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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Those are two very tasty looking pizzas, Smokydave.
  2. Smokydave, the turkey looks delicious.
  3. Now, that is a cook to remember and retell knowing you are not alone. Yes, the butt will pretty much always do a stall around that temp.
  4. ROFL, thanks, but I sure would enjoy a fine meal there. [emoji4][emoji4][emoji9]
  5. While I am on the cranberry kick here are this morning cranberry orange lemon muffins. Just out of the oven. Preparing for the taste test. Ready, set, go.
  6. No, it doesn't taste like black pepper, it is hot and has a clove like taste.
  7. Exactly as Tony, said, I do get a hint of clove when doing a finger test, wet your finger, dip it into some ground crack and taste.
  8. I just check and Canadians only get 10% off also + 50% of the cost of Meater for postage. Guess I'll wait for the block.:)
  9. Tony, you have to move to Nova Scotia, where you will learn the finer details of life. You cannot have a hot chicken sandwich without peas, no way.
  10. Lots of leftover chicken, just what I wanted. I always look forward to chicken pie and a hot chicken sandwich after doing a chicken roast.
  11. It certainly is looking very good from here and the good news is you accomplished the feat. Next time will be better.You know the rule, "Never give up."
  12. Looks like we are all going to Rob's for dinner. [emoji4]
  13. Maybe the thermometer is reading the cold from the turkey???? One must win, never give up. LOL I hope the beer helped.
  14. You are going to be thrilled with this cooker.
  15. Bruce, what a picture perfect you and your daughter cooked. Fantastic colour.
  16. Happy USA Thanksgiving. Enjoy all those very fine eats and stay safe. Pequod, that turkey is looking beautiful.
  17. ColoradoRick, I would be inclined to raise the temp. 350F or more, that's my 2 cents.
  18. MacKenzie

    KK #3!

    Would it be fun to cook looking at that view.
  19. Welcome to the KK family. It seems that you have been cooking up a storm and I expect the results are impressive as all get out.
  20. I can see we are going to be teased right to the very end.
  21. Very nice job on that fish, Erik.
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