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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. If you think your going to have a problem grab your tape measure and take down the dimensions and then take the tape with you to the store to put it to rest. I've never had an issue with any Turkey, plenty of room.
  2. Wood fiber using pressure and heat forced through holes make pellets and in so doing secrete lignin as a natural binder. Different shape, same smoke. It's all in what you prefer, having said that I still prefer the pot with a simple addition for tight fit. Apple wood chunks the other day on some salmon
  3. I found this a little ODD. Look a bit closer and focus on the price, one is $7.99/lb and the other is $5.99/lb, regardless it's what I would call sticker shock. Is this a common thing? Did it sneak up on me or you? I'd be interested if in the heartland or elsewhere this is common. Last year this wasn't the case.
  4. Thanks C6Bill, but I don't have the room, I just purchased a couple of tons of wood pellets and room is tight. I would imagine if your buying a ton the price/bag is less. Next year as the ODK expands and space becomes available. Geeecchz, I hope the CEO of Cowboy isn't a member here, you two just tore him a new one, ouch.
  5. Like BOC said 2 seem to work, however like any thing else there are variables and nothing is guaranteed. Place the first in the red coals, I usually do when I was applying this method and few scratches in the foil, small. The second was close to first, but a small distance away and place it on the top, no need to bury although I don't think it matters much. With this method experimentation and luck go hand and hand and it seems that even when your confident in the process it never plays out the same way. The smoke starts out on the whiteish side and after 5 or 10 minutes changes into your blue, depending on the wood. Practice and repetition are your ally, everyone is different and picks up on display differently, your looking for a control in this and like I said it changes from cook to cook. Oh, one other thing, I personally have always used chunks med size or however you determine medium. Good luck
  6. I just picked up a couple of 20lb bags at the local True value today Toney. That's unfortunate, but as I was leaving I asked him as is the case at these hardware stores..to order a few more with my name attached. They are complete without the errant board sometime seen in Cowboy or Frontier, a tad more costly, but worth the added expense.
  7. I was buying a S. American lump, unfortunately the price doubled. This Lump was reasonable and was of good quality so I have converted. Don't think I have thanked you C6Bill for the Mother Anna referral, had a excellent Italian dinner there, so thanks.
  8. Back around the end of May a new neighbor of mine approached me saying he was going to cut down all the trees up to the property line we shared. Well I said, It's your property Michael, you don't need my permission and so I left it as it was and traveled down to Georgia for a vacation to visit an ol friend. Now you have to understand that forest was a beautiful 150 ft buffer providing a bit of nature and the privacy we grew accustomed to enjoy for many years, not to mention it bordered my ODK area. Upon our return I reluctantly ventured out for a peak, and to my demise it appeared as if someone had dropped a bomb. Stumps and dirt were the scene before me and this vision had to change. A fence had to be built, so Table saw, planer, miter saw and such were pulled back into employment and a 7 foot wall with Viking supports was begun. A month a 1/2 later between stops at the saw mill and working the lumber it finally was erected. A funny positive came out of this whole dilemma..........I hired a Surveyor to measure our property line to ensure the fence being built wasn't encroaching on his property and so as a result we found that our other property line actually extended 15 feet beyond our backyard fence. This will be additional space for the ODK extension, not bad. While this was going on and between time I built this cabinet of the red white and blue for overflow, and of course one has to eat. These ribs had a dusting of Mississippi Grind and were basted with The Pride of Deer Camp BBQ Sauce with a touch of honey. You really should try it, great as a marinate and adds to the meat at the end. A sauce and a spice if your interested, It's Incredible is an all purpose spice from Texas and simply goes well on anything to start your base. The sauce is a balsamic cherry mix and I thought of Basher when I picked this up for a lamb finisher. You can make it yourself by reducing some ordinary balsamic a bit, then mincing in Luxardo black cherries with some of it's sauce, all for a finisher to your roasted lamb. Speaking of finishers, I came across this bag of lump at True Value, a product made in Maine. It's called Wicked Good because of the slang term alot of people use in and around the Boston area, this was an excellent all natural bag of lump, huge chunks up top and a consistent good size throughout. C6Bill keep your eyes open for this one, good quality.
  9. If you stew up in the KK as I have done in the past, I generally leave the cover off with the addition of some fruit wood chunks adding some smoke flavor to the stew. Kinda like a slow simmer in smoke. Smoking milk on it's own isn't a draw at least for me because I can't dream of an end use. Let me ask, Are the corn shuckings a contest where the most amount of corn are shucked by a team or individual and a prize given to the winner?
  10. I like that Knife Remi. Pray tell what you sliced and diced, it surely wasn't an apple. Those dimples?, give me a clue.
  11. Just can't fight it Troble, those Chickens are a KO.
  12. I won't keep you long Jeff. You mentioned the heat deflector under the deck, this gives rise to the thought of the dark stains forming on my beams above the Santa Maria. Keep that in mind down the road, this condition kinda creeps up on you. The extra height is a plus for you, but the smoke will become noticeable later . Too bad about the brassero, it would have been nice if they mentioned the change beforehand rather than it being a surprise. But, I'm glad it's all working out, they're alot of fun to use and require way more attention than other grills but as they say, Life is a journey, enjoy the trip. Well, as far as the diet thing goes, I can't help you there, but I figure it this way, "it's the reason they provide all those extra holes on your belt".
  13. Nice cook Jeff, see you and the grill are getting along "just fine". I noticed the fire of Aug 24 the roaring inferno and it made think if I did that I wouldn't have a roof left. My roof is 9-10 ft so a controlled fire with splits and lump or charcoal have to suffice until some expansion improvements come around. By the looks of it you appear to be all settled in with the pit, is it all that you expected?
  14. I like the idea, but it pushes serving the brisket into the following day and that's just too long for this hungry boy too wait. Speaking of waiting for your brisket, have you tried the Pastrami brisket, in the fridge for a week in pickling spices and etc, so good.
  15. Tyrus

