I've cut a 3.25 pound in half and it is now marinating for the next 24 hours.
The marinade is made from vinegar, olive oil, vegetable oil, garlic, parsley, back pepper, paprika and salt. If it turns out I'll write up the recipe if not I'll just eat it.
Here we are looking down into the bag with the marinating chicken.
24 hours later and the chicken is on the grill to brown the skin side.
The recipes said to put the skin side down in a cast iron pan and weight it down to help darken the skin but why would I do this when I have Pebbles;) I used the CI pan to weight the chicken down and put some almost cooked veggies in the bottom of the pan instead of using a rack as suggested.
Looks pretty anemic but just wait...
As I attempted to remove the half pieces the sparks flew-
Ready to serve.