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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. . Time to throw a shrimp on a Komodo Kamado! With the fall of the US dollar against the Aussie dollar, KK sales have taken off. These sales have given us the opportunity to iron out the wrinkles in the custom clearance and port fee charges.. I pay for all shipping cost to port AU and the customers pay for custom clearance, duty, local port fees and delivery. To make it cost effective we need to pool customers and ship at least 4 at a time. We've shipped now to all three East coast ports and have one down in Tasmania also. In this Australia forum, I will set up a private forum where people interested in getting a KK can post to organize shipments to each port so the local delivery charges are minimal. Just PM me and I'll sign you up to the AU area.
  2. Just wanted to let it be known the December 8th's Container has Cleared Customs and will be picked up and brought to the warehouse on Monday or Tuesday depending on what they can handle. They will be leaving the sold KKs on the loading dock to go out immediately. I'm very pleased with the sales this container 18 out of 24 pre-sold. Also pleased we speed thru Customs and the Homeland boys ensuring everybody will have their KKs before Christmas.
  3. Re: Buying a used KK Hi, I'm happy to tell you about the KK you're interested in buying. Please track down the build number which is on a stainless tag inside the KK on the back wall hinge bolt about 4" above the firebox or the name of the original owner. I can tell you the history of the different designs what was changed and why. If it's really 7 years old it has very little in common with today's Gen 2.2 but will still outperform all other ceramic grills on the market..
  4. TMI- Charcoal Well yes and no.. but sorta kinda.. Generally lump charcoal is wood that is heated in an oxygen free environment to remove most of the volatiles. The remaining material is charcoal. If you burn wood (heat it) is off-gasses.. creating flame.. when that flame burns out, that's charcoal less the nasty tasting part.. but still full of the nice flavor. Put it out at this point and you have great charcoal. If you have properly carbonized oak charcoal it's exactly same as the wood burned to this point.. Problem is to be safe and ensure no flames and acrid flavors, most charcoal makers over cook a bit.. result less flavor and harder to light. When you add smoking wood, same thing. You want to let if off-gass and the flame burn out.. at this point the smoke is that nasty dark grey-ish color and acrid.. it even burns you eyes.. once it's gone the smoke will turn to a blue-ish color.. that's what you want your meat to bath in.. The cast iron pots with wood in them force the volatiles down thru the hot coals where they can be re-burned and be cleaned up a bit more.. sorta an afterburner. When an organic material is heated the volatiles turn to gas and ignite.. With lump charcoal there is a fine line between under carbonized where the charcoal actually off gasses like wood and this gas burns in a flame.. Under carbonized charcoal like this will give off acrid flavors and nasty grey smoke.. If you over carbonize you burn off too much of the volatiles, you will get a flavorless burn that is very hard to light.. In most lump charcoal the smalls are usually over carbonized and the larges pieces less or a bit Under carbonized.. That's why the best charcoal is all the same size pieces..that way they can cook it uniformly.. That's also why Kingsford can consistently produce such a uniform product.. Like it or not, every bag will be exactly the same. With their new competition type (100% wood), I'm guessing it's a good thing although I've never tried it. Of course they don't have it here in Bali. Done my home work for the Komodo Charcoal that's in the works..
  5. Re: Tri-Tip to die for.. I've been doing a Tri Tip almost once a week.. We eat some of them hot but most of it gets sliced up and in the fridge as our go to beef for salads and sandwiches.. Still love this cut. Leave out a few hours to ensure it's really room temp all the way thru.. I grind up with a Mortar and Pestle the fresh dried parsley from World Spice in Seattle..with 0.6% coarse sea salt by weigh and a pinch of garlic. Fresh ground pepper to cover. I rub down the meat first with just a little olive oiley to get things to stick and better sears.. KK about 350 to 400º not important.. Put in indirect with the upper grill turned over tall handles up with drip pan on it.. Meat on the main grill, some small guava and coffee (wood) chunks. Cool until Guru tells me 130º but more importantly it feels a just lil bit firm.. Pull off and remove the main grill and drip pan.. Spray them with water to protect the dog who will lick anything! Hit the charcoal with my cheapo hair drier to get to sear temps almost immediately.. When the dome reads over 600º it's well over 800º the 1-2" over the now raging inferno. 30 seconds on both sides.. Sometimes I'll turn them 45º to get cross hatching.. depends how relaxed (read lazy) I'm feeling.. Is this a beauty or what? Click on the image to see the larger image and that famous TriTip grain ;)
  6. Re: Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details Ronnie_Suburban! You do have to admin it looks amazing on that plate! Beef Ribs
