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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Results! Well, I am pleased with the results of the latest heat diffuser. Took the usual size Boston butt 10 hours this time. -=Jasen=-
  2. Cool, where can I get a couple from? Web link by chance? The 15" round sounds perfect. BTW, how thick are they? -=Jasen=-
  3. Re:OK, Heat Diffuser Verson 5.0
  4. Re: Got it Got Pictures? To tell you the truth Hawaiian Pirate I have no idea how to do the picture thing If you have a digital camera and can get them on the computer, I can help you upload them. Also gave you a thread of your own. After all, your new grill deserves one. -=Jasen=-
  5. Rev. 1.0 Well, shortened the nozzle end and the part that attaches to original torch. Works much better now and more balanced. Probably still need a little heavier duty attachment method, but it works for now. -=Jasen=-
  6. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2293
  7. Well, I took the cheap Harbor Freight torch ( http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/d ... mber=91061 ) and added a SS tube extension to it. I used a compression tube fitting so it would have some adjustment to it (the nozzle can tilt up or down). Also extended the auto start wiring so the push button start still works. Not sure what I was thinking when I made it this long. But the next rev will be much shorter, trim up the tube coming out of the torch head and make a heavier hanging mount. -=Jasen=- FYI, the gas is just barely turned out. It will through out a pretty nice flame at full open.
  8. OK, Heat Diffuser Verson 5.0 Well, I think this will be my final version (and I am out of ceramic deflectors to experiment on). Straight through vertical holes seem to work good, though the 45 degree ones also worked good. The ceramic diffuser seemed to work better than the metal. I guess that the extra mass heating heating up along with the holes help make this the most efficient diffuser. Cool part, if you want a solid deflector, just drop it back in the SS pan. Got a Boston Butt to test with in the next day or so. -=Jasen=-
  9. I was only able to order the 6" basket...EZ-Que was out of the 8". U2PLT has used the 8" and as far as I know he has had no problems with it hitting anything. The 8" cradle will hit the standard heat deflector if used. You can use something else for a heat deflector or none at all. -=Jasen=-
  10. Only thing about most of these theories is that not everyone is having an issue. I might could believe an intermittent server slowdown. But I have had no issues which leads me to believe individual issues or ISP issues. I am however curious of one thing. The threads some of you are having issues with, do they contain images? I know in the past, some people have trouble with the image hosting server loading. -=Jasen=-
  11. Very well could be as it is common. Your cache stores web page data that could be outdated and is not refreshing properly. And sometimes it could just be PFM too. ( for those who get it) Either way, not much I can do about it. -=Jasen=-
  12. Really? Guess yours was just the first one I noticed, so thought it worth mentioning. Anyway, also what Sanny said about the notify at the top and if pop ups are enabled, you can also get a pop up notify. -=Jasen=-
  13. Just as a matter of information, when you send someone a PM, an email notification is sent to them. -=Jasen=-
  14. Hmm, nothing here. The thread you posted popped right up as did all the other posts I checked. Maybe try flushing you browser cache to see if that helps. -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: First Roti Chicken Obviously we buy our fine china at the same place. Though sometimes we spring forward even more cash and get the floral print too (for the wifey). -=Jasen=-
  16. So it was a boy turkey. I'm afraid to ask who ate the "3rd leg" How else could he have a third leg? BTW, I am saving it in the fridge for you dude! -=Jasen=-
  17. He was a pet. His name was Tripod! -=Jasen=-
  18. Was in the mood for some smoked turkey legs (like the one's at Disney World or the fair). Decided I might as well smoke a turkey breast for sandwiches....Mmmm. The turkey legs are to die for and the breast is still cooling to be sliced. Unfortunately it looks really moist....no matter what, it seems I cannot get good ole' dry turkey! Anyway, cooked legs around 5 hrs and breast around 6 hrs, all at 250 degrees and my metal heat diffuser in place. Brined the night before for 12 hours and spatchcocked the breast. -=Jasen=-
  19. Gerard, currently this is one of the torches I use: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/d ... mber=91061 . Cheap and works great. I ran by Harbor Freight yesterday to look for a new one with a longer nozzle....no luck. They had the units that hooked up to a 20 lb bottle, but none that connected to a 14.1 oz bottle. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/d ... mber=91037 -=Jasen=-
  20. Re: Fourmorgy What's Tony C's? http://www.tonychachere.com/
  21. I was thinking it might have to be cut down, but that is not an issue for me. Though the one I had heard about at Harbor Freight was much shorter. Only trouble is I cannot find it on the web site, so they might have quit carrying it. About to go check it out and see. I don't see storage being an issue as it can just hang on a nail in my shop. If I wanted something like the Guru club, I would probably just make one. Looks like about 10 minutes and a piece of 3/8" ss tubing. -=Jasen=-
  22. Funny you mention this as I was going to run by a Harbor Freight today to look for a small weed burner (the ones that use the 14.1 oz bottles). When my back is acting up, I don't feel like getting down behind to the grill to light the burner. Used my regular torch here a good bit lately so I decided the long neck of the weed burner would make it even easier to use and it conveniently hang over the grill lip. Hoping I find one with the piezoelectric starter on it too. http://www.amazon.com/Rafael-31-Propane ... 26&sr=1-21 Don't like the rubber hose on the Guru Club. -=Jasen=-
  23. Looks tasty. One of these days I wanna try my hand at bread again. Didn't go so well last time, but try, try again. -=Jasen=-
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