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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: What to do with knobs and latches? Hi Will, My apologies, your Email arrived and was opened and subsequently fell thru the cracks while I was rushing around on my brief trip to the States last month. I usually try to mark with a flag all inquiries like yours but I do drop the ball sometimes. My hypothesis is that you have one of the cookers where we dropped the fire-basket below the firebox to bring it closer to the flames of the gas burner.The the unintended result was extremely high temps under the firebox which result in the screw holding the teak knob on getting sooo hot it chars and destroys the knob. Solution: Next week when I get back to Surabaya, I'm going to weld up some stainless inserts that will hold the charcoal above the level of the bottom of the firebox. I will send these out with new knobs that have dense acrylic inserts that can handle much more heat than the wood can..
  2. Re: Fastest and definitely most fun way to light your charco I've been to the parts of Asia you frequent, a cheap-o hair dryer over there and you can probably just wrap the cord around some unlit coals and it'll be a blazing inferno in minutes! Yup, 220-240V has a lot more punch! Much less fun to get hit here, can make your arm hurt for a good while.
  3. Fastest and definitely most fun way to light your charcoal.. Outside of my children and fishing, I'm pretty impatient.. This definitely applies to lighting charcoal. My favorite accessory is a cheapo hair drier.. Think of it as a powered bellows. When you light part of one or two small pieces and then hit it with the hairdryer it immediately glows bright red and ignites all the charcoal around it.. Within minutes you have a raging inferno.. This is also great for when you have a low and slow cook and want to quickly raise the temps without waiting for nature to take its course when adjusting the drafts. Trust me you will love using a lil hairdryer or a big one for that matter..
  4. stone tiled 19.5" OTB in ready stock in CA right now. BTW I now have a stone tiled 19.5" OTB in ready stock in CA right now. $2680 - Special introductory price $2,500 17% smaller but costs 23% less.. Still fattening though!
  5. Here's a peek at the first new bevy of 19.5 OTBs that will go out next week. They are not all grouted or do they even have their stainless installed but I'm back at work and it's time to get some movement on the forum.. BTW I now have a stone tiled 19.5" OTB in ready stock in CA right now. $2680 - Special introductory price $2,500
  6. This used to be a common occurrence.. My wife would wake up after having a dream where I was let's say more mischievous than usual and she would be furious with me! Nothing like getting in trouble for something you did not do.. Almost makes one want to go out and get in trouble to even the stacked deck...
  7. Re: Back home.. That's why they make benedryl. Saved more than one jet lagged night for me, that's for sure. In my early dad days.. someone recommended Benadryl/Diphenhydramine as a sleep aid but when I Googled it I found recommendations against as well as well as warnings against for kids under 12. There are not a lot of adult medications that one can give to a 3 year old. Just as Ritalin (an amphetamine) calms children, Antihistamines can cause excitability, go figure.. What did we al do P.M.? (pre-Google;-)
  8. Back home.. I'm back home but been sleeping much too much and have never felt jet lag like this especially going west. One catches up a little more than one hour per day so I had not caught up before I turned around and came back which has turned out to be tough. Isla was a champ but of course it's tough to explain to a 3 year old why she feels awake at 1 am. Tough to get her to lay down and try to sleep when she says "But daddy I'm not tired" Her great grandparents and grandmother were very happy to see her. The reunion was great, although it's split about 50-50 between people you immediately recognize and ones that even while looking at their name tag and photo of them when they were 17-18 still could not see them in the face before you.. A few surprises but pretty much what I expected. Laguna beach is the smallest public high school in So CA and I know everyone in my class (208) relatively well. Old flames... yes a few, if I was single, only 3 or 4 ladies would show up on my radar these days.. I won the came the farthest award, of course..
  9. To ease all fears.. the new bracket and larger shafts eliminate these problems.. Jackie had a pretty much isolated problem where the socket was improperly machined..
  10. Re: Stonger brackets? I have been shipping with a larger gauge bracket for some time now. I believe that I've sent out new shafts to all Email requests I've received.
  11. Not the quality of the meat that dictates searing or low It's not the quality of the meat that dictates searing or low and slow, it's the cut. Groups of muscle that don't get much use don't have the inedible gristle and connective tissue that melts and turns to collagen during low and slow cooks.. I don't care what the quality of a brisket or chuck is, you are going to cook it low and slow.. The worst tenderloin will still and always be seared and cooked as a steak.. It's does not have the nasty gristle that needs to be melted in a L&S. The best Q'er will produce better Q with high quality produce.. He can produce tasty Q with lower quality produce but the better quality will win. When I took the Chris Lilly competition class he told wild stories of contestants before large competitions going to huge meat packing places and fondling meat for hours to get the perfect pieces..
