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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. It all helps.. Thank you VERY BIG! It all helps.. Thank you VERY BIG!
  2. Carpe Diem! She would not ever get near me.. Almost would not talk to me after I ate the second one back at the village! Carpe Diem!
  3. When I put up the new site I ignorantly changed some things that affected my Google rankings.. Big case of live and learn... I'm trying to rebuild Komodos web presence.. I'd really appreciate any mention of Komodo without sounding like spam on any blogs, forums or sites in general.. with web address a big plus. These are called Backlinks and are very important for google rankings.. Those with Facebook accounts may want to join the new KK group. Komodo Kamado Refractory Cookers (BBQs) There is another one that I'm trying to get erased.. This is the correct one. And for those of you who actually Twitt on Twitter I'm going to try to give that a run also.. http://twitter.com/KomodoKamado Thanks for your help..
  4. Eating A bivalve ShipWorm (mollusk) This is probably too much for the average person who actually cooks their meat.. But when asked why I did not post this here I had not answer so here goes.. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DfJS6WN2GSW8&h=16ba7 http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAHcHNoOyv5I&h=16ba7 Bizarre Foods Got Nothing on me Baby!
  5. Re: coal vs. charcoal and high heat The primary development goal for the KK Gen II OTB was to use the best methods of fabrication and the highest quality materials and to overbuild everything. That way it will last longer than it's owners.. Over kill to last forever. The refractory hot face is designed for blast furnaces and rated to run at 2,200ºf But that is in a very different configuration which can easily accept the expansion created at these high temps.. Komodos have a lot of metal in them that do just fine at traditional cooking temperatures but can cause issues at high temps.. We try to channel the movement into expansion cuts but nature does not always cooperate.. There is a difference between spiking up to 800º for 5-10 minutes of searing and taking it up to 800º for hours.. The first problem is that the acrylic insulation that uses nano ceramic spheres is very efficient and will hold in a lot of heat.. This heat will eventually exceed the 530º peak operating temperature of the material.. Another potential problem is that repeated opening and closing of the lid exposes the food grade gasket to more high temp airflow than is probably long range good for it.. It is ok to 530º and has almost no exposure when the top is closed and latched.. Komodos are NOT designed to run at high grilling temps for long periods of time with the top open.. best to keep the lid closed as much as possible. So I guess the answer is yes and no.. If you want to cook a few pizzas every now and then and then choke it back down fine... If you want to bake more than a few pizzas or bake them all day long for a party absolutely not. I think you will find that on the top shelf you will brown everything but the thinest pizzas before the inside toppings and thick crusts are cooked.. I always thought that 700º was the ideal temp until I tried 600-650 for 2 more minutes and have found that to be the magic temp for a KK with a thick KK baking stone.. I think you will find that 800º is great for cajun blackened pizzas..
  6. Going back thru and reading some old posts, I found FM's request for a hot grill hanger.. How's this look guys? One Grill hung.. Two grills hung.. Three grills hung.. (Note the fit and finish of the rod ends on the grills;-)
  7. Re: Week of Thai Classes I think that eating Thai food has somewhat ruined my love for a lot of western food.. It's just not stimulating enough literally.. As most of you know, there are actually taste buds assigned to the four basic flavors.. Salty, Sweet, Acid and Spicy (heat) In the west we try to cover two with Sweet and Sour but int he west one usually overpowers the other.. not much skill in the balancing.. With many Thai dishes they use all four in perfect balance and so with every bite you have ALL of your taste buds firing.. Much more basic stimulation regardless of the flavor.. Maximum Oral Stimulation! (let's leave that alone;-) After living and eating with a Thai for years.. Many simple western dishes like poached this or that with creme sauce just are boring... Where's the oomph? In Thailand, the standard condiment tray has all four.. Fish sauce for salt, plain sugar, vinegar with chilies and dried chili for heat.. These are sprinkled over dishes to adjust or boost flavor.. Sai is great at tasting something and then adding the condiments to balance.. Sounds easy but it's an art form.. Most westerners go to Thailand and can't eat the local food because it's soo spicy.. The problem is that they don't understand how to eat it.. Most Thais can not afford to only eat meat and vegetables.. about 85% of the meal is rice.. The spice meat and vegetables need to give flavor to all this rice.. If you eat them without mixing with rice of course it blows your socks off.. Since you can't tell Americans how to eat your food the Thai restaurants they tone the food waay down so us ignorant Americans can enjoy it.. Same flavors just designed to be eaten differently.. Hotel and tourist food there is the same thing.. In fact they won't serve a westerner (farang) "real hot for Thai" food even if they ask for it.. I need to say I want the dish with let's say 8-10 chilies.. or for "real hot" I'll get one. And they will still bring it with 3-4 some of the time..
  8. It was all ribs in the tupperware, on the lower level and in the rear of the upper. I just realized that I had those four chicken legs in the fridge too so they got the same treatment.. The Ribs were from the local market and they always look like they were cut with an outboard motor..
