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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Split them to smaller pieces Wingman with a hatchet, arrange a design that allows for more air space and combustion within the sealed compartment.
  2. Tyrus

    Pulled Chuck Roast

    Got yah! That'll do the trick.
  3. Your sitting on top of the world Basher, just reversed, those pics are going to start an immigration issue. Let me ask, the 4x4's on the beach can reach places otherwise unreachable if your on foot. Are there imposing regulations to limit their search or can you carry on to explore what's around the next door? You lucky dog
  4. The KK is glistening in the pic, wonderful setting & a nice pizza, congratulations.
  5. Tyrus

    Pulled Chuck Roast

    It's a good precaution to cover the holes, but as I found with the solid pieces unnecessary. I do burn pellets in my home and actually I'm just finishing my 5th ton of those little critters from burning them in my Harmon stove. I realize from observation that within the confines of the Harmon burn pot the ash can restrict airflow, once the fuel is consumed the ash being so fine covers the holes and slows the fire. So yah, the drain net is a good idea for pellets, however wood chunks and chips maintain there form throughout the burn and I think it's something you can leave out for there application. From the pics you gave looking off your deck I didn't see many trees, maybe a lone cactus in the distance. Here in the Northeast wood is abundant, especially when a grandson has tree business to remove them, so filling a little pot or even the offset stick burner is not a concern with all kinds of smoke profiles. Think of it as fire management, think we covered the bases grasshopper.
  6. Forrest that's a handsome brick you got there, but before I take the splash I'd prefer to see what you do first. I appears to be a baking dish for a loaf of bread, having continuous heat surrounding it, that's a plus. AS it stands now it appears to be just another brick in the wall, I said appears, let's see how it works. It looks 10" x 3 1/2", a square pot....you have me hooked on the line, not sure you'll be able to reel me in.
  7. If you go and love it so much Jonj then decide to never comeback....who gets the wine cellar? Nah, you wouldn't make it 20 hrs, not after I saw that cellar. Parting would be such sweet sorrow.
  8. Tyrus

    Pulled Chuck Roast

    With the cover on it's 2 1/2 in ht x 4 1/2 in dia. It is a small pot that works for some time, you can control that by the amount and the pot is on Amazon.
  9. All I want to know is....Did you bring your knives rolled up in the leather? Reminded me of Crocodile Dundee saying, "Now this is a knife." You really have it well Basher, beautiful beaches and weather to compliment. We have some nice beaches also, but because of the cold and wind they aren't so inviting once the leaves start to fall. We know they're right where we left them and although we can't frequent them as often I find the return trip more than my small cup can hold. Nice photo, thought it was a painting at first. You better hurry back.........all the neighbors know your gone and they're in the pool.
  10. Done some time ago to house the 23, easily moved with two shelves for storage and room for another shelf
  11. Tyrus

    Pulled Chuck Roast

    Send it back, the small one is more than adequate even for a 32
  12. Looking good, I see the Truff. I might have purchased the Red bottle, they were side by side and I had them both in my hand but erred on the side of caution on this first pass...maybe next time. Expensive hot sauce, well at least at this store. I will give it a try at the first opportunity.
  13. Tyrus

    Pulled Chuck Roast

    I would say a tight seal would be more appropriate. The top lid fits into the base by approx 1/4" and is a good seal. The clamp holds the lid tightly against the base lip, there is no wiggle between the inserted lid and the base wall. All in all I find the seal to be good and judging by the length of time this little unit puts out smoke I would have to say the seal is workable. Forrest mentioned that his pot ran and produced good smoke for a long time and I would have to concur with his assessment. The smoke was slow and steady and there were no off flavors associated with the meat except it penetrated deeply, but that could have been for several reasons. The size is just right and the $16 price a no brainer. Unfortunately the pot was buried so any leakage or observation wasn't seen. In the beginning the quality of smoke was poor however it cleared and produced good smoke thereafter. Lastly I would say to you, go for it, attach the screw and wing nut and see what you get.......don't leave a good thought collecting dust on the bench. What's the worst that could happen, safety goggles. That's all she wrote
  14. Don't want to lose the Karma. I picked up these two bottles just before you made your posts. That's destiny
  15. Tyrus