  12. Ramadan is winding up.. Right now I don't have a definite ship date.. waiting for some additional grout/insulation to clear customs and I just recieved a few new orders.. They are working just not full day.. working afternoons without food or water in the heat just don't work..
  13. With the move, all my unfinished business and my son in a new school I decided against bring the family to the States as I had planned the end of this month. But the more I thought about it the more I realized I did not want to miss my 30th high school reunion in Laguna Beach. So last minute, I bought a ticket and even later (3 days before) I bought a ticket for Isla my now almost 3 year old daughter. Yup, just daddy and Isla flew last Wednesday night into LA. Dropped in and stayed with my 96 and 94 year old grandparents, they were more than pleased to see me and my lil' one. Let me tell you nothing like having a lil girl sleep 8 hours in your lap to make you sore. The new 747-400 seats were a nightmare.. some genius design/engineer team (NOT) came up with the less than brilliant plan to make the back of the chair solid and have the seat slouch/slide forward.. the end result is that your hips move forward, you drop a bit but you don't lean back at all.. Great because you don't have the seat in front of you in your face but terrible because you don't really take any weight off your neck. Ok enough bitching about the plane but it make the 22 hours traveling less than comfortable. I'm in Corona del Mar with my momma who is having a great time with Isla, I've been going to multiple reunion activities.. I'll be in the States until Wednesday night.. gotta cook a tri tip while over here. I'm having a great time showing off my little girl..
  14. Looks great to me.. Looks great to me.. I've always found that it's easier to lick the sauce of paper plates!
  15. hurting me! Ahh your actually hurting me! Looks better than great.. Serious porn.
  16. Heylo LarryR.. welcome to the forum Heylo LarryR.. Welcome to the forum, we actually have no problem with your posting past cooks.. I'd love to see those wagyu tri tips.. I discovered Tri Tips last summer or was it now two summers ago.. When ever they are my favorite cut. I'm So CA born and raised, relocated to Indonesia in June of "89. Just moved to Bali.. Looking forward to that Q porn as we call it here.. Once again welcome to the forum.
  17. I have inquiries from both Australia and Germany right now and am looking for people who would like to get in on the group clearance. I'm looking for some people to split customs entry fees in Germany as we did in June. In Australia we will be piggybacking furniture container shipments to all three east coast areas, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. Drop me an email if you're interested in getting in on any of these shipments..
  18. Had to go back and pick up the last two.. Had to go back and pick up the last two.. These two were not the same quality as the first ones but the price was still right. Same routine, but only salt and ground fresh pepper. Added some grilled bell peppers and greens.. No complaints this time either.. Pretty in Pink
  19. I knew that KOmodos were efficient, I had gone about 30 hours on a cook before. But this recent cook by a KK owner with a Gen 2.2 shows KOmodos are in a league of their own. One bowl KOmodo Sustainable Coconut Charcoal.. The new charcoal basket holds alot of charcoal..The boxes are 22 lbs so this must be at least 16.5 lbs. It held exactly 3 rows out of the 4 rows in the box. Guru set at 225ºf 12 Hours 26 Hours @ 225º (Actually, the last couple hours it was jacked it up to 250 to finish some ribs.) 36 Hours 48 Hours 62 Hours.. This is just moving into the freaky area. Over 62hrs and not the first blip...no restarts...no poking around. Guru has controlled this baby the entire time at 225º 66.5 Hours, You can just barely see a difference over the last four and a half hours. It was given it a quick stir for the first time as there were a couple of piece of charcoal hanging up near the top. 72 Hours 72 Hours Stirred 85 Hours before the temp dropped below 220. It ran at 225 or higher the whole time. Plenty of ash but it was 16.5 lbs or more of charcoal to begin with.
  20. Delegate.. I think if you can capitalize on your knowledge with something you have a passion for so much the better. At first, you would have to be very hands on but after that if you have someone else doing the work and you basically tasting it as it goes out and counting the $$ It sounds like a win win.. I'm thinking of setting up some KK's in restaurants here in Bali.. or selling frozen vacumme packed Q in specialty stores here.. Lots of great pork here!
  21. Please send me an Email Please send me an Email and I'll send you each an online invoice so you can purchase safely with a credit card.
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