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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Tsunami Spin is great on chicken. I've only used the firewalk from the little sample packet...and now I've forgotten what it was like.
  2. Curly

    Frozen meat

    I have frozen both cooked and uncooked and have no problems with it. We buy bulk whole ribeyes and cut them up and food saver and then freeze, as well as many other items. And of course we cook several butts at a time and many racks of ribs at a time and then food saver and freeze, among many other things. I certainly don't know any science behind it, but as long as it's got the air out of it and doesn't get frost bite...I'm good. Foodsavers are great
  3. http://s40.photobucket.com/albums/e201/Pariah923/?action=view&current=Hillclim.flv
  4. Duplicate posts in moderation, are acceptable...if you are moderating them
  5. Dennis, side tables are not really important to me...just to let you know. You can take forever on them and I wouldn't notice. So, what's a side table anyways
  6. Re: Ignored What a great cook it was!. (DJ, is there a "high maintenance" emoticon somewhere...that we can use when we pamper Sanny?)
  7. It is a leg / wing holder. Lowes and Target carry them. It has the bar in the center for wings to hook into or just slide a leg on the slot. It works great. -=Jasen=- Yep, got mine at Lowes. about $5 each.
  8. Well, there is a George Forman Forum, maybe you need to head on over there buddy
  9. Looks like a Leg thingee rack. I bought 4 of them recently and they are nice. I think it's 12 legs per rack. 3 racks fit on the KK main grill. I brought some of those legs in for lunch today as a matter of fact. It's great, don't have to turn the legs this way (or wings).
  10. Re: That's hard to swallow.. but the 3/8" grills are be He just means he don't like purdy stuff anyways, so ugly is fine as long as it's serves a function.
  11. He has little people there' date=' with teeny little sweet fingers, and it would break his heart if their fingers got in there. [/quote'] I've seen the cover but somehow always figured it was cosmetics only... Makes sense to protect it from little / big fingers We are dink so...have no experience with little fingers.. Is "Dink, Dink" Aussy for something?
  12. Re: Curley--did not forget you! Hey man, I was pretty burnt up about that ya know, but I'm cool now that you gave me my own thread . But seriously, I have a wife and daughter...and am very used to being ignored, no prob
  13. Curly

    Spare Ribs

    I'm still very surprized you weren't made to destroy #9 #1 before you were sent #9 #2
  14. Well, I've been wanting to try the "Pit Beef" I've read about for years but never got around to it. I almost did the last time I bgt a sirloin tip on sale for $1.79lb, but I ended up cutting steaks outta that one. So, I saw someone on the BGE site talking about the pit beef again on thursday and it just so happened I saw that Ingles had the sirloin tip on sale again, only this time it was $1.98lb. OK, it was only.20cent more so I'm still in my happy place Well, when I checked out they rang it up for $1.51. It was about 12 or 13 lbs of sirloin there for $20 or so...not shabby at all. It's been on for about 2 hours at aroung 350ish as of this pic. I'm prolly gonna take it off around 135 or so internal and put it in a cooler for awhile and then slice it up. Here's what I ended up. Got a great flavor, I had a bunch of different rubs on it.
  15. Welcome aboard northern dude, I hope you speak better American than JD. Just kidding, just kidding, I've been told I've got something of a southern accent myself but who cares, right. Well, I hope ya get that cooker by July 4th, if not, live vicariously thru the forum. Help us out by sharing lots of pics, we live for that man
  16. Welcome to the site Primeats. I wanted to be first to welcome you since you own a "BUTCHER SHOP" and I wanted to be your friend an all What you cooking on? PorkChop lives in your state so depending on how far you are he may come over and see what's on sale
  17. Well, the bad news is, there was too much damage on the little critter, and it being so young, to merit trying to save him. But at least he got a little loving before he went for the big sleep.
  18. JD and DJ are watchin this thread carefully, I'm sure. They are very similar ya know.
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