    Heat Deflector

    When I find myself stuck with making a choice, and apparently we have a few choices here, I just say, "love the one your with."
  16. Sufferin succotash, that sure looks good
  17. Texas Twinkies, Sausage, and Chiken wings, what could be the compliment to Game day if not that. I really have to put that beer down and pick up the camera for a few better shots, it's a work in progress. I hope your team did better than mine,
  18. Tyrus

    Do you like Sausage?

    I would like to see it being located in a mysterious Czech village in all, but the website will have to suffice for now. Having a store that size and with it's selection nearby would certainly make it an easy destination to visit. Do you supply him the beer for his Brats?
  19. Yah, I began to make some sausage (for the first time now) with all new equipment because it entered my mind one particular day that it had to be done, you know, an itch, a desire or bucketlist, whatever. I watched a Gent on Youtube making what I thought the best recipe for me to follow, an Italian sausage with little difficulty. So it began, the blend of spices and pork butt were added to the mix, but alas some things were not in order. The pork butt was lean and one ingredient calling for Red pepper paste wasn't for miles around, although I looked desperately. I remembered there was some bacon ends hidden in the freezer and with the addition of this fat supplement everything came into balance. While at the market a bottle of Portuguese whole red peppers in a slight vinegar base substituted for the paste, once pureed, this addition required no water added to the mix. So what's this about, it was the best sausage I've had ever to be blunt,,not the best on the planet, but quite tasty. Included was a picture........well because if it ain't seen, as I'm obviously corrected...it didn't happen. Don't ya just love sausage?! Mum on the Bacon and P. Red Pepper ok
  20. Hello Poochie, I recognize the name and a bit of the past from the archives, all good of course. Yah, it's wonderful, wonderful to see you on the move again, I'm still wonder..ing how your former KK was left with your son, history. No matter, the goose is loose and your welcome never expired.
  21. Yes, very good Tucker, it sat pronged into the meat to draw your attention. If a price tag was attached to the horn it was an addition. Well, for all you that came in 2nd with your marvelous guesses I can only say your bosses at work should be proud to have you on board. I know, it was a tough guess...next time you'll do better, until next time.
  22. Picked it up at Cabella's earlier this week, one for me and one as a gift. I'll try different sauces once in a while to see if it's a winner much like scratch tickets. I liked it, tangy, a bit spicy and full of flavor. A keeper
  23. I believe this to be more vintage than antique and I would say that when your parents brought you to the Supermarket/Grocery you may have seen this yourself depending on your age of course. It's made in Italy, although that has no bearing on it's end use.
  24. The timing, temp, wrap and anticipation all sound so good, but without a pic ( and it's happened to me ) it never happened.
  25. Tonite, Kapusta, Cauliflower with cheese and bacon bits, fresh red tomatoes from the garden, a few dills with herb marinated pork & Picana M/R. It's all good in the neighborhood.
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