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Bruce Pearson

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Everything posted by Bruce Pearson

  1. I'm going to use my round drip pan for a serving pan for salads or what ever I need it for. also could use the double bottom drip pan for a serving tray, good idea Dennis!
  2. thanks for all the input. I will probably keep the charcoal in the garage. If I stack it out on the patio it will take up to much room. I have a small house and even smaller covered patio. and with the KK32, The Treager grill and the Disc-it not much room. When I get my cabinet from Dennis I'll really not have much room, not that I'm complaining though I'm really looking forward to getting the cabinet. I just hope I don't have to take the fence down again to get out back and on the patio LOL. Have a Great 4th of July everybody!!!!
  3. LOL just ordered a ringer also. I'm glad I just came back from dinner after seeing all these photos I would have to go get some bbq. happy 4th yall
  4. Her is a question, when doing a low and slow do you put a pan of liquid in the KK? say water, apple juice or the like? I have been reading Franklins barbque and he says to put liquid in the smoker. I know that this is a whole different was of cooking but just curious. I haven't seen any comments about it in the forum so I'm guess it isn't necessary.
  5. nice picture. I recommend not sawing any wood with though LOL .
  6. wow eggs on a ham plate looks great! you guys are so inventive I would never have thought to use ham as a pan to fry my eggs how cool is that. Hey guys have a happy and safe 4th of July.
  7. here's a quick question is it ok to store out side, under cover on patio and maybe put a tarp over it?
  8. Yes I think you could stir fry very easy its 22in across and about 21/4 inches deep. To be honest I haven't cooked anything on it yet. I seasoned it but still haven't cooked anything yet . If you go to YouTube and look up Disc-it you'll see all kinds of videos showing people cooking things on it and recipes.
  9. I have disc-it they make great product and will custom make it for you.
  10. Hey jimbob do you live in Cali.? I have charcoal, bought a pallet and a half. The garage was full until some of the guys took some of it.
  11. Hi Izzy; I also ordered the large side motor. The smaller motor spends at 3 RPM's and the big motor spins at 2 RPM's. Don't know how that will translate in the cooking. The bracket is pretty heavy duty and I think the motor will do just fine, but like the guys say better to take it off if you are not using it. If you decide you want to leave it place my opinion is it will hang there just perfectly. I called Dennis to ask where to put the bracket and he said to mount it behind the table brackets. Mine didn't fit behind so I mounted in front of the bracket and it works fine, especially with the adjustable bracket. Your gazebo looks great, please send more pictures when its finished.
  12. Yeah!! they look very tasty and good. Pineapple, I'll have to remember that. especially since I lived in Hawaii before moving Calif. you guys are so inventive with your cooking, I have a lot to learn. Just got some 2 oz. fillets in today two to a pack. any suggestions?
  13. man the steak looks so good. I like flank steak in fact had some in my stir fry from last Friday. everything on this site looks so good. how long did the steak take to cook?
  14. Thank you MacKenzie for all the great information. I'll do my homework send pictures as I progress.
  15. Looks great! how did you get the crust? on the KK? and is that some more of your sous vide potato salad? I have a anuvo being delivered tomorrow any suggestions. how big a pot should I use? what do you think about SV a pork shoulder and finishing in the KK.
  16. Looking good! I went down the the Black bear restaurant last week to have a chicken pot pie and they don't make them anymore:-( Guess I'll have to learn to make my own, probably taste better anyway. This is a cool site, I'm learning a lot reading all the great posts. Thanks everybody.
  17. Thanks for the pictures of the chives, pretty looking plant. If you can eat the stem why not the flower also? Probably should look that up on wiki pedia. Ok here's what I found according to Iowa State University, the flowers of the chive plant are edible, They have a distinctly onion flavor. But I don't recommend trying the butterflies, they just look beautiful.
  18. Beautiful setting, and welcome
  19. A grill is not functional without charcoal. Of course the kk' are so beautiful. I told Dennis if I could get my KK into the house I would use it for a piece of art work. I love this thing and I haven't even cooked with it yet. Not all this charcoal is for me I have people coming to pick up some today in fact. And as we say here in sunny California "have a nice day"
  20. thanks I was thinking he same thing. gotta learn to use this thing without all the giggy gadgets. what is the internal temp on a pork butt when it is done? I did invest in a thermo pen.
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