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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: where is the spell check? I could not find it in the buttons in the Styles buttons.. I'll see if I can find one.. but I'm assuming that your browser has one unless you are on a cell phone..
  2. Re: Hello from Michigan! I would appreciate it if everyone uploaded their images into the forum from your desktop. This new forum makes it very easy to do. This way if any of the accounts at the image hosting sites get changed or die we will have the image in/on "our" KK server
  3. Re: Lost and Found Welcome back from here too!
  4. Re: Sanny.. Yeah! So happy to see you back posting.. Please do your best not to disappear for soo long again.. You must have been waiting for the new forum.. Welcome home!
  5. Re: New to the forum Welcome to the forum.. Did you happen to get a shot of your KK on that big off road fork lift? Don't think we have one yet.. Either way.. Glad you're here. Please always feel free to give me a call should you have any questions or problems. Dennis
  6. Re: Ok, so we have a new look... HiLo Wayne.. When I'm too lazy to find or just can't find my reading glasses I often just zoom in on the window in my browser which results in the same loosing everything to the left of "Ko" and the screen can't be adjusted to the left to view it. I'm sure this is correctable.. Thanks for the heads up..
  7. Re: OTB as a bread oven?!? Thanks Cozy.. I think that Komodos are really under utilized for baking bread and pizza.. I hope one day this will be a market for Komodos.. If anyone has photos of bread or will be baking bread please remember to take shots of the bread "in" your KK.
  8. "view unread posts" Could you be needing glasses? Or a new pair.. May I recommend you seeing an Opthamologist once a year? "view unread posts" has been on top of every page since last night!
  9. Re: Ok, so we have a new look... Once we work out which apps are best for the different operating systems, we can put them all up. Although I bleed Mac.. I don't have an iPhone because I want/need a qwerty keyboard in a work phone. Now that I have an Ipad, I'm using my HTC for more of my on the road, in the car online work.. I just googled sending sms/text messages from my ipad and it looks like this might now be possible.. http://goo.gl/JEoo so I might not need qwerty on my phone now..
  10. Re: Say Goodbye to this Red forum Corrected..now goes to your's truly..
  11. Here's the new "KK Ceramic Forum" If you have any problems with this new forum please let me know.. If you know of any features from a phpbb forum that you would like please let me know.. This is the newest version 3.0.7 of phpbb. Two of the features I really like is the desktop to forum image loaded.. anysize image is reduced for the post and you can click on the image to open it to fill window.. fast and easy.. I never liked all the image hosting posts.. ;) Lil' Isla inside a Lil' Isla 19.5" Don't you just love her feet showing with the polish..
  12. Say Goodbye to this Red forum.. It has served us well but we're moving on. Late night tonight we might be down for a little bit when we go live with the new forum.. You are going to love it's new capabilities.. Direct loading of photos from your computer to post is just one of the new features.. You tube too..
  13. Because of this the textured are not built.. I've probably removed them to prevent people from wanting to order them.. They were problematic as well as too much work. To get the seams from the molds filled and block sanded takes two guys about a week.. The new material would work but be expensive and a massive headache.. Because of this the textured are not built..
  14. Low temp control.. Joe, Great cook but would you please share the techniques you used to maintain these low temps.. I've played around trying to maintain your 140º and it's not easy.. Photos of the set up would be all that much better.. Thanks for boldly going where no charcoal cook has gone before..
  15. Re: I recently took delivery I love to hear that my customers are very happy and of course love the Kudos! Welcome to the forum
  16. Heylo Jack.. I just tried to call you.. left my cell on your cell voice mail. Please feel free to call. Whenever I read that temps varied I know that the person was trying to adjust the airflow/temps before the KK became fully heat soaked. If you can't shut off your coals you probably missed the note about the latch having two positions.. If the temps are high and you can't get them down, you probably heat soaked the body at a high temp and it is holding it..
  17. Re: World Spice - Ingredients, Ingredients, Ingredients... I'm a huge fan of this .6% method and will never cook without a scale again. I use a gram scale that makes things very easy.. Thanks Syzy...
  18. Re: Cris Lilly and American Royal Yes he will.. Now that he has the Kingsford branded KK.. I believe they bring it to all his appearances..
  19. Keep them as our standard go to sliced meat.. Looks so good.. I've cooked up about 15 Tri's in the last two months.. Keep them as our standard go to sliced meat in the fridge.. Great to drop into a bowl of Udon noodles too.. I just pulled another wanna be (Indonesian) Wagyū Tri out of the freezer..
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