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Everything posted by Cookie

  1. CK - if you've done the research on 'best air fryer,' please let me know the model you think is best. I'm debating between an electric oil fryer or air fryer. I don't really like stinking up the house, which I think any oil fryer would do, be it electric or dutch oven. I have two gassers with side burners but the flame control is not good enough to maintain a steady temp for outdoor frying on those either. Looking for a frying solution.
  2. Wow, two toys I don't have...a wifi Anova and purpose built brining bucket. Time to remind Santa I've been nice...
  3. By the way, they've raised over $700K now...perhaps enough to cater to the BBQ crowd with a fan module? If anyone knows the guys, please suggest!
  4. I can see the benefit for the roti; however, for me, if I can't do something remotely about the temps I'm seeing remotely, not much use. The cyberQ with these types of probes would be the bee's knees. The only reason I don't have a cyberQ is because my KKs sit on our roof and the roof is 24 inches of tiled and waterproofed concrete. I don't get a signal 12 feet directly above the router. I've played with powerline adapters, etc, but those have also proven unreliable. I tend to let the KK do what it does best...hold temp and cook. I'm a gadget guy...I will eventually work a remote solution that includes that ability to increase / decrease temp. Maybe over the Christmas break.
  5. I always wondered why some Italian red sauces were almost pink...then I went and did my own lasagna from scratch one day and the recipe called for the heavy cream...wah la...pink sauce. I love it that way. Great looking cook, looks like it would have required some patience with the butchers twine.
  6. Very cool feature Dennis, hope it helps you sell more.
  7. +1 here in the POSK club...mine is in storage in the USA, 80% of the tiles fell off. I kept them thinking that one day I may hire someone to fix it... Now that I have my two KKs, I plan to use the POSK for target practice one day when I see it again. I promise to post a video.
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/08/08/fight-over-smoke-threatens-sacred-texas-bbq/31333987/
  9. We are on the South end of the island near Harbourfront and Vivo City.
  10. http://komodokamadoforum.com/topic/5383-cookies-skyview-terrace-now-featuring-44-of-pleasure/
  11. Just came back from America with Franklin's book and some post oak. Also picked up the Southern Living 'Ultimate Book Of BBQ' that looked interesting, but haven't had time to have a look yet.
  12. Poochie - I have the 23" and the 21". My thoughts on the two are captured in this thread: http://komodokamadoforum.com/topic/5383-cookies-skyview-terrace-now-featuring-44-of-pleasure/ Cookie
  13. Why not grill the corn...because my wife doesn't play with any of the 5 BBQs and three was enough to manage on my own tonight... Besides that, our corn here comes from Malaysia and is average at best...only served it due to the 'traditional' nature for the 4th.... We were off by about 20 minutes....I always try to lay this out ahead of time.
  14. Nice, any word on what happened to the crooks?
  15. Happy Independence Day (a little early) folks. Thought I'd share the timeline I just emailed myself for our 10 pax dinner tonight in Singapore, honoring the USA... Don't know if I'll have time for pics, will do my best. Target 9PM dinner with guests arriving 8PM - 5:00 Fire em' up: 23" KK Target 400F - Stuffed BBQ Prawn Appetizer 21" KK Target 225-240F - Hickory smoked burgers, bacon & dogs Stuffed BBQ Prawn Appetizer - 8:00 - Put on 400F KK - 8:15 - Pull prawns & Sauce, put back on KK - 8:18 - Prawns Finished Reverse Sear Burgers (Hickory Smoked) - 7:45 Season burgers with L&P and Grill Creations Montreal Steak - 7:50 Smoke wood on - 8:20 Meat (Burgers, Dogs, & Bacon) on - Light large weber gasser to high, 700-800F for searing - 8:45 Remove bacon and start frying on side burner (ask Paul to assist) - 8:50 Sear burgers and dogs when they hit 120F internal, take them to 155F - Sear 1-2 min each side, keep dogs in motion - Top with cheese & melt - Let rest for 5-10 min Roasted Rosemary Red Potato Halves (olive oil, kosher salt, fresh rosemary, salt, pepper) - 8:15 - Put in 400F oven for 45 min Baked Beans - 6:45 - Start Simmering Corn On Cob - 7:45 - Add to boiling water for 10 min Dessert - Guests bringing
  16. My only suggestion is to use a steak as thick as the one in the video or else the technique for applying can be a little too much. I like them that thick and that is what they use in the restaurant. I only apply on top and bottom as she does, not sides. If your steaks are a little thinner, just use slightly less, but I think it still needs to be a generous application.
  17. I have to admit I'd been guilty of just a sprinkling prior to that video. The crust that develops is pretty amazing if you have a good hot fire for searing.
  18. Tony, PM me your address, when I'm in the States in two weeks I'll send you some in a zip lock to try...
  19. Funny how critical of ourselves we can be when it comes to our cooks. I can't tell you how many time I've told my wife, "I can't serve this to our guests." She proceeds to tell me I'm mental and that my standards are too high. I usually say, "You're right, that's why I married you." Buys me all kinds of good will for the next few days. Wilbur, love you're write-ups. I'd have gone back for seconds on any of it...
  20. It is that good... It's like the blue on breaking bad - for steak lovers.
  21. Nope, but I used to sell jet engines, now I sell and lease commercial airplanes. One of my degrees is in computer science - analytical thinking required. I'm also a certified Six Sigma Black Belt and had a very analytical role for about 3 years in the early 2000s. I like to find what works and then make it repeatable. These days I'm a sales guy with a BBQ addiction.
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