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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Like Zelenskyy, Joe Rogan is a comedian by nature and talent, quick thinking and opinionated . They cut to the truth and touch you in mysterious ways, however when the comedy is over they all like,.. like ourselves, a good steak rolled over easy to a soft med/rare. If not, it's always open to discussion.
  2. Troble good job, coincidentally I just made that same meal although it wasn't wagu, but "choice" I believe. In times such as this when costs are pretty high the local market was having a sale at $4.99/lb on petite sirloin steak Angus. If your familiar the Picanha just sits on the top, so I asked for the cap. A few minutes later the butcher comes out with a 8lb roast, huge. Fortunately the manager seeing this knew I ordered a cap and instructed the foreign speaking butcher to adjust the cut. A moment later I had a steak looking identical to yours @ $10.20. With a little Fleur de sel and ground pepper and an ending sear I had a steak that was remarkably tasty. The store butcher did this to me once before and rather than look for an enterpreter I took the whole piece, no room in freezer this time. The Pichana cut is phenomenal and my favorite too, however for this piece and it's associated tenderness I believe just a good fat cap melting over it is all that's necessary IMHO. $4.99/lb?, can you imagine, little things can make your day. So please, go out and have a good one.
  3. Nice job Tucker, you certainly don't want to make a mistake with that stock, measure twice and cut once. Your friend must have been smiling.
  4. Actually I wanted to have that marinade remain and not burn off so I offset them on the indirect side and let them come to temp. Grill marks on shrimp will give you a nice appearance, however that wasn't my goal this time. The shrimp will still pick up any smoke flavor and gather that good grill taste regardless. Those asparagus didn't film well, they were frozen...oh well, can't have it all.
  5. Shrimp marinated in Greek dressing, in the shell or with it off, it's good as change, tasty. This particular one has the olive oil. Crab cake, fish cake, stuffed Quahog with butter, cole slaw, Aldi asparagus and some tartar sauce.
  6. It was off to one of my favorite antique stores today with the intention of finding a cleaver, and so it happened. A 15 1/4 inch overall length, 9 inch blade approx. 4 inches at the head and 3 3/16 at the toe, it's 3/16" wide along the back having a 6.25" tang covered in wood supported by 3 brass rivets, and weighs in at 2lb 5 oz. The wooden handle for some reason was painted red, it does offer a good grip, but I haven't tried it under wet conditions. My intention is to take it to a blade smith and fix it with a modern handle, clean it up or should I remove the paint and see what the condition of the wood is like. It's carbon steel, has no apparent name I can distinguish. The straight edge razor blade was in fantastic shape and is marked Germania on the blade with a black horn handle, this blade at $20 purchased was hard to pass since it dates prior to 1900 and will fetch $75 all day. Think I'll use it to shave some chives. Would you bring this cleaver into the 21st century by dressing it up or leave it in it's old patina? Oh, it was $65, less than the going rate. I thought it was well balanced meaning all the weight was forward as it should be and felt comfortable in hand with a good sense of security. It has a FK just barely visible near the tang, could it Freddy Kreuger's blade, it does have a strange tingle to it. Nah, just kiddin.
  7. The KK was made to fit that spot all nestled up amongst the greenery with a beautiful backdrop of rolling hills. You are bound to attract some attention from your neighbors skoell, tell us what those nearby thought of your BBQ kamado. Who knows, a beauty of that sort might spread........congrats to you and best of luck on your cooking adventure. Now get a cover!
  8. Turkey looks yum, moist and ready to bed between two pieces of bread.
  9. I wish you well with your Olympic Gold grates, but alas like sex, a momentary pleasure...they will soon darken and loose their luster.
  10. I love those silvery bronze grates Pooch, stunning, but only a runner up to your butt........pork butt that is. Beauty of a color all around.
  11. All good ideas. In addition to those I pat the bird skins down with a paper towel and rub some seasoning salt on ( let air dry in frig for a bit that will help draw out some moisture as a steak would). If they're on the Roto simply stop the turning at the end to face some direct heat where you want it for a short amount of time.
  12. 2 briskets are better than one, they looked inviting, you musta been expecting a crowd Johnny? Those sandwiches will keep the kids happy Troble
  13. You know what they say Pooch, one bad apple don't make the whole tree bad. I got two sitting in the shed and I like to use them in my Santa Maria, the only thing is I find they burn out fast. Other than that I haven't experienced a bad odor. Give their customer service a call, 8 years of reliability is a lot to away on one incident.
