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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: Some truly valuable information..... Gee Whiz....you should spend some of that free time cooking! Or at least something more productive like drinking beer. -=J
  2. Re: Ok, got a tracking number Damn, foiled my evil plans again! And what...the bank....Obama said I was good on that...didn't have to pay it back? Damn again! -=J
  3. Re: Ok, got a tracking number Sorry Whizzy, I hacked the shipper's website and now it is coming to my house. Just hope I can find room for it! You can always come visit it here....hell, I may even cook you something with it! -=J
  4. Re: Wireless Stoker Released Very cool. Curious to see a pic of it (as they seem to just show the old stoker in the pic for the new wifi one). -=J
  5. Re: Bronze Behemoth Game On! 2 Yeah, the walkerswood paste in the jar is awesome! They sell it locally up there? I brought some home from somewhere a couple of times, but I've been out for a while. It is kind of spotty where and when you find it. I think last time I found it was at Kroger. Before that, the Fresh Market carried it for a while. But I love the stuff. I believe amzon.com also has it. -=J
  6. Re: Posting Photos Make sure you use reply and not quick reply. Under the text box, below the save/review/submit is a small tab bar with Options on one tab and Upload Attachments on the other. Click upload attachments, click browse to locate attachment, click add the file and it should show the uploaded attachment below the text box. Then click Place Inline to move the pic attachment to the text area. Then repeat the entire process for the next pic (yeah, sux doing multiple pics). -=J
  7. Re: Bronze Behemoth Game On! 2 Ya'll are gonna get Curly mad by posting pics of his woman! Also, for the absolute best Jerked anything, use Walkerswood Jerk seasoning......I have tried none better (including my own). Get the original and FYI, it is not wimpy....so be careful how much you use as it builds quick. http://www.walkerswood.com/product_trad ... soning.php -=J
  8. Re: Foreign objects in lump charcoal I find the really dense and shiny looking pieces are the ones that spark more. Which was the case with that terrible Kingsford lump I got once. Guessing they are not carbonized as much, weigh more and are cheaply made. I would much rather have the lighter, duller looking pieces. Our Publix carries it too, but after trying one bag, I never tried them again. -=J
  9. Re: Foreign objects in lump charcoal All of our Walmarts carry Royal Oak. We have some brand of lump in all of our Lowes, Home Depots and Ace Hardware too (but usually it is Cowboy). Not positive, but if I remember correctly from Whizzy's Web Site, Royal Oak makes BGE charcoal (Whizzy?). I am still holding out for Dennis to send me some Coffeewood charcoal!!! -=J
  10. Re: Foreign objects in lump charcoal In RO, I find mostly rocks or concrete (but only on rare occasion). Now in Cowboy, I have came across all sorts of unidentifiable metal, rock and odd looking wood pieces. Enough so I only buy it in a pinch. -=J
  11. Re: Fully Open Top Damper Cooking Experiment!
  12. Re: Fully Open Top Damper Cooking Experiment!
  13. Re: Fully Open Top Damper Cooking Experiment! Did a slow version of curry chicken tonight using the damper open method......fantastic! -=J
  14. Re: Build Your Own BBQ Controller (w/Wifi) Been a little while since I have had time to work on this project. Controller is still going strong though and finally got the Wifi working. Very simple web page serving, just displaying temps and you have to manually refresh. Getting there....... -=J