  7. Re: Cucumber Water In the heat, in the cold.. It's 5 o'clock somewhere!
  8. Re: Coffee Here's the post.. These are amazing.. Get good beans, use your Thermapen to dial in temps.. leave the water a bit longer than the 10 first and them 20second count and Voila... amazing smooth coffee.. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2963&p=27795&hilit=Aeropress#p27795
  9. Re: BBQ.About.com, Ultimate Grills, Best of the Best list Just wanted to update this post.. All Komodos now come with the Guru tube installed from the factory.. Tap out the plug of insulation and it's ready to go. Just plug in the fan nozzle.
  10. Re: Hello to all Welcome Dwane, Thanks for joining us here.. Look forward to your posts.
  11. Re: Wire Brush Accident What were the symptoms? Or did she see the dog eat the scrapings and see the metal?
  12. Re: Help - Do I trim these ribs? Some of the markets here in Indo cut their ribs like that but the problem I've found is that between that top flap of meat and the rib meat is a thick layer of fat. I've cooked them like that and while flavorful, eating that 1/4" layer of fat can be a bit much after a few ribs.. I now cut it off roll it in rub and cook them with the ribs.. since they are thin, they cook much faster so you can pull them early and have a little snack/taste before your ribs are ready..
  13. I was just told this joke by a customer and just had to share it.. A woman meets with her doctor about her scheduled breast augmentation procedure. The doctor shows her different size implants and asks her what size she wants and give her a recommendation. She decides that she needs to discuss this with her husband and goes home. She goes home has a long talk with her husband.. Now she goes back and tells the doctor her husband decided they were getting a Komodo Kamado instead!
  14. Re: First Cook Looks great.. Talk about an awesome smoke ring. Serving that plate should make any Texan proud..
  15. Re: New Forum Feature Poll Glad I asked and changed it! Thanks all..
  16. I'm still undecided how to set the grey accordion feature on this forum. When the forum first went live clicking on a category bar's text would open that category in a new window.. DJ and I thought this was irritating so that feature was removed. Other's wrote me and said they liked the forum open so you could see all the content/categories like before. So when the forum home page first opens would you prefer it to have only the top category open and the all the other categories closed in the accordion or All the categories open and the page really long like it is now
  17. Re: Got my KK - ready to cook - questions The difference was the other guy was cooking big fat filled pork butts without a drip pan.. and it was not creosote, it was fat build up.
  18. Re: Rough draft of the Roti Drip pan The tube was my production guys idea.. I wanted to make the double walled version.. When my new roti motor gets here I'll give it a spin.. with and without the tube..
  19. a palette of their "Competition" briquettes.. I'd call those folks at Kingsford and tell them you need a palette of their "Competition" briquettes.. Mention yo8u want to post photos of you cooking on it and need their charcoal..
  20. More forum changes.. I changed the forum so that all the accordion bars are open when you log in and if you click on their text it does NOT open on another page now.. I also upped the size of the thumbnails to 300 pixels..
  21. Re: Quick Wrap Fruitcake for our GI's Please don't take this wrong.. But do many people actually like and eat fruitcake? I don't think I've ever been able to eat more than one bite of fruitcake.. especially the Candied citron used in them is really tough for me.. Not big on the really dark sweet one saturated with liqueurs too.. I always thought I was maybe a couple of generations late for this delicacy.. And while my family always received them as gifts at Christmas, I never saw one opened or eaten, only saw them sitting in the fridge for months until they turned to rock and were tossed.. I think I even remember a friend sending out fruitcakes as a joke one year.. Was this just what happened in So. CA or is this most of the forums experience with fruitcakes.. They must be an acquired taste like durian..
  22. Re: New to forum from AU Damn Tony.. That's a BIG chunk of pork! Love it..
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