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Everything posted by Pequod

  1. I recommend starting with Jim Lahey’s no knead recipe. Easy and delicious. https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/11376-no-knead-bread
  2. Sourdough or commercial yeast? And what flours do you have on hand?
  3. Wait...isn’t that how this started? Someone ate a cat??? 😯
  4. Alright...I'll just leave this right here, but with a NSFW warning:
  5. My wife went to Whole Foods here yesterday (found chicken, but no TP -- a partial win!). The checkout person told her they've been opening an hour early at 7 AM ONLY for elderly to shop first. When the doors open to the general public at 8, they see all the hoarders flood in to raid the shelves that were restocked overnight. Their response is to restock throughout the day to give others a chance. Very interesting. It's just like war. Measure: hoarders (the enemy) flood the gates at open. Countermeasure: stores keep stock low at open to deny hoarders. Anticipating the next step: Counter-Countermeasure: hoarders stop by multiple times per day to determine whether there is a pattern to restocking times. Counter by stores: randomize restocking to eliminate any detectable pattern, similar to frequency hopping radios. Could even go spread-spectrum by frequently stocking just a few items at a time. repeat repeat Soon stores will be using TP false targets -- projecting holograms of bundles of TP to attract the hoarders. Can even use TP-Gate Pull-Off techniques -- the TP hologram moves just ahead of anyone reaching for it, and gradually walks them out the door, denying them their prize.
  6. Cool! If I find you, can I take your left rear tire and swap it for an old eraser?
  7. Interestingly, there’s a run on chicken here. Can’t find chicken anywhere. Lots of beef and pork. At least folks will be eating healthy through the apocalypse.
  8. As I told my wife, no worries here. We’ve got a dog and a huge supply of these: https://www.amazon.com/PET-Counts-Unscented-Doggie-Refill/dp/B0192NCGKM/ref=zg_bs_3052413011_7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=CNNFYPJ3MBAARVCZBX9D
  9. Preparing for the apocalypse with a perfect butt.
  10. Folks don’t seem to know which way is up, or which end is affected by this virus.
  11. If you would like to try either Crowd Cow or Porter Road, I think I can generate a referral code that gives you a discount -- and probably gives me a kickback or some sort as well. Here's one for Crowd Cow that gives you $25 off: https://www.crowdcow.com/l/uodwen7du And one for Porter Road that gives you $15 off: http://rwrd.io/alyzviu
  12. I haven't. Some folks on Amazing Ribs have. I think the consensus there is that Porter Road or Crowd Cow are better bets.
  13. Fightin’ back with some CoronaTM Fish Tacos.
  14. Corona Chicken. Drumsticks seasoned with salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes. Coated with a maple sriracha sauce. Cures what ails ya.
  15. The splitter has no impact on the airflow under the basket. That is, no matter which vent the air enters from, it is all going through whichever side of the basket provides it a path up and out.
  16. I may have helped sell @BIGSHEP a KK, but now he’s got me pulling in quotes for a solar install!
  17. Blasphemy ribs! Baby backs cut into individual bones BEFORE they’re rubbed and smoked. More bark per bite!
  18. I keep wondering why Americans don’t eat more lamb. Now I know. It’s because @Basher is hoarding it.
  19. @qundoy that crumb looks excellent for a loaf with what appears to be a significant amount of whole wheat (guessing 30%?). Very nicely done! As for the extra seam, not a problem if the bread found another path to expand. That looks like a boule, so try a long, deep # pattern to give it multiple paths. But no big deal if the result is good, and it looks VERY good.
  20. Those taters just get more and more special... Six month reservations. Paywall just to see a copycat recipe. 😲
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