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Everything posted by bosco

  1. Ok, I need to address this first... MacKenzie you are a coaster and you do not like seafood?????? What!!!!!!! That salmon looks sensational very nice cook. I think I need to be grilling my fish hotter this is a great idea. I always stay sub 400 and regret it each time. Great looking plate of food!!
  2. For the record... it was for 5 adults and 4 kids... and plenty of leftovers for Monday
  3. I feel like the earths gravitational pull has slowed down time since August 17th 2015. Ever since that date it is like seconds have become minutes, minutes became hours, hours became days, days became weeks........ Coincidentally enough August 17th 2015 was the day that I placed an order for my KKs. I wonder what has caused time to slow to an abrupt halt.... Anyone?
  4. I wish we had more to show you... fresh corn and salads. I just loved the shot so thought I would share
  5. so I did some Chicken/mango sausage, lamb spiedini, lemon pepper chicken wings and plowboy wings. Everything was delicious, sorry no finishing pics as my camera battery died. But nice shot of the meat. Had some company help crush this
  6. they look good to me... I would crush at least 2 of them no problem!!! Did you crack your pizza stone, or chip away to make it fit the KK???
  7. yeah you are right, maybe I am overthinking it. Lots to think about while I am waiting for delivery lol. I told Robert today, that I have officially stopped looking at the KK website. Each day I look, I wonder if I should change this or that. I am not going to look, I am not going to look........
  8. For now that is my intent. I love my KJs!! I am not sure what the future will hold with these two new additions. I have the room in the yard. I may actually create a bbq nook down by my pool shed and have a few down there. This is unchartered water for me so to speak. I know that these KKs will be awesome to cook on that is for sure, and will consider a 16" maybe next spring. So for right now status quo, and can't wait to get these bad boys home to Canada!!
  9. I just posted in another post... so here it is. I am looking for some direction on how this venting works. It has been confirmed that my twins will come with dual vent on the bottom and I have no idea how the top vent works. I assume that the top vent spins open and closed and obviously the more open the hotter, the more closed the cooler.... With my current daisy wheel, I can see where the holes are lined up for air flow and very easy to recreate that setting for the following cook. How do you know how far it spins etc... And what do I do with those bottom vents. One seems to be holes the other and open slot. I am looking for video or photos you have taken while cooking and any advice etc. I read a post with a chart that must have been from a user manual, however, I just don't understand it. Please educate me !!
  10. I will be looking to partner up with anyone in Ontario (preferably Southern Ontario GTA) to purchase both charcoal that you sell in the near future. Tinyfish and possibly Rak I know would be a great thing for us. I have a truck so can arrange delivery as well
  11. great advice here It is funny, I think that I know what I am doing with Kamado cooking. I have learned my grills and can set them exactly where I know that they need to be. Switching to a KK will be like learning how to cook all over again. The good news is that I have two of the same grills so the learning curve shouldn't be too bad. I have no doubt that in the near future I will be posting questions on how to set temps etc etc... Always learning
  12. With fall around the corner soups and stews increase here. Very nice cook
  13. Yes I couldn't be happier with Dennis!! A great guy and patient with my harassing ways !!
  14. That is beautiful. I do Easter and thanksgiving turkey on the BBQ and my family goes nuts. My mom usually does Christmas dinner... This year they all voted to have it at my house. So now I do three holiday dinners!! Great bird cook!!!
  15. bosco

    Howdy, All!

    Yeah perfect timing on my part giving up those tickets. My wife hitting me with... you should get that tiled Kamado you wanted almost made me pass out in excitement. It was nothing I would have ever connected the dots to
  16. bosco

    Howdy, All!

    Great advice tony!! I am already wishing that I ordered sooner
  17. Looks really good!!! I would say that you nailed it!
  18. I think once I pay my initial Purchase tonight off I will order a skid of this. There are a few Canadians on here that may be interested in splitting a case. If it is as good as everyone says I can't wait to try it!! Great looking label
  19. I better get the cameras ready for a million u boxing shots. I can't handle any bad juju
  20. bosco

    Howdy, All!

    21"!! Flat black tile All I can say is dammmmmmmn I hope you place that order... One cal to Dennis and you will joint my world of excitement and misery all in one
  21. im a little koo-koo right now I must say. I just hope that mine ship before Dennis files the restraining order on me. It will be awkward having a no contact order while waiting for the twins to get here!!! Gosh..... I'm so bloody excited. I just can't wait.... I wish that I ordered sooner lol
  22. In my neck of the woods that stands for be on look out! I like that one!!!
  23. wow that is great news!!! One step closer to home!!
  24. bosco


    My grills get lump and they get wood chunk. i don't like anything made with chemicals I once used the weber fire starters and the chemical smell was awful
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