  14. Meat you can eat, well deserved, very nice. Snow is beginning to suck, but if you look closely and monitor the change you'll notice the days are getting longer. Over the hump and riding the slope. Better days on the menu.
  15. Just for the sake of mentioning it. Have you ever seen a roofer that has to carry bundles up to the roof? Generally on his back, however once in a while I see a motorized attachment on the ladder with two arms and a number of bundles are placed on there and sent up. The weight capacity is a mystery, but it does occupy less space than a scissor jack and may be an alternative.
  16. Poochie, took a closer look at the brush and it has Kona written on the handle with a Texas steer. Ok beautiful grill, I'm jealous.............you luck dog.
  17. Lol, he couldn't break a Dolla. The long wait is over, hope you poured yourself a cold one and sat back to admire it. A thing of beauty, congrats
  18. Put the tiles on prior to the cure, I would say they have to be treated also. It's safe to cook, it doesn't affect the food while it's venting on the outside. If your referring to the basket refractory housing it will be ok to adjust to reseat them if they moved in shipping, however don't touch them afterwards, there won't be a need and they have a tendency to lock in place, attempting to readjust later could cause damage. Placing oil on wood is always advisable, it's a good thing, prevents cracking and helps to keep the wood looking good from the sun stress. Place on, let it sit for a time and wipe off the excess.
  19. You mentioned that when adding a cut of room temp meat to an already established grill the temp drop is proportional to the mass of the unit and volume of space. Placing a cold piece of meat on the same grill will give a greater heat loss, retain it's moisture longer and that is what I try to achieve without changing the settings. This allows the piece to remain in the smoke longer when smoking large pieces. Working in additional moisture as a spritz and sealing the meat with a tallow to prevent moisture loss are contributors. There is always a means to an end, it's called technique. I practice mine with the tools I have and the KK does quite a bit of the problem solving, so that I don't have to.
  20. My little Jack likes to come by when I'm watching TV and let one go unannounced, she looks at me and then runs upstair to Mom. I can only imagine.
  21. For the dogs of course, and I see you made it interesting. I do the same. Hey Bruce, good to hear from yah. You know I find take out a lot easier at times too, were anxiously waiting for you to get back in the saddle again.
  22. Always a good idea to keep a stash, it's a comfort to know there's another just behind it It started out 3-4 years ago when my neighbor had issues with the plow driver showing up late and they couldn't move until he showed. I still don't want it, it's more of a favor. I can't believe they get that much for moving snow. Anyhow, what do they say, it's beer money.
  23. here's a story about charcoal, kinda goes sideways for a while but eventually comes back on track. It all began in my neighbors driveway where for the past few years I've been cleaning out their snow. I decided this year to downsize my work load so I gave my notice and asked them to hire a plow. Well, the other night the plow man had some issues and never showed up, my neighbor was stuck. The following morning I got them out of a fix and after about an hour of hard work with the snow blower he came and delivered me an envelope. I stuck the envelope in my pocket, went home and tossed it on the bar. Generally my neighbor gives me $30 for the effort, but when I opened the envelope a few days later there was $150. I called back and said, "Hey Bobby there's too much money in this envelope". He stated, "No, it was estimated to cost that much to remove it with a plow, so I want you to have it, and if you can could, would you cover me for the remainder of the year". Now although I tried to return at least half he insisted I keep it, insisting I should have what he was going to pay the plow. My mind instantly said, "charcoal" and oh, I'll downsize next year. So it's run for the charcoal As fast as you can At this time of year The shelves could be clear It's the chance of a lifetime In a lifetime of chance And it's high time you joined In the dance, yes it's high time you joined in the dance. There were 3 bags of Wicked good charcoal, 2 bags of Fogo and 2 bags 30lb of B&B Char logs. Now Wicked Good unbeknownst to me is from Brazil, all along I thought it was from the great state of Maine. So I guess the charcoal reserves are set for a while and my basket is full. Here's to cooking with a hot fire
  24. Near Bashers house, huh. Mac, when your finished there I'll hire you to move mine, don't forget your shovel. I pay good.
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