cookers in stock although All cookers shipped since last December have been grouted with it and all current Gen 2.2 OTB's tiles are attached with it. The grout problem was KOmodos last Achilles heel. Both the lip of the Gen II and new 19.5 OTB were CNC milled with a .15mm tolerance. The two cookers actually do not need gaskets to prevent them from leaking only to cushion the two halves when the cookers is closed. I have also changed the design of the two layers using a ribbed design that adds strength to the cooker and has more of the insulating material which now is made with aero foam cement equipment to make them lighter and have a higher R value. New larger Gen 2.2 baskets on left, previous Gen II basket on right. I'd like to note that Gen II's can easily burn 25 hours on a well packed bowl of charcoal.. The 2.2 with it's larger capacity, better airflow, better insulation and the new insulation holding on the tiles and being used as grout will set low and slow records. New round Gen 2.2 firebox on left.. This shot shows the new heights of the grills, new firebox and charcoal basket CNC milled master for the 2.2 mold Yes, I can sleep better and night now..
  3. Hey I've never cooked with a bone in! Hey the only thing I've ever cooked with bones are lamb legs and ribs.. That's the danger with having great common sense. In my mind bones are dense and solid.. I thought they have to lay around for years in the dessert to become porous and insulating.. Oh well.. if you only told me up front you have wimpy lightweight bones..
  4. Thermal Conduction - Bone in more Juicy! Sorry guys I'm going to have to toss in my 2¢ here.. Conduction: Heat travels through a solid/dense materials fastest. Therefore the bone will absorb and transmit heat to the inside of your meat cooking it from within. Just as sticking a large nail into a potato will reduce it's cooking time. So leave that bone in your meat.. It will get it to your target temps quicker which means that it will also loose less moisture. Bone in = hot faster, results juicier!
  5. Argh.. Has it been another year already? This time around, I think I'm feeling a lil' bit like an adult. Must be having the kid and all. No party, I'm going to keep quiet until my 50th in two years..
  6. Re: Steaking my claim NOthing like the 3/8" rods to hold heat for branding your steaks.. Nice marks FM.. Thanks for the Pics..
  7. Re: perfect application for using coconut extruded charcoal. You know the rules... PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN Wise Guy.. 383 grams Nice sweet smell 12 grams or 3.2% Sent some to Doug already and he got similar results.. This is the exact same factory and the same quality CoConut charcoal that was shipped by RJ and KAmado in 2003. (I have all the documents, so there can be no denying it) Labels on the boxes and the boxes are being loaded this week. I printed those labels last June and it took me a year to get through all the BS with RJ's old supplier (also a kink).. Now I'm dealing directly with the factory..
  8. Re: WOW! That was HOT! It should be able to be re-calibrated.. It's a LT225R 5" stem Don't walk away takes on a whole new meaning at 1,200ºf
  9. Cut me I still bleed Apple juice! Picked up a new app in December.. VMware Fusion I can have a Windows XP window open on my OSX desktop and use both at the same time.. Intel powered Macs kill all arguments.. They are the best of both worlds and just a bit more.. But like everything in the Best of the Best category, You pay a bit more too. I threw out 96,500 foreign language files in 756 folders totaling 1.46 gig off my hard drive yesterday... Any MAC users want to know how, write me..
  10. perfect application for using coconut extruded charcoal.. This is a perfect application for using coconut extruded charcoal.. Weight it, light it, time it.. Next burn will be the same. My container is being boxed right now.. 74% Fixed carbon - 3.4% ash
  11. KOmodo's nitrogen injectors Now you have not heard about KOmodo's nitrogen injectors to cool your beans quickly.. One short blast will instantly cool ya beans..
  12. Re: You're teasing those of us who can't use a roti/EZQue!! Of course! and Guru ready. It will be a smaller Gen II.. but it's really pretty big. Much bigger than I thought it would be when I drew it on my Mac..
  13. So it burns out in X hours and then cools.
  14. Re: I hear an idea in the making That's the ticket. "a powered/air type dispenser".. with a small bead.
  15. It's fine, although for bars, bathrooms and kitchens I recommend using silicone in the groove part of the tongue and groove. This creates a barrier to prevent spills from getting under the flooring and creating odors..
  16. New Peek... 3/8" Main Grill The 3/8" looks really beefy in the smaller body.. I'll I said was, SAH-WEET!
  17. Strips of wood I'll get some shots to make understanding easier but basically there are strips of wood countersunk and screwed to the bottom of the table that fit down into the stainless folding assembly. These fit snugly and click into the assembly.
  18. Any shape or material side table. Thank you.. I'm sorry I don't understand the "no changes in that area of the KK in future models?" question.. Are you referring to the side accessory plates? I like the wood also but the folding stainless table support could hold any shape or material side table. So if someone wanted a tiled one that's very do-able also. The table is designed so you can remove the table, take it to the kitchen.. fill with meat and carry it back out and insert it into the table support assembly.
  19. I sent three Gen II's to a resort in St Lucia and the warehouse made a mistake and sent two cobalt blue and one mottled grey instead of three blues.. So now I have this grey Gen II in a Lake Wales FL warehouse.. I really need to get it out if that warehouse.. Anybody in the South want to save a few hundred in trucking? GEN II Ultimate OTB Warm Mottled Grey JRE 320 w/ matching dark grout KKGENII-G84 (w/optional Gas burner)
  20. How does this look? Yes, it has officially been recognized as the worlds longest gestation for an accessory but you gotta admit it is finally KOmodo quality.
  21. Homemade Thai Sea Horse Whiskey I actually drank Sea Horse Whiskey with my brother in law just because he handed me the bottle on New Years and I was not about to be squeamish or even hesitate. It did have a "special bite" that was either from being total rotgut home made whiskey or the 10 sea horses in the bottle.. Been there, done that.. worse than eating the worm in the bottom of a mescal bottle.
  22. More than you wanted or cared to read.. Mr Bradbury thought it was the temp that books would self ignite and the combustion would be self supporting.. i.e. bring it to that temperature and it will spontaneously ignite. I don't think this is necessarily the exact temp.. too many different types of paper But Fahrenheit 451 sounds better than 232.778° Celsius, 910.67° Rankine, 186.222° Réaumur or 505.928 Kelvin It's also the temp of bakers used to call a "Quick Oven"
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