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Everything posted by Curly

  1. Jeff, yes, the pro models and probably some of the other models can seal without the pump...very handy for the cereal and chip bags.
  2. The only vac sealers I've owned have been the Foodsaver pro 2 and about 3 years ago the pro 3. I do 25 bags in a row often enough and have never had any problem. Well, except the time the pro 2 went kaput...after about 7 years good use. I'm sure there are better ones, but this brand has always suited my needs.
  3. Re: LarryR's Cook Great pics...LOVE that crispy skin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I've never had that kinda build up either. But I'd scrape off the gasket and try some of the silicon from an auto parts...at least it's non-pourice.
  5. Isn't it good for iron poor blood or something?
  6. I use the old one that came with my K. It just drags the stuff out. It would be very easy to make something to do the same.
  7. Thank goodness you finally saw through the Candy striper
  8. Some things she only gives to special folks I'll talk to my cousin and see what he can do for ya. He's out now but has ta wear that big ugly ankle bracelet, which he claims has been a chick magnet
  9. Oh...so these ain't Johnnies Jammies
  10. I fiqured by now we'd have a big lecture from Gerard With pictures and explanations from animals he'd done the surgery on after they bout died from eating the bones. Or, as in Sanny's case, where the dog almost killed you for coming near their precious bone Funny video of dog protecting his bone from his hind leg!
  11. I brought in a half rack of ribs for lunch today. Of course I put the bones in a baggie and poured the leftover sweet sauce in there for Chubs. He's gonna be so happy to see me when I get home from work.
  12. My dog would hate me if I ever came home with a boneless pork butt.
  13. Well, I'd say that's where the superiority really stops. All of the ceramics (if they are able to keep a seal) can produce fabulous foods. But that cs you've already experienced will continue til you or Dennis die...that's the big difference! Who knows, if you or your predecessors post a lot of food porn he may extend the lifetime warrenty for several generations
  14. Juan may, or Juan may not, depending on what Juan wants enlightening Rorkin, I was actually going for sarcastic humor...but ok, I enlightened you, I'll take that.
  15. Hope everybody don't start using that line....we'll get no more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Juan may, or Juan may not, depending on what Juan wants
  17. Re: It all came together..... (babybacks) No unusual pain meds!!!! Those seem to make everything better for me.
  18. Yeah, I cooked a coupla big ole ribeyes labor day. I usually just stick the flame thrower in the a few seconds and it's off to the races, but this time the smoker was having a hard time lighting so I had to stick something down through the coals and make a few air holes. I never clean it out but once in awhile I have to jiggle something in there to get a good hot searing flame going. To clean the bottom I just drag the ashes out into a pan that stays under the grill.
  19. Good for low-n-slow's I'll bet. Pecan logs will add a hint of flavor.
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