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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. If you got the jack to spend on it, the ProCom is one hell of a nice option (I love mine - it is the lazy way)! But the middle version (has a pit probe and meat probe) will do you just fine! You can buy a maverick for remote monitoring with the middle version Guru. -=Jasen=-
  2. I agree - pork butt! Welcome to the forum and congrats on your cooker!! I gotta agree with leejp on the pork butt for a first cook. It is very easy and very forgiving. There are some good rub recipes in the recipe section or you can just buy an off the shelf one. You should cook between 225 and 240 for best results (most people cook 225, but I tend to cook closer to 240). Your probably looking at 12-16 hours depending on which temp you pick and size of the boston butt. I pull mine off when the internal temps reaches 190. While I do not have my OBT yet, I am familiar with ceramic cookers and can suggest these settings. I would just crack the low airflow adjustment knob on the lower door about the thickness of a quarter. Then crack the upper damper ever so slightly (when the cooker is going you can crack till you just start to feel heat or see smoke come out). These setting might not be perfect, but give it a good long while to heat up (maybe 1 hr since this is your first time) and wait 30 minutes between adjustments. I am also a big fan of the BBQ Guru (only difference in settings from what I just mentioned using a Guru is keep the lower draft completely closed). As far as break in, a couple of low temps cooks like this butt should do the trick. Just keep things low for 2 or 3 cooks the be on the safe side. For charcoal, royal oak is a good choice that is wide spread available at most Walmart's. Cowboy I have seen at Lowe's and Publix groceries in my area. I stay away from Kingford. I forgot to mention this is all natural lump charcoal I am suggesting here (no brickets). Not sure of your lighting method, but only start a small amount to doing a low temp cook (but fill the basket up). By that I mean if you are using the gas attachment, only turn it on for about two minutes. Chimney starter, then just put a few pieces in it and dump the lite charcoal in the basket on top of the rest to start. Anyway, if you start too much the you risk too big a fire and overshoot the temp. Be patient and let the temp slowly rise to your desired setting. If you are not familiar with lump, it is ready to cook after starting; unlike brickets which need to turn all grey first. You can also shut your grill down airtight when finished and re-use the left over charcoal for the next cook. I usually only use two or three small pieces of smoke wood in my cook. I try to space them in the charcoal so they do not all burn at the same time. Anyway, hope this helps out. Any more specific questions, feel free to ask away! -=Jasen=-
  3. Re: We are up on a new server now.. I have noticed the forum is much faster loading for me since your switch to the new server. -=Jasen=-
  4. Agreed! I was lucky that I decided not to put any food on the grill. I let the fire die out, then spent the next 30 minutes cleaning all the crap up everywhere that the charcoal left behind. -=Jasen=-
  5. Wow, that kinda looked like the one (and only) time I used Kingsford lump. Except it did that through the entire cook. -=Jasen=-
  6. He could have been concerned about flash back, but that only happened with me at higher temps (even if the damper top is open). -=Jasen=-
  7. Re: Darth Vader Trust me, my last grill (a mexi-k) had black grout and there were no problems seeing a crack in the grout. I doubt you will have to worry about it, but if you ever did, you will see them. I am in a simular circumstance with my backyard. I have a brick fence around my backyard with a gate on it (though mine will fit). I had some guys deliver my last fridge come through the back yard and it would not fit. Simple fix, we just took the gate off the hinge which gave several more inches of clearance. Can you do something similar? Anyway, just a suggestion. Another thought is just twist it slightly sideways (not back on the wheels - but have a wheel in front and one in back instead of bringing it in square - 45 degree twist) to maneuver it through the gate? -=Jasen=-
  8. My bad, I was deleting the moved post marker from the poultry section (which was left behind when I moved the request from the recipe section to the cooking general section). Well long story short, it deleted the actual thread too, instead of just the left behind marker. Anyway, sorry - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  9. Just posting a little update on the probe wire covers - they are working great. I am using them on the little R2d2 looking smoker with temp close to 400 and no issues. I should also point out how much closer to the charcoal the probes are in this stubby little grill so that truely is an improvement in my book. -=Jasen=-
  10. Just curous, did you happen to remove the Guru plug port or is it still sealed up? -=Jasen=-
  11. Hey! It will too stand up - hehe - for right about 30-45 seconds from what I remember from my tests! I agree with the touch method, but frankly, once you have cooked a few on the grill, you should have no problem timing it. I always get the same cut and the same thickness steaks, so my time rarely changes. -=Jasen=-
  12. I remembered that I downloaded them off the forum. Here are the pics; somewhere on the forum are the originals. These are not OBTII, but you can at least see the tile color in them. -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Color Reconsideration There are pictures of both tile colors on the forum already. I will find a link. -=Jasen=-
  14. Well, you know what they say about great minds! Though I am sure that does not apply here since you and I are included in this fiasco! -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: prime rib Actually wet towels would probably negate some of the intended effects of wrapping them in towels to begin with - reduce thermal loss (and wetting the towels greatly increases thermal conduction and reduces insulation). A lot of people pull food early (or not early) and allow it to continue to cook during it's rest period since the internal temp will continue to rise while the hotter exterior cools (if you cut into the meat hot off the grill, you will loose a lot of the juices). I do it a lot of times to ribs or boston butt when I am not eating them right away. -=Jasen=- Argh, Sanny beat me to the submit button - hehehe!
  16. Hmm, never really tried a turkey breast on a ceramic before (or any other grill); I usually fry them (Mmmmm, deep fried turkey). But I imagine you want to cook it fast so it does not dry out. Maybe use a nice injection marinade (I strain Italian dressing, then grind some very fine black pepper, cayenne (optional) and add back to it - excellent!!). Several people here mention doing chicken at 400 degrees or better indirect, so I imagine the same could apply to the turkey breast. However, I would absolutely recommend a meat thermometer so you can pull it before it over cooks. I believe 180 is the recommended temp for poultry to be cooked to, but you can pull it 10-20 degrees before that temp, wrap it in foil and let it finish off the grill (if you want the skin crisp, omit the foil and make sure it rests in warm area out of drafts - oven turned off is good). -=Jasen=-
  17. Hello Central Pork, big congrats and welcome to the forum. That GenII is a freakn sweet new upgrade. What color tile did you choose? -=Jasen=-
  18. Re: cows passing gas increase global warming!! Hehehe... I just saw Spamalot' date=' so that makes sense! [/quote'] Was wondering if any other Python fans would get it. -=Jasen=-
  19. Very cool (or rather hot) idea. People have used expansion joints in masonry work for years, so why not ceramics! -=Jasen=-
  20. Wow Dennis, that is beautiful. Amazing innovations again! -=Jasen=-
  21. Yo Leaddog, of all the great pics on that web site, that one was the best you could pic out to share? My wife was walking by while I was scrolling through the thread and freaked out on that pic - hehe. -=Jasen=-
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