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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Oh, and I am the geek - huh? hehe Not! -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: KK site suggestion Yeah! Oh wait, that is me too - hehe. See, if this was some other forum, a certain Z person would have just deleted all this. -=Jasen=-
  3. Jason, sorry I haven't been around in a couple days. But yes you have nailed it!!! Man that has been bugging me since day one. Thanks a bunch!!! No Problem! -=Jasen=-
  4. Ok, will do - hehe - hope it works on a smokey joe for now - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  5. I found it once locally and was not impressed. I cannot remember what I tried it on (I think it was fish). Maybe I will give it another try then on steak - if I can find it again. Oh yeah, the reason I like a little higher temps is I like some good dark crispies (ok, so it is just burnt fat) on my steak and it seems like I really got to get that temp up there to achieve.
  6. Cannot answer on the KK, but in the past with a K, I just opened the top damper and bottom damper all the way till I got about 800. Then I just slapped the steaks right on the main grill for 90 seconds per side. Shut the dampers and let it dwell for a few more minutes till medium. My first searing experiments started on a home made sear grill, but if you let the fire get to big, your gonna loose arm hair - hehe - if your lucky nothing else. Though using a sear grill will be faster, use less charcoal and not make you have to get your grill up to that high temp. So you have more than one choice, choice it up to you. Either way, just get plenty of flames on the grill and sear it for 60-90 seconds per side, close it down and dwell till desired temp. -=Jasen=-
  7. Is that an emoticon? What the hell is it? Smurf sperm? Ahhh.... angry Smurf Sperm! You would know, "milt man" - mwhahahaha! -=Jasen=-
  8. That, and the fact that he's not a breeder. Dude, we have seen you pic! If you have procreated, I am certain it was by mistake (also animals don't count)! -=Jasen=-
  9. Another thing that gives away the fact that you don't have any kids Never seen a turd in a diaper - only mush! Damn, I am gonna have to delete this thread as it is just getting sick! HTF did we go from site design to diaper mush so quick?? -=Jasen=-
  10. All I gotta say is you people must be really having digestive problems to be having yellow turds. Hey Dennis, how about a turd brown cooker? Maybe a few yellow dots to depict corn? -=Jasen=-
  11. There might be a few folks looking for that one this morning - hehe - rough night anyone?? -=Jasen=-
  12. New Emoticon Packs! There are even a few in there to help express our feelings for Gerard! -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: I do like this! They are cool. In fact, they're damned cool. I bet most of us have a pair or two. Catch up with the times, D-J . OMG, I really feel thwarted when I find out Gerard has something cool and I don't have one! -=Jasen=-
  14. Holy Margaritas Batman - I can really be a slush! OMG, I gotta have one of these! http://cgi.ebay.com/Margarita-Slush-Gra ... dZViewItem
  15. I do like this! This might be kinda cool! http://cgi.ebay.com/Bear-Paw-Meat-Handl ... dZViewItem
  16. Who comes up with this stuff! http://cgi.ebay.com/SMOKAROMA-BAR-B-Q-B ... dZViewItem
  17. It sure is a hell of a lot easier, just to take two enteric coated (to prevent nasty fish burps) fish oil softgels everyday!! -=Jasen=-
  18. I actually think the menu item looks better and is less confusing for those that do not know to click on a banner. And you gotta quit hatin' on my Pimped Out Smokey Joe. I know you are jealous and all. I will even sell it to you when I get my KK in. Since we are tossing stones here buddy, is your KK on order yet - uh - Hmm? -=Jasen=-
  19. Ok Bubba, it's there now!! Took me a lot of reading, but I found it! Instead of making the banner a link, I just created a new menu item where the rest are and placed a link behind it for the KK web site. -=Jasen=-
  20. The link suggestion has come up several times before. I think we have all looked at how to do it and just have not come up with a good way yet. I am reading over the phpbb forums to see if I can find an idea. I would like to be able to click on the big banner at the top and it take me to the main web site. -=Jasen=-
  21. OK Tony, I see what you are talking about as it does it on view your posts or view unanswered posts too. You want a way to go back to the list without hitting the browser back button. Kind of like when you post, it has the link at the top to view your message or view main forum. So you would like something similar to return to view unread messages? -=Jasen=-
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