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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Well, I have never had a problem with wood as long as proper cleaning and sanitation procedures are performed ahead of time. Pretty much any amateur or antique wine press I have ever seen has wood in it (I am gonna take a guess here and say that wood in a press would go back millenia). Not to mention, as you well know, there are much, much fewer funky monkeys that can effect wine unlike beer. I can only think of two main ones: wild yeast and vinegar bacteria. Unlike yourself, wild yeast is one of the things I protect mine against as I would rather use a cultured known yeast strains rather than wild for more consistent results (though I have in the past used wild). You got me wanting to run go get a glass of wine now - hehe - not that it takes much - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  2. Metric Vs Standard --- on piping! Well, I wanted to have more time to write an appropriate post for the subject, but that has not come to fruition yet (maybe soon). But short story is as follows: I cannot find anything on the internet that says there is a difference in standard size pipe verses metric - there are equivalencies for the common sizes as they are internationally standardized. I will post some web links below, but it looks like we should have no safety issues using our fittings with these burners. And from Tony's investigating, he has determined that 1/8 pipe seems to be the appropriate replacement size on the existing gas valve. I am hoping to talk someone into giving me a pretty close measurement on the larger thread where it goes into the burner?? http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/reference/metri ... s.htm#Pipe http://mdmetric.com/tech/tic1e.htm#cht8 I also thought I would re-post this nice gas orifice chart again for those who might need it: http://www.joppaglass.com/burner/lowp_chrt.html
  3. Yup, I am gonna have to agree! -=Jasen=-
  4. The efficiency is what he claims is the breakthrough and also the way the gas binds with others. While I could completely see it being BS, if we disbelieve everyone's attempt, we might just miss the real deal. He has some pretty interesting videos on his web site (which again, could be faked, I doubt it for the two news reels though). There are two things I always wanted to see accomplished one day; unlocking the power of water as an efficient fuel source and harnessing the natural power of magnets for energy creation (ok, ok so I am sure there are a few more too - how about a hyperdrive engine - hehe or anti-grav boots - hehe). I have to wonder about all the kooky stories of conspiracy theories and the such, when our country is held in a death grip by mega oil corporation's making billions. If that is not enough money to make things happen the way you want, then I don't know what would be? Anyway, enough babble from me, just thought it was interesting conversation since I cannot freakn grill anything right now!! -=Jasen=- Oh yeah, one more thing about magnets; damn they are cool. I can amuse myself for hours with the things. Sometimes at work when I am board and don't have access to my video games (opps - shh), I snatch a couple of horseshoe magnets off the magnet boards and entertain myself. Hey, I never said I was a complex guy; sometimes it can be the simple things.
  5. We are starting to zero in on this bad boy now!! So, does anyone else like this idea? -=Jasen=- And then use a valve similar to this
  6. Since we are on the wine subject now! Here are photos of my home made press. It is on a stand now, these were very early photos of it. I should get off my butt and get new photos. I had also planned on making a crusher/stemmer too, but never got around to it. I would love to make one that could crush apples as I love hard cider! -=Jasen=-
  7. You know, we could probably accept the grape crushing photo a whole lot more if it were a nice feminine leg verses a hairy dudes leg! -=Jasen=-
  8. Man, you make some nice looking bread! I wish I could make bread; everytime I have tried it turned into hard or chewy bricks. I need to try again (and get me a kitchenaid too). -=Jasen=-
  9. Sorry Jasen, but I life not in Germany but in Switzerland and our cooking is in today way more influenced by France and Italy then by Germany. If have a German guy (Bavaria) at work. Perhaps he can give me a recipe. I will ask him on Tuesday. Thanks! By the way, if there are any recipes you would like from me or someone on the forum, just let us know and we will try to get it for you. -=Jasen=-
  10. Wow, I have always seen the BS ads in the back of popular science and loads of other hocus pocus turn water into fuel garbage. But this clip is from Fox news. If this can be done efficiently, then this would be one of the greatest inventions of our time - so why the hell is it so low key? Has anyone else ever heard of this company or this guy? Man, I want to invest with this dude! Could you imagine the impact globally on oil prices - we could finally flick our nose at middle east oil. He claims his car can run 100 miles on 4 ounces of water!! Here is his web site: http://hytechapps.com/ and the video clip is below. -=Jasen=-
  11. Man I love bacon; it is in my top pics for favorites foods. You may have actually shown me another way I am gonna like it as that looks good. BTW, any chance you got a schweinshaxe recipe (I am not real fond of the generic recipe that pops up 10k times when you do a Google search - I am looking for the real deal)? German foods are also among my favorites! Along with German beer - but you never would have guessed I like beer - would you? hehehehe -=Jasen=-
  12. Re: Guru inducer tube.. Hehehehe - never heard him called that one. Shotgun Fred is what he normally goes by. -=Jasen=-
  13. Dude, looks very good. I like the flat look - I plan to do the same. BTW, WHAT IS UP - NO GRILL PICS?????? You got my grill man, that is the color I want. So how about getting us some nice pics of it? How do you like that color? Do you think dark grey grout will look good with it; that is what I plan on getting? -=Jasen=- Oh yeah, I am gonna leave the jokes out this time, but next time I see anything about lubing to ease insertion - it is gonna be fair game - hahahaha!
