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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. I love it! You wouldn't be the person that you are without those experiences. 🤪
  2. Hmmm. I wonder, might they be cracking open your KK to cook their Christmas meal on the HMM OSLO?
  3. tekobo

    Roadside Chicken

    I tried out roadside chicken according to this recipe last night. Not pretty but very tasty. As you can see, I loaded a lot of marinade. On the chicken, the tiles and the grill.
  4. Pizza bug has hit here too. Blue cheese, egg and rocket.
  5. Freezing liquids before vacuum packing is a great work around @tony b. That sort of trick takes a while to work out. We had been regularly squashing freshly made sausage whenever we vacuum packed them fresh. Finally, after 2-3 years of sausage making, I decided to freeze them before I vacuum packed them. Simple but effective. A chamber vacuum packer need not be too expensive. Second hand commercial ones can be well priced and will generally have a lot more life left in them than you will need for domestic use.
  6. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    Hi woody. I live in the UK and so my Argentinian grill is from a UK company called Ox Grills. I took a look at the AZ BBQ outfitters grills. I like their Argentinian v shaped grate for channeling the fat away from the coals so you get fewer flare ups and would make sure that whatever you buy, you do get those grates. Others on this forum have bought Santa Maria style grills which could also have Argentinian grates. Worth tagging @Tyrus, @Tucker and @ckreef to find out where they bought theirs from and what they think of them.
  7. I know the feeling. We spent some time during lockdown just clearing stuff out of the house. I felt the need for some ease. Nice feeling.
  8. If you ever want to sous vide or vacuum pack items with liquid in then a chamber vacuum sealer might be worth investing in @Takamatsu John
  9. That looks great @Aussie Ora. A table top grill can be great fun - food closer to the fire and easy access to play with your food. What more could you ask for? A AUS$50 deal, that's what.
  10. You're right Charles. I did not, for one minute, think you had sold all your grills. What prompted the "downsizing"? Sorry to see that the 16 is not in the favoured group.
  11. Gosh, that looks like a great haul @Troble. Great that their food won't go to waste. I do hope that the income helps them stay afloat.
  12. tekobo

    Roadside Chicken

    Yeah, the "what's your point?" point was just afro British irony. Had to look up Bubba though. I am sure you and he would love lamb's kidneys. How could you not? Another really good way to do them is on a skewer over a konro. Good honest offal. Yum.
  13. Mr tekobo aka The Husband has agreed to help with the set up. That is great and I won't be bothering him with extra requests around commentary, thank you very much! A small cohort is building and @RokDok has kindly agreed to do a test run with us tomorrow. I have blocked Thursday out in my diary but I am pretty certain that means that delivery will be delayed to Friday or the following Monday. Will be pleasantly surprised if things work out to plan. Welcome to the party @jonj!
  14. Your favourite @Braai-Q and @MacKenzie endorses it too? That is enough for me. In pre-Christmas shopping cart.
  15. The reason I found them was the fact that Fergus Henderson uses their chocolate in his ice cream recipe. Going to try that out soon. In search of that perfect dark chocolate ice cream flavour that you get in Italy.
  16. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    Delicious dinner today. I used one of the rubs that @tony b sent to me: Sure Shot Sid's Gunpowder Seasoning. A winner for me. Tender rump steak, cooked on the Argentinian grill.
  17. Chocolate from these folk is truly delicious:https://pumpstreetchocolate.com I found them because of their sourdough and sea salt chocolate but have also enjoyed the rye crumb (tastes like a posh Crunchie) and The Husband loves the Eccles (a posh dairy milk with raisins in). I am not a fan of chocolate bars but I love these. One for the stocking perhaps?
  18. tekobo

