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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. Yay! See you at the docks in Southampton. I hope your 42 big brother KK will make friends with mine on the way over.
  2. Wouldn't that be fun? An England KK road trip. Some funky cow waiting for you here!
  3. Thanks for the context @Braai-Q. I too hate A1 for having such a lovely lunch, properly soaked in butter, while I had to shove reheated rice down quickly in between Teams meetings today. I buy your rationale. When cooking big I sometimes hit the limits, literally, with my 23 and I am looking forward to my 32 being more than adequate for my needs. I expect the 16 will be perfect for making my very own lunchtime steak sandwich. So glad to have been of assistance!
  4. Yay! Welcome. Looking forward to seeing the goat. My KKs are due to be "stuffed" in Indonesia today too so our KKs might be starting their journey to the UK together. Which port is yours coming into?
  5. Was going to call you a cissy for reverting to your IDK until I read this. Interested to know how often you fire up both your KKs. Do you find you favour one over the other?
  6. Been meaning to ask @RokDok: what colour and tile/pebble combo did you go for???
  7. I have one of these brackets and I can vouch for the ease of use. A really cool improvement.
  8. Whoa! Don't spoil the best day of the year by being scared of stuff. The manual that Dennis sends in advance is really helpful for preparing for uncrating and when you get to it you will be amazed by how much has been thought of in advance. Just take your time and enjoy it. With respect to the burn in, check with Dennis. You may not have to do it at all on a new model. Welcome!
  9. You have passed our initiation @RokDok. Influencing other KK forum members to do or buy things that they otherwise would not have is a key requirement. I have added a pizza stone for my 23 to my order.
  10. I like this kind of interesting. The unpredictability of it all and the high expectations that everyone has of steak means it is a high stakes game. It feels sooo good when you get it right.
  11. Excellent. Great that you discovered that and thanks for sharing.
  12. Hi @RokDok your KK will come with a small box of tools and spares that include a gasket. I have rarely had to open the box in over two years of ownership but it gives you good back up. I have also had orders for new stuff like the new design for the bracket for the hot-cold smoker arrive in the post from Indonesia super quick anyway.
  13. @Ron Hixon I only found out we had a mutual friend because you used your real name on the forum. I think you have now fashioned your self a new moniker. Arise, Sir Bill.
  14. Hi RD. I have not replaced any silicon seal as far as I can remember. Is there a particular post that you are referring to? He is busy selling KKs faster than he can answer the phone I think. You just need to make contact again if you want to make changes. Worth writing to the nice people in his office - Mimi and Dewi - and copying him in.
  15. I thought I had a similar problem when I first tried to use my rotisserie. I've just spent a few minutes hunting for the posts that I put up when I was trying to set up the rotisserie and in the meantime @Basher has responded. If his response sorts out your problem, all good. If you need more info and pix then see below. It was a bit of messy trial and error on my part but it does include pictures of which bits should attach where. @MacKenzie does say somewhere in the thread that she had to grind a bit off her roti rod but I think that is very unusual and you should try all other options first. Good luck!
  16. I'm with your wife and would even go a little rarer. Yum!
  17. I meant to respond to @tony b's load up with char comment. We have the same problem in the UK as you had in the US. Dennis needs to ship a whole container of char in one go and has to pass all sorts of requirements to get the load onto a ship. I am hoping that we will one day have the critical mass in the UK to make it worth Dennis' while to go to the hassle of shipping a whole container of char to us. Having said that, we are able to source coconut briquettes in the UK and I find they work really well in KKs. I too am interested in Dennis' legendary coffee char that seems to get everyone weak in the knees. I feel your pain Ron. (Sorry, I keep wanting to say doRonRonRon Ron). You cannot predict how much or how little you will end up wanting to use your KK. For my part I can confirm that the ease of lighting and use and the sheer versatility made my KKs my go-to choice for cooking meat in the winter and the summer. They were superb this summer, allowing me to cook for friends in the great outdoors while we socially distanced to avoid catching the lurgy that shall be named. YMMV. Maybe your wife will want to cook on your KK too?
  18. Oooh Ron. Does that mean you've ordered a 32? What colour? Pebble, tile?
  19. Logic is good too. One thing to remember is that you are going to need a reasonable amount of space to store all the grates and equipment that comes with your 32. You've picked a pizza stone. I didn't. Partly because I am not that good at making pizza but also because I already have two pizza steels and they are lighter to shift, heat up quicker, provide a nice leopard pattern finish to the crust and are more versatile - can use them for smashed burgers and bread and...
  20. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    I do buy books in foreign languages but restrict that game to languages that I actually speak. The Husband speaks Spanish fluently but I don't. I took the photo above so that I could find the book in English when I returned home. All that said, I have not used it much and must get into it. Lots to explore and learn and Lennox Hastie was pretty inspiring.
  21. @RokDok I only ever had the spit. It is very versatile and can be used with OctoForks. For my 32 I have ordered both the spit and the cradle. As @Braai-Q said, it is expensive to get such things shipped to the UK individually if you change your mind at a later date. Ask me in a year's time how much use I get out of each! A couple of things to note. It can be challenging to figure out how to set up the roti and you need to cut a piece that Dennis sends you to fit the gap between the motor that you choose and the KK. There are threads elsewhere on the forum illustrating roti set up. I didn't use my roti as much as I might because I found it really difficult fiddling with the sprung screws that connect the hanger that the motor sits in to the bracket on the side of the KK. That is, until I found that I was doing it all wrong and didn't need to take the hanger off each time but instead just need to leave the hanger attached to the bracket and use the play between the two to slide the motor on and then tighten the wing nuts. This video on the KK website will help you get over that hurdle, although I doubt that you are as mechanically challenged as I sometimes am.
  22. @Wilsonj, I bought a controller and in the 2.5 years that I owned my first KKs, I used it once. I just can't be bothered with all the cables. I use the MEATER to tell me about readiness and ambient temp and I rely on my KK to hold steady within a reasonably small range. My garden is pretty sheltered and others have reported greater challenges with holding temp, particularly when it is windy.
  23. That looks and sounds great @Troble. Looking forward to the result!
  24. tekobo

    Funky Old Cow

    That is very kind of you Basher. No problem there. I already had the book having bought after I spotted it on a visit to San Sebastian last year. It was inspiring, even in a language that I could not understand and so I bought it on return to the UK. Thinking about it. I don't want to risk the whole piece and so may try the painting trick on some of it, noting that it has already been hung for 6 weeks!
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