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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. I thought yours was green?? -=Jasen=-
  2. Halo lame - argh - you are on my bad list now - hehe (give it another try - maybe Halo 2)! But thanks for the info as I was never quite sure how that portion of the damn thing worked. Now after I get some size info I am gonna experiment with making a mold. I got some scrap teflon in my shop and I was going to drill a hole the exact dimensions as the hole, but 3/8 deeper. Then countersink it 3/8 deep about 1/2 larger for something to grab hold of and fill it with high temp black silicone. Just an experiment. -=Jasen=-
  3. Hehehe, don't you be tempting me dang ya! As I just might! hehe Nah, I do not plan on going above 750-800! Maybe if it was a digital one I might think about it - hehehe! -=Jasen=-
  4. I have not seen it yet, I am just asking how buddy? I mean somehow it has to attach to the motor? So suussplain it to me? Is there a rod already installed that goes through to the rotisserie motor? I know one side is spring loaded, so how does the other work - some kind of socket and connector? -=Jasen=- All I have to go on is this pic! Oh yeah, don't know whose pic this was, but yeah they misspelled rotisserie - hehe.
  5. Yeah...that way you guys will have someone else to make fun of when the sun hits it just right! No, actually the brick color has become my new favorite. But even if DJ and I had identical cookers I'd make fun of his. He'd have his all pimped out with dice hanging from the rear-view mirror or shocks that would make it bounce or something weird Ah, your just jealous - hehe. I will have mine pimped out, but it will be with a ProCom, some sweet looking teak side tables and that cool looking gas valve and SS braided gas hose!! Shhhwwwiiiing - ya baby! -=Jasen=-
  6. I will happy to provide these in a few hours (when I get home). The rotis. socket is that, not a through hole......fyi There is not one side that goes all the way through for the rotisserie? Be kinda tough to hook up a motor, wouldn't it? I am hoping to make a mold for these holes so I can make silicone plugs. -=Jasen=-
  7. Great idea too Greg! BTW, does anyone happen to have the diameter and depth of the polder hole and rotisserie hole? Appreciated. -=Jasen=-
  8. She likes them both too. -=Jasen=-
  9. Thanks for the info Porkchop! I also leave fat on any of my chopped meat, pork or beef. On the sliced beef though, I scrape off the fat cap by hand and sqeeze it back over the sliced beef a little. -=Jasen=-
  10. OH Please, you are so totally owned by my with Halo2!!! -=Jasen=-
  11. Ok, I did not think this would be an issue, as I figured the wife would hate this other color I like. But it turns out she likes it too. So now I am in a conundrum about what color I want. Anyway it is down to these two. I really like the black tiles from the first time I saw it. But I also like the green version of the same style tile. I originally picked it first as the wife really liked it. But now since she likes this other one too, it is making my decision much harder. So anyway, tell me what ya'll think! Please! -=Jasen=- Black Green
  12. Just curious on that one PC, but the are a lot of folks that say the meat will not accept any more smoke once it reaches 140 degrees. I have also read that in several books; some even saying 130. You do not subscribe to that theory then? I rarely foil anything myself except something lean, like turkey breast (or a really trimmed brisket), after it has taken the smoke. Generally speaking in a ceramic, foiling is not neccessary. But I do know that foiling the brisket half way through is a very popular thing for some folks (Dr. BBQ for instance). Anyway, just trying to pick your brain some on the subject; always looking for wisdom as I know you have done more briskets than me! -=Jasen=-
  13. I've got scratch and sniff...but don't have the taste part installed yet I don't think we want anything to do with your scractch-n-sniffs - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  14. Re: KO - KA Back to your cave, ya grinch, back I tell ya! -=Jasen=- Hehe, I waited till Gerard left before I posted this! Hell, I would pretty much buy any of the charcoal provided it was good and at a reasonable price (and none of the aggrevation like from somewhere else)!
  15. Hey, looks pretty darn good to me, especially for a first brisket and a assaulted cut of meat - hehe (I am still on the opposite side of the fence then PC over that - but that's what opinions are for). My first one was really dry. So did you slice it up or serve it chipped also? I always slice up the flat and serve the tips chipped. -=Jasen=-
  16. That looks good. That is one huge hunk of beef. -=Jasen=-
  17. Or, you could convert these to charcoal - would be a cheap endless source? -=Jasen=-
  18. Re: Good Info on GURU Good deal! Just let me know if you ever need an more Guru info! -=Jasen=-
  19. Dude, that is one sweet hunk of stainless! Very cool! -=Jasen=-
  20. Re: Thanks Jasen - High Temp Not that Dennis says it is necessary, but it is a good practice to stay away from those really high temps for a few cooks - just my suggestion anyway. That way you can be assured all moisture has dried from the grill before you crank it up. A couple of 12 hr - 225 degres cooks would be good. But no worries if you have not, just wait a few cooks before you hit the 800 steak searing temps! Now on the Guru - I freakn love mine! There are a few here who have Stokers that could give their input there, but I prefer the Guru. I have the Procom model so I am spoiled with all the features / adjustments it has. And I like how the guru will mount on the fan to be hidden out of the way. The stoker just looks bulky and ugly to me (just my opinion - so Gerard, do not get your panties in a wad over it). Anyway, just know there are two good products on the market for grill controls. Compare the two and see which has the most feature you want in your price range. If you can get a Procom, the Stoker cannot touch it. Now for those who geek out over the Stokers network connectivity, Guru just might be adding that soon. Though I would still rather control my grill from my remote. I can see some benefit to web based controls for those who might want to keep an eye on their grill from work. Anyway, my 5 cents (inflation)! -=Jasen=-
  21. Re: KO-KA LUMP? First off....bite me Gerard!!! Looks to me that he is considering several types of charcoal other than coconut. After using both CEL and lump for a while, I just found I prefer the lump as I can use it for either low & slow or high temp where I only liked the CEL in low. I thought Dennis could get either. And I had no idea about all this charcoal, I had only discussed the coconut as that was what I wanted! But I am for any good charcoal I can get cheap! Now a question for Dennis on the charcoal. The biggest item that completely ruins charcoal for me is sparking. I know some of the more exotic woods can be troubled with that. I was really curious about the shiny one as those were always the ones that seem to spark the most for me. So please test them for sparking at high temps while you are testing. -=Jasen=-
  22. Cool deal! Welcome to the forum! Now how about some pics of those briskets! -=Jasen=-
  23. 1 oz Sour Apple Pucker 1 oz Lemon Twist Vodka (better get a top shelf one here) 1 oz Sprite (or other lemon lime soda) 1 twist of lime Shake with ice and pour into martini glass! I usually make them up in a larger shaker and multply everything by 6 - one is great, but six is better! Enjoy! -=Jasen=-
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