    Roadside Chicken

    Errr, and your point is? Worcestershire sauce is essential for devilled lambs kidneys (only Fergus Henderson's recipe will do) and Chinese black vinegar is essential for dumplings.
  19. So. This might be a lousy idea but I am putting it out there for your thoughts. My KKs may be "devanned" on Tuesday next week and may be delivered to me on Thursday. I have a camera on a tripod and I could rig it up to share the unboxing with you, my KK friends. Time zones could be a problem as could getting the internet connection to work reliably outdoors but I thought maybe a zoom meeting that you could dial in to to see the new arrivals could be nice for those of you waiting for a KK and others who just want to be nosy. I don't want to post a public link on the forum but do direct message me if you are interested and I will update you when I know more about timing and feasibility.
  20. I used to buy different guides unitl I worked out which I most liked the recommendations from. Pre-tripadvisor I used to rely on the Time Out guides. I don't know if they still produce paper copies but my Time Out Sydney guide from 1997 remains one of my prize possessions. It guided me for food, shops and a place to live when I spent a year working in Sydney. We mostly rely on local knowledge and tripadvisor now. The latter is good because you can also get a sense of the reviewer as well as the review. We have gone to some places on the basis that a reviewer we didn't like picked out a feature that they hated and we knew we would love. As for sofas, be careful @RokDok. All the second hand Mah Jong sofas we have seen on eBay look awful. Someone was left unsupervised to pick what they wanted at will and their lack of taste shines through. The set you picked out above looks like fun. We went for the kenzo takada range to tone things down for our setting.
  21. As a wife, this made me laugh. The Husband and I have long wanted a sofa from the Roche Bobois Mah Jong range. The key feature of this range is that you mix and match different patterns. It is the definition of the absence of decision making. We got their app, picked out a load of fabrics and made up a sofa. When we looked at it in the cold light of day we realised how awful it would look and toned it all down to a range of finishes that we thought we could live with long term. So we made a decision. Sort of. We like the result.
  22. Thanks Sovs. It's great to hear that you are in love with your KK. That is no excuse for not posting though. In fact, it should be the opposite. New peeps with new insights into KK magic are what keep us all going. Pics, pics and more pix please!
  23. Yes! Dan is super reliable. He will likely be on crutches but he has promised help from Trusty Rusty and his brother. Tee hee. Yes, my ship has indeed come in. For others with deliveries to Southampton, I found this site to gave the most reliable information as the ship homed in on the port: http://www.southamptonvts.co.uk/Live_Information/Shipping_Movements_and_Cruise_Ship_Schedule/
  24. I have had such a fun day. Well, I lie. Most of the day was spent negotiating a contract but that was bookended by fun experiences. It was nice to be by the sea first thing this morning. No ship sighting but I did get to see the fenced off part of Southsea Common, made so to protect migrating Brent Geese. How they know to stop off and rest in the fenced area I don't know but I spotted a few geese nestled into the grass on my way past. We had just finished dinner with wine this evening when I saw that my ship was on the move. I hopped on my bike and rode up to the sea front. What a contrast with this morning. Aside from the lights on ships and the harbour lights, the whole area was pitch black. The Husband coached me about what to look out for - white lights at either end of the vessel and a steady green light in the middle. Nothing to see here. I think the ship had gone past by the time I got there. Looking online I see it is making its way into Southampton dock now. What an adventure! I had hoped to be able to share photographs with you but I can only share my excitement at a)getting out of the house to see sights that I often miss and b) getting an understanding of what it takes to get our stuff delivered. I was fed up with waiting for my ship to dock. Imagine what it is like to work on a container ship, hanging around for days going nowhere and then finally being admitted to port. Will wait to hear about the path through customs and onto a truck and over to me. What fun, fun, fun. Yes, @alimac23 it is a great feeling. Dan the Man who helped to offload my first two KKs bust his Achilles heel about two months ago. He will be back with his crew to help get these three unloaded. He says he wouldn't miss it for the world. Neither would I.
  25. Sooo. I was up super early and watched and waited for the ship to move on my online picture. At about 0715 I headed out because I thought the ship would have to get underway soon to make its 0800 berth at Southampton. I watched a beautiful sun rise out of medium thick fog but my ship didn't come by. In fact, 6 hours later it is still out at sea, where it has been for the last few days with its ETA still showing at 0800 this morning. Looking at the Southampton Docks list of arrivals, that record shows the MOL Treasure coming in at 2245 today. I won't be hanging around the sea front that late but I am hopeful that this means my KKs will make it to dry land today and over to me next week. Fingers crossed!
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