  15. Re: Chicken Fat - Split from First Rotis Cook topic. ditto!
  16. Re: Chicken Fat - Split from First Rotis Cook topic. I think my next chicken cook is going to be leg quarters only. They seem to turn out the best doing the lower temp cooks. Will probably get to do some next weekend. -=J
  17. Re: Chicken Fat - Split from First Rotis Cook topic. Whole chicken cut in half (not spatchcocked as I was going for local flavor)[/*:m:16c8knei] Seasoned chicken with vinegar, paprika, salt, pepper[/*:m:16c8knei] Chicken on upper rack, direct, no pan or stone. Top damper completely open, bottom completely closed (used Guru fan (1/4 open) set around ~250-275 to achieve 275-300 dome). You should be able to achieve this without the Guru fan by just cracking the bottom daisy wheel slightly[/*:m:16c8knei] Mopped and turned probably 4-6 times during cook (mop was vinegar, salt, pepper).[/*:m:16c8knei] 275-300 until leg bone easily moved[/*:m:16c8knei] 350-400 finished out/crisped skin/add sauce if desired (I used my Muddied Mustard in the sauce section which is a Carolina style sauce)[/*:m:16c8knei] Note, typically this style chicken is a little dryer than some might want. It was the local flavor I was looking for (and why sauce is definitely a must on the white meat). This process easily takes 2 hrs or longer. You could brine the chicken before if more moisture is desired. But thought it was spot on what I was looking for and don't plan on changing a thing the next time I cook it! Was a dead ringer for Carolina BBQ's chicken in New Ellenton, SC which makes my favorite. -=J
  18. Re: Chicken Fat - Split from First Rotis Cook topic. Wow, all I can say is that was some fantastic chicken tonight. Pretty much dead on the flavor I was looking for in replicating pit cooked chicken. The wife always thought the closed damper chicken was too smokey....she loved this batch. I used a mop of vinegar, salt & pepper several times during the cook. Just the smells coming off the smoker reminded me so much of being outside of a BBQ dive that still does pit cooking. This just became my #1 method of cooking chicken. And will actually test this out on a longer butt or shoulder cook soon too. FYI, I used the Guru fan so I could choke off the input damper. After getting the fire going, and still well below desired setpoint of 275 (I start my chicken low), I inserted the Guru fan with a damper setting of only 1/4 open. It did a pretty good job of holding temps (did not have an issue with it raging out of control at all), but not the rock solid temps your used to with top damper barely open. Opening the lid several times for mopping and turning made the Guru a little more unstable. But the fire never was close to going out nor did I have any flareup issues with the entire cook (which was direct on upper grill). Sorry, no pics and way too much beer to worry about them either. -=J
  19. Re: Chicken Fat - Split from First Rotis Cook topic. It is funny, I was thinking the same thing. But here is problem I see. Basically I believe the Stoker door is absolutely useless. Heat/fire draws air like a vacuum, especially with the headspace above the fire in our grill. The Stoker door doesn't care whether it is blown open from the fan behind it or sucked open from the draft of the fire. Isn't really an issue when you have the top damper choked down, but with it open, I imagine the door is useless and would be open just as it the fan was running. Now a fan with an adjustable damper, like the Guru, you could choke the damper almost closed where it would have to force a little air in and that may work. Will be happy to try them out next time I have a few days off. FYI, the chicken looks great. You said no sooty taste, but did not say it was delicious or flavorless? BTW, most of our local pit cook places use a heavy salt/vinegar mop on the chicken a couple times during the cook. It is absolutely wonderful on chicken. But their temps are a bit different as it is usually a slower cook till the joints are almost falling apart. Crap, I may have to stop by one on the way into work tonight!! -=J
  20. Re: Online Source for Lump Charcoal Hmm, all of our local Walmarts carry Royal Oak ~8 lb bags for around $6.50 or so. Wish I could find larger bags. Our Home Depot / Lowes / Ace usually carry Cowboy or similar 8lb bags too. Though a trip to Montreal does sound way more appealing than coming to Augusta, Ga and our 95-100 degree weather. Hell, I don't even need charcoal to cook with right now, just inject some smoke into my black tile grill and it is solar cooking! -=J
  21. Re: Chicken Fat - Split from First Rotis Cook topic. Sounds reasonable then, as they wanted more smoke, so they shut the top down to hold more in. We are looking for less smoke (chicken fat smoke), so leaving the top open and closing bottom should facilitate that. I would definately start shutting the bottom damper before you get completely up to temp, as my guess would be a continual rise well after you shut. I am hoping this works out, as this could be a method to achieve a more pit style cooking (which taste drastically different than sealed grill cooking). If you remember my heat deflector experiments (holes), that was the results desired. Though I am wondering if we need to change the type of charcoal we're cooking with to really implement this approach? Jeez, I have not bought a bag of kingsford bricks in years and years. -=J
  22. Re: First Rotisserie Cook: Very nice Now that you mention it, I do remember something like that. Wasn't that Fetz doing it? Never really had any reason to try it, honestly still don't since I like the chicken fat smoke...hehe. But never a bad thing to have another cooking method in your arsenal. -=J
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