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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. Hi @Forrest. I regularly use pellets in my smoke pot. I also use apple chips, made by putting apple tree branches through a chipper. As you will see from the photo below, I avoid the issue of blocking the holes by sprinkling the chips/pellets in to avoid the holes. It will be interesting to know how much wood others use. I only ever use the amount you see in the pot here and last time I thought I had over smoked the chicken that I cooked. I know that you have expressed concern about the smoke pot blocking the fire. I use it deliberately as a shield sometimes. Here it is, sitting a little high because I didn't bother fiddling with the coals underneath for this photo, in my 16TT. I put the grate over the top and it cooks just fine. The advantage of an enamel exterior is that it is easy to clean when you get around to it. Have fun experimenting!
  2. Time to deploy the cheerleaders.... I am very excited for you. I don't think I have seen a 42 in olive pebble. Looking forward to it but not as much as you are, I suspect!
  3. Hi @jeffshoaf, all part of the learning. You are like me, you have bought in bulk and so have lots of opportunities to get to the perfect steak. One of the pleasures of having a dry ager, I have found, is simply leaving a joint in the ager and cutting steaks off it when you want. You get the benefit of tasting the meat as it ages over time and the excitement of knowing that a good steak is only a knife cut away. Good luck on your next attempt.
  4. Well? What was it like? Any appreciable difference from eating the meat on arrival?
  5. Hi Paul. Here is my solution:
  6. Most of us have dishwashers for this...
  7. Sounds perfect Tony. You are really showing me the way with some of your riffs on our traditional food.
  8. Congratulations! Beautiful cobalt blue tile. Great combination, your food will taste extra good. I am looking forward to hearing how you find cooking on a KK compared to a BGE. Here's to your first cook.
  9. Wow! That was fast! My box from @Troble, overflowing with goodies, arrived today. I can't wait to try them out. Thank you soooo much.
  10. Se no, @tony b parla Google Translate. La lingua universale.
  11. Awesome @BOC. It's Official - Welcome to the KK Club!
  12. Tee hee @Tyrus. Tell us more! I've run out of space for new cookers and need to live vicariously through others.
  13. tekobo

    Wagyu Beef?

    I love Thai beef salad. Another nice thing to make is a dipping sauce with chillies, sugar, lime and fish sauce. Delish.
  14. Those tacos and bao buns look super delicious. Just perfect for a morning when I decided to resume my fast until lunchtime regime...
  15. Ooh. Thank you very much! Looking forward to some authentic goodies!
  16. tekobo

    Wagyu Beef?

    @Basher, @Bruine and @Troble, really lovely looking cooks all. And such beautiful cuts of beef. Yum!
  17. 7:30am here and VERY hungry now. Not sure where I am going to find a combo platter of lamb, ribs and chicken though!
  18. tekobo

    Wagyu Beef?

    Oooh. That looks awesome @Basher. I had not heard of the concept of "wet aging" before but it sounds like you lose less weight and surface area using this method. And it tastes good. Win win win.
  19. Hi Tony. First, apologies for patronising you with respect to the use of dried chillies. The chilli king himself? What was I thinking of?! So, annatto paste is the same as the achiote paste that @Troble recommends for the recipe that started this chain of posts. I have not tried the authentic recipe yet but will do so soon, having scored some of the paste here in the UK. I also went onto eatmybooks and found a number of recipes in my books that use the paste. I think you can search through the public elements of eatmybooks to find recipes that might be in any Mexican books that you may have. Drop me an email if you want me to check this out via my subscription if you can't do the search yourself.
  20. That looks great @tony b. I am liking your African journeys.
  21. Looks great @Troble. Yet another dish to copy from you. So far it's been a 100% hit rate on deliciousness so I have no hestitation in committing the time and chicken to this cause.
  22. Hi @GrillnBrew, when I chose the colours for my KK Dennis had a number of batches of different autumn nebula tiles for me to choose from. I spent hours poring over them and made a careful and deliberate choice for my 16 and my 23. The truth is, now that they are here, I cannot really tell the difference between the two or between any other options that I may have chosen. The colour is gorgeous and fits right in with the rest of the garden. I also think that the benefit of a tile colour like this is that you won't need to match it exactly when you get your second KK. So, in short: go for it!
  23. Hopefully this means that you won't have to put up with crappy knives in holiday homes anymore.
  24. well? Has the snow melted yet? Have you sneaked in a cook yet? Tell all!
  25. Find a salsa recipe and make it. Dried chillies are a great way to explore sauces, particularly in the winter when the fresh stuff is less available.
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