  9. Thai Pork Ribs Top right to left Finely chopped Cilantro Thin sliced small red onion Thin sliced garlic Lower Right to left Thin sliced lemon grass (only the inside) Thin sliced Lime leaf Finely chopped ginger Finely chopped Italian Basil 8+ heaping tablespoons or more Mae Pranom brand - Chili in Oil Used for Tom Yum 30% sugar 15% salt 10% oil 9% Onion 9% Garlic 9% Dried Chili 9% Dried Shrimp 6% Tamarind 3% Shrimp Paste Refrigerate over night Cooked at about 280º until tender.. You eat everything.. awesome flavor.. As good as ANY ribs I've ever eaten..
  10. Isn't that cilantro? BTW, looks great. Love to see more Thai recipes on the forum! Ooops yes.. corrected up above...
  11. Stuffed Thai Chicken Fresh Dill Fresh Cilantro leaves Fresh Lime leaves Fresh Lemon grass Fresh Italian Basil - (Not in this photo) Small onions Garlic Ginger Coriander seeds Sea salt Thai Dark Sweet Soy Sauce and Black Soy Sauce You can see the basil leaves in this shot Grind up the smalls with the mortar and pedestal Mix them up and stuff them into the chickens Wire them closed Put them in a zip lock bag and refrigerate overnight.. Put a chunk of apple wood in a cast iron pot with three holes drilled in the bottom and seal the lid with a flour and water gasket.. Settle the pot directly over the hottest part of the fire.. As you can see they were very moist and full of flavor.. This was soo good we made it two weekends in a row...
  12. Stuffed Thai Chicken Fresh Dill Fresh Coriander leaves Fresh Lime leaves Fresh Lemon grass Fresh Italian Basil - (Not in this photo) Small onions Garlic Ginger Coriander seeds Sea salt Thai Dark Sweet Soy Sauce and Black Soy Sauce You can see the basil leaves in this shot Grind up the smalls with the mortar and pedestal Mix them up and stuff them into the chickens Wire them closed Put them in a zip lock bag and refrigerate overnight.. Put a chunk of apple wood in a cast iron pot with three holes drilled in the bottom and seal the lid with a flour and water gasket.. Settle the pot directly over the hottest part of the fire.. As you can see they were very moist and full of flavor.. This was soo good we made it two weekends in a row...
  13. Re: Once I'm thru my smoke I cook at 235º and above only.. Simply to accelerate the cooking process and maybe melt out some fat which there can be a lot of..
  14. Cymbals are easy squeezey Cymbals are easy squeezey as my 5 year old Isla would say.. They are round and simple.. Probably made on a lathe over a mandrel. On the other hand the OTB shape is complex and needs to be an exact size so it will fit into the mold base and line up with the lower.. It takes a master to do it correctly.. Many pieces are first welded together and then heated and hammered to shape..
  15. onegrill now has a 220v 50hz motor Joe at onegrill just wrote and said he now has a 220v 50hz motor. Please confirm rotation before you order.. You want it to turn ccw (counter clock wise) if you were looking at the square drive--which would be CW looking at the back.
  16. More additions to the Food Porn gallery.. Please also always post your sliced meat in the post.. I'm always looking for more additions to the KK website's galleries.. You can be the first Pastor to contribute to the Food Porn Gallery..
  17. Once I'm thru my smoke I cook at 235º and above only..
  18. Re: Hey Dennis, have you ever figured out..... You would also save a fortune by not having to ship the cookers over here. But, even then, I can't imagine the numbers would come close to working. 160 hours per cooker? Wow. The shipping runs about 10% of the cost.. so not actually a factor.. That's 160 not including the hours for the CNC cut, folded and tig welded stainless that's outsourced. When I first saw the hour figure it was 140 and I insisted it must be wrong or people were fudging on the piecework times to get more money.. But I've personally watched and done a time study on every process and every component and the numbers add up correctly.. That 160 also does not include the hours of the 3 managers who keep busy also.. Can't argue with results..
  19. Sai has actually graduated to Rare Tri Tip! Sai has actually graduated to Rare Tri Tip! And loving it.. secret is in the reverse sear giving a uniform, more firm texture to the meat and much less bloody juice. When I brought it up "after" she had been eating it for a week, she said I had tricked her into liking it! Trick worked.. she's still eating it. I now always keep a tupperware full of thin sliced Tri Tip for snacking, salads and my staple roast beef sandwiches...
  20. Happiness does impart better flavors! I'm confidant that food would taste better on a hand hammered Komodo.. We had about 6 different people say they could and fail miserably.. We heard about this old guy but he lives in the middle of nowhere about 6 hours from the factory and can not be motivated to move to the big city.. so he sits in his lil' shop and fixes old pots. He said with the spike in copper prices nobody ever orders copper pots from him. Making this top took three trips and the edge does not line up with the lip of the KK. I recently asked my office to look for a new craftsman restart the ball rolling..
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