  14. Assembled Pics! Well, here are some pics of it all put together! -=Jasen=-
  15. First Pics! Well, the mount is still curing and I have not made up my labels, but I could not resist posting some pics! I know it looks huge in these pics but it is only 1x2x4 and will mount perfectly on the backside of my ProCom's controller. Then you run the tilt switch to whatever location you like via plug/cable/clip. Oh yeah, it's a little messy inside the box, but who looks in there anyway! Once you set your equalization time, you should rarely have to go in it anyway. -------------------------------------------Fan In / Out-------------------------Tilt Switch In-----------Power In This is the tiny tilt switch with an aligator clip mounted to it for easy placement anywhere you need it! -=Jasen=-
  16. Off timer too! Another thing I did not think about; for those whose Guru does not have an off timer, just change the timing mode on this little timer (mode 6 or add a tilt bypass switch and use mode 1) and it would cut your grill off automatically at whatever time interval you set (timer operates from 1 sec to over 42 hours with only a 15 second deviation at max time)! -=Jasen=-
  17. Now back on topic! An Update! Well, just a little update on the project. It works like a champ! I ended up buying everything from http://www.partsexpress.com/ and http://www.electronics123.com/s.nl/it.A ... ategory=44 . While I am sure when the Guru folks makes one it will probably be cheaper, smaller and nicer looking, this one will work in the mean time. A few changes I made; I ended up using a car alarm tilt switch (which is encased and mountable), so I was able to keep it external to the timer box and therefore able to mount the timer box on the fan with the controller. I placed the tilt switch on a plug so it can be more permanently mounted on the grill hinge or lid and just plugs and unplugs for use. Since the timer box is right next to the controller, I also decided just to split the power in from the controller instead of using the battery. I am also adding a green LED to the normally closed side of the relay to get an indication when the relay is active (lid open tilt switch active or currently timing). As soon as I get everything mounted in the box I will take some pics! -=Jasen=- FYI, there are some companies out there that sell the timer kit already soldered for a few bucks more for those who cannot or do not want to solder.
  18. ThreeDJ16

    Ham loaf

    Ground up ham, in a loaf pan? hehe I do, I do, I do like green eggs and ground ham...Sam I am! -=Jasen=- Can you tell I don't have to work tonight? hehe
  19. Here is a pic of my inducer tube. This is the original that came with my old K that fell out. Knew I saved it for some reason! -=Jasen=-
  20. I did not think to mention this earlier, but ruffing up the exterior surface of the inducer tube (and maybe even the interior of the port) with some very course sandpaper would give you some extra insurance. The inducer I have actually has rings cut into the outside, which could be emulated with a dremel tool. Pretty much anything to give it some more surface area for grabbing. But if not, when I repaired the one on my old grill I did not do this and it held up just fine! It was metal to portland cement which is a harder bond than metal to metal; so I think you will be OK either way. -=Jasen=-
  21. Cool - let us know how it goes! -=Jasen=-
  22. Well, not sure on the rest of your answers, but pizza stone should be place in grill for it to preheat with your grill. Might want to experiment on the temp; 750 might be a bit high as you want the pizza done on both sides and not just burnt on one. If you place a heat deflector under the pizza stone you will better your chances of not burning; so I think that is a good idea. Also seems like the higher you get your pizza in grills, the more even they cook. -=Jasen=-
  23. So that is whats wrong with you? hehehe -=Jasen=-
  24. WHAT! Another vacation - hell I ain't even got one yet! hehe Get back home an make us some grill!!! -=Jasen=- Hey, how about snap of some damn pictures!! After all, most of us have never heard of this place, let alone seen it!
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