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Everything posted by bosco

  1. nice looking plate of wings poochie!!!
  2. nice cook!! What do you use to cook the fries on the grill?? I have used cast skillet in past, but struggle with temps to get the fries just right
  3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ouch Robert!!
  4. Great now I am back to thinking of my grills lol
  5. I switched back to red meat for my kids. My oldest son was watching the way that I was eating and wasn't eating me either. I was starting to get low iron counts after so many years and figured that it was time.
  6. LOL maybe in the spring a 16" but camera battery for now
  7. can't wait for the first cook with them!!!
  8. I was vegetarian for 19 years... however, I still ate chicken and fish. I have been back on red meat and pork for about 4 years now. I love red meat, however, pork is a love hate for me. My dad however, is a machine with pork. He loves my ribs and I am more than happy to cook for him whenever I can as to spend more time with him!! My mom loves it, because she doesn't need to cook lol
  9. I know right... I couldn't believe it, first time ever!! It was a really fun cook I purchase a special tray to cook the lamb skewers. It prevents the ends of the skewer from burning. Very cool!!!
  10. Oh wow, thats a lot bigger than I assumed!!! Awesome and thanks for doing that for me tony
  11. those look really delicious !!! I would crush some... I have fallen for lamb
  12. curious if anyone can answer this. I assume the " size of these grills are from side to side. So this is a 23", what would be the front to back size ? I assume a tad smaller??? I love the size of this grill.... perfect for all of my needs and some
  13. something about the oil they use.. makes the best fries I have ever had!!!
  14. speeds are reverted back to 14/4 dial up buddy!! chip wagon, fry truck?? Locally we have converted food truck/stands that are permanent structures in a set area throughout the city. They make the best fried... everything. fish and chips are great and the fresh hand cut fries are out of this world!!!
  15. bosco


    those look fantastic!!
  16. thanks. I am not a huge ribs guy, so chicken is always a great combo with ribs or me
  17. Now that is something special!!
  18. Beauty cook tiny !!!! I did spatchcock too tonight!!
  19. yes, I can't wait for that !!!! Robert a bit....
  20. My dad wanted to stop by for dinner as my mom is away in Portugal with some friends for vacation. So... why not. Got up this morning and had two racks of sides and a nice yardbird ready for some treatment. Went outside to light the grills and this is what I see so the weather channel says no rain but it sure looked like it... Moving forward lets start with the ribs John Henry's Peach rub is still one of my favourites!!! cut sides to St. Louis cut and here we go Look at the moisture sucking out of these babies!!! Of course I will use my favourite wood chunks. Peach wood from fruita wood in texas (This was the last, ordering another 50lbs) got the grill heated to 225 for an hour and threw the wood chunks in look at these babies, honestly, I am not a huge pork guy but these are looking good close that lid up and cooked for 6 hours, spritzed a few time with apple juice and cider vinegar Still nervous about the rain, I added a little protection to the big joe loaded the Joe Jr. up with lump about 4 hours into the cook. Cooked this puppy at 375 indirect for 1 hour and 20 min. hit IT of 165 and pulled it and done pulled the ribs and let them rest for 15 min, one was sauced the other naked!!!! Hit this meal up with some fries from the chip wagon down the street Man this was a killer meal!!!
  21. does it ever!!! I can't wait to see a picture of mine before they pack them up. Do they do that or no??
  22. I knew something was up
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