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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Mine does actually need to be drilled a bit larger. I can't get it in all the way, and have just left it about halfway.
  2. Welcome to the forum tkline01. What cha cooking on. We gonna need pics of burning meat ya know. Enjoy the forum.
  3. We got our own grill mechanic...great. Welcome. I know, I know, this is not a welcome thread...but DJ welcomed so I will to. So, where exactly is far enough away from Boston, and where exactly is the official city of the cat in the hat. (Dr. Suess is my and my daughters favorite writter by far)
  4. Yep, and he cooks on ceramics, uses his own product...that'll tell ya something huh.
  5. I already lost my solid one. I cannot figure out if I misplaced it or Chubby ate it. crap
  6. It's just better to have things simple ain't it. To many bells and whistles to break.
  7. Re: my 2 cents worth I was wanting a classic, but got an OTB because it was a scratch-n-dent return and I got a great deal on it. I have no earthly idea about the airflow deal, I'll just trust Dennis on that. But I cooked a 22 lb turkey on the KK OTB and there seemed to be plenty of room in there. What size turkey you trying to cook
  8. Yeah, I wondered why there wer no hammer marks on that thing
  9. Just don't, under any circumstance, remove the firebox, or your warranty will be void!! What do ya do with it when it splinters into a zillion pieces? Just leave it where it lays?
  10. Curly

    Air Leaks

    Re: You assuredly have never seen a REAL leak... Wow, he musta had a really weak moment...I'm surprised he didn't get you for 50k on that desire...it's happened before
  11. Yeah really, 2k of stainless. Don't underestimate the difficulty and labor to get that stainless to make those curves! If it were easy I would have had a hammered copper unit many moons ago. Maybe that's why you don't. That fella's been spending his time hammering out these Primo's...didn't have time for that single unit you ordered
  12. Mine don't really have legs...just a walker or wheel chair or some sorta aide.
  13. Yeah really, 2k of stainless.
  14. A bit of healthy skepticism is...well, a bit healthy. All of us K owners came over here with "a bit of healthy" or "a whole lot of paranoid" skepticism. I have the weird shaped KK. I have no idea if the heat actually is more even on a larger part of the grilling area than on a round grill. But I bet cha Dennis could debate you on the subject and tear ya to pieces...he has all the data on that issue, filed away in his head. But this forum is like America...not many of us are actually from here, but we still think it's a better country and wanna be here. But ya gotta contribute in order to get your green card. And contributing involves photos...we love em don't we Sanny
  15. Yeah, what he said, plus, she prolly paid a pretty penny for them slate tiles
  16. Eric, Dennis seems to be open to tiling with whatever you send him, although I'm sure even he has limits. Give him a shout after you find the style of rocks/tile/metal you want. I'm eager to see how far he'll go myself.
  17. No I didn't...but a tiled KK would be worth more than that Viking
  18. Hey cuz, next time I'm in FLower Mound (or close by) I'm stopping by for some Texas que...meet some a my kin folk. You do the same over here in South Carolina. Congrats on the extra grill space...from a #5 to a #9 is a lota extra grill ain't it? Probly almost double . I may have to bring my ma-in-law...help eat up some a them vittles
  19. I've seen them around for awhile, but never realized they were THAT MUCH. Good gravy man, what are they thinking. Someone posted a site recently that had stainless tile...that would look better.
  20. Re: Just dump light and go Almost feels like ya cheaten don't it
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