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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Here is something that we've all talked about so here are some shots of our first rough draft of the Roti Drip pan with drain tube. It will permit direct cooking and fat/oil collection. I think it will all go up in smoke so I'm playing with a drain tube.
  2. I've always wanted to produce a 17" Baking stone that would fill the upper grill from handle to handle. Problem was that all the stainless serving trays that were that large in diameter were also too deep or had to much flair which made the stone have a thin upper lip that would be fragile. So I finally just had the mold made up self. It won't ship in a stainless tray that can be used as a heat shield but will have much more surface area.. Yo8u will need to protect the stone from moisture and put it in early to make sure you don't heat shock it. Tests show that 1" think is just right. I'm still lovin' that smooth to a mirror finish we get on them. Here is a shot of the new big boy.. ;)
  3. Factors? my bets on the bird being brined.. I don't have experience cooking on a Kamado type grill anywhere else than Indonesia so I have nothing to compare it to. But I'd place my bets on the bird being brined.. My common sense tells me added moisture would conduct heat more efficiently and speed up cooking times.
  4. Re: Got my KK - ready to cook - questions Most KK users do use the drip pan on top of the heat deflector or on the lower grill if you want to save the drippings.
  5. Re: Largest turkey for the roti I'm told this is a 16-17lb Turkey.. And it looks like there is still plenty of space for more birdy. :| n66664
  6. Re: Cookie's Monster Arrives In Singapore Absolutely but let me share my 2cents on why.. As you know we have different designated taste buds for each of the four flavor groups, sweet, sour, salty, and heat/spicy. Western foods generally focus on just one at a time.. with most dishes being salt or sugar dominated. We dabble poorly into two with our (usually overly sweet) sweet and sour dishes. Asian dishes, especially Thai dishes aim to hit a balanced all four.. even the standard condiments of all four of these are on every Thai table should the balance need a little adjusting. Now all of a sudden regardless of the dish or it's flavor you have 75% more taste buds firing/stimuli going on.. I believe this is why the simple western dishes just don't float our boat any more.. Whatcha think?
  7. Durian by accident. I'm halfway thru my 22nd year in Indonesia.. Came here first time 32 years ago.. Durian by accident. For years I cringed at the smell and then one night I ordered some homemade coconut ice cream at a favorite restaurant. That day they added a touch of durian.. hardly any smell, very subtle but in there. It was great.. When we talked about it, I was told about some durian ice creme in the market.It too was great.. Now for the leap.. The secret is choosing the correct ripeness.. if over ripe it's texture is disgusting and the flavor is too strong. When perfect it should have the density of firm muscle.. if hard it's plastic-ey and no flavor. The best durian in Asia is from Thailand.. today every market in Asia has this Durian Montok. It's an acquired taste for sure but once acquired it's wonderful.. The best definition of the flavor I've read is a rich custard highly flavored with almonds, but there are occasional wafts of flavor that call to mind cream cheese, onion sauce, sherry wine. During season.. I take my time looking for the perfect chunk in the market.. and when it's great.. it's amazing..
  8. Re: Roti Duck -the hot oil is of course already at fat melti I don't see how hanging it vertically would get better results than turning it in a roti cradle.. In fact, I really believe that the hot oil from the melted fat running over and self basting the skin will in turn melt more fat because the hot oil is of course already at fat melting temps..
  9. Re: Any news on the smaller cooker? Yes.. The project is rolling.. I'm keeping details private for now. I'll send you an Email.
  10. Shameless plug for my Teak Decking I've been building teak decking for a Russian customer.. It's engineered, all teak and has grain matched sawn wear panels. Comes up to 12 feet long.. IMG_1527_2.jpg[/attachment:2yyh70id] IMG_1526.jpg[/attachment:2yyh70id] IMG_1532.jpg[/attachment:2yyh70id]
  11. I have the unsold Komodos from the next container up and posted in inventory.. Finally have a few more Bronze metallics which have been MIA since last Dec. As always more pre sold than not.. only 8 out of 24 left. Click on images to see larger images.. Here they are http://goo.gl/wCEma These are all GEN 2.2 Ultimate 23" OTB on the water ETA Dec 8th
  12. Re: Cookie's Monster Arrives In Singapore Great thanks Brian.. That's the shot I was hoping for.. Super clean.. just a touch of bling..
  13. Re: G'day Australia /Townsville Queensland Welcome Rambo.. BTW your KK's ship is ETA Brisbane Nov 22. Documents sent to broker last week..
  14. Re: Roti Duck I just found that the smoke point of both duck and chicken fat is 375º I'm guessing that if one kept the cook at 365º the oil could still be ok even down low in the charcoal basket.. But the best solution might be a tube that goes out the Guru inducer tube and drains into a container.. Is that worth thinking about?
  15. Re: Ok, so we have a new look... How we doing.. everybody centered? Anything else that needs adjusting or adding? Thanks in advance for your feedback..
  16. Re: Rookie about to be called up Great.. glad it's almost completed it's voyage.. I'll give you a call to walk you thru your maiden cook..
  17. Re: Another NY Strip As delicious as that looks... It would have some amazing sandwiches! Killing me.. Great job..
  18. Re: Not much cooking going on Do you have any Mexican food places in the Northeast? Fish tacos are actually a staple along the west coast..
  19. Re: Roti Duck - narow V shaped fat/drip container I think I need to design a special narow V shaped fat/drip container to use with the rotisserie.. It will sit down low, be narrow enough to be able to cook pretty much direct and maybe double walled to keep the oil from burning inside.
  20. Re: Anyone figured how to double seal foodsaver bags new mod I'm guessing you're the only one with one..
  21. KK lost all of it's Google rankings when the new site launched this last spring.. Long story but it's been corrected. Another issue is that I never had the word ceramic on the website but that's what everybody is searching for.. So I added a few ceramic pages to the site and started working on SEO (search engine optimization) It's been since Aug and KK went from not being listed to being on the top of "Ceramic Grills" yesterday.. Love being above Big Green Egg on Google! Google#1.jpg[/attachment:7afx249g] PS Anytime you can slip in the KK website's URL is really helpful to our search rankings..
  22. Re: Hello from Michigan! I just uploaded this 2.3mb file so I don't think there is a 500k ceiling n66637
  23. Re: Hello from Michigan! A fast easy way to resize images from iPhoto is to highlight/choose the image then click on the Email button down below on the right.. then select "Medium" ..this creates an image that is 480 x 645 and 140k. it will put the reduced image into an email doc. This image can then be dragged onto your desktop and uploaded to the forum. I will see if I can get the forum to resize the images..
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