    Pulled Chuck Roast

    I wanted to use the new new smoke pot and pair it with something worthy of taking some smoke. This piece of meat looking like a Tri-tip and shaped like the country of Argentina was described on it's label as a Chuck Roast Fillet cut. It was very lean and unlike any Chuck I've seen before, but I thought this being a test, it was worthy of the trial. So picking up where Forrest left off I decided to use some apple pieces 1/2"x3/4"x2" long and fit them into the small pot that I predrilled with two 1/8" holes. I placed the pot on the bottom center of my 23 and covered it completely with lump. The fire was lit on both sides of the pot and after 15-20 mins began smoking. Once established and as the temp reached 200+ the smoke turned to a more suitable color. The meat was dressed with two rubs, the first a prep rub called That's Incredible and the finisher Bovine Bold by Plow Boys. As Forrest previously stated, the smoke endured for quite some time and was sufficient to do the job...maybe too much by the result. It may have been the meat being so lean or it's thickness that contributed to the amount of smoke penetration, but after all was said and done the meat was pulled off at 1/2 the size it was placed on. It was approx 9 PM when I schredded the cut. I found it able to come apart but unlike pork that has an abundance of fat and tissue this piece pulled between a cross of chipped beef and long strands as the pic demonstrates. So all in all the pot was a success in my case and in Forrest's with I'm sure other cooks to apply it's use towards in the future. One thing worth mentioning might be was I set the beef outside on this very cold day here in New England while the KK came to temp. I believe the meats cold temp contributed to the amount of smoke absorption by allowing it to remain in the smoke for a longer period, eh maybe yes maybe no, but what I do know is that it absorbed more smoke than any piece of meat I have placed on a grill...seen through the pics
  16. It's all about presentation and if it looks good it tastes good. Funny, I just bought a bottle of that Truff, I believe made in Ca. How did it taste since I haven't cracked it open yet? Handsome chops with good company Troble
  17. Use to be people stayed up all night and tended the pit to get good BBQ. Then along came the Kamado's, pellet grills, charcoal gravity feeds and the game became much simpler. Like 5698k said, a controller makes things easier and yes you sleep better. I don't have one a then again I don't do the all night cook anymore, we plan around that now during the day. So many choices, I'm sure more Techie's will assist you so you can sleep better.
  18. Well, ain't that PRETTY. A seafood bonanza. Beautiful job, lovely tails and gorgeous tiles. (they cook the best, as we see. our secret)
  19. I do believe my KK isn't taking this news well
  20. Hey Mac, is that the cookout hideout? On the right, might that be the shadow of a bear, waking up early from his winter sleep and coming for an early visit.
  21. I feel like a political hack grabbing a line out of a comment and pulling out my own definition, but it did strike me funny, you gotta admit or simply it was simply your intention to slide that in, no matter. I bought that pot also recently, and commented to Jeffshoaf earlier that I believed he'd chosen this one because of it's smaller size. He chose the 1.6 for his own reasoning. This size drew a smile immediately upon pulling it out of the box, it will sit easily buried in the coals and can sit on top of the coals without disrupting the fire and it doesn't occupy too much of the fire basket spatially. Good choice for two holes as a beginning, you can always a add hole later, but the task in removing one is harder. If the pellets don't work out for any reason you can always buy the smaller wood chips at Bass Pro/Cabella's as an alternative, they should work well and the variety larger to choose from. I'll be watching with interest Forrest, mine will sit on the table till someone lights a fire under me....that could be you
  22. Nice place to cook I'd say. Wasn't as bad as you thought...........all done.
  23. Don't forget to feed those hands. Is the color called Blue sky, because it matches quite well
  24. Poor fella, guess we won't see him on the Tele' anymore, selling insurance.
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