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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: An Obviously Stupid Question You know, I have heard a lot of controversy over that one. I think there was a factory change on it or something as the one I have works prefect. I have had it for years with no problems. Now the range is nothing like they claim, but it works fine in my house. I rarely use it on the grill anymore since I have a Guru, but I still use in for the oven a good bit. But maybe I was lucky as I have heard of people with problems using them. -=Jasen=-
  2. OMG, seriously, I thought someone just posted a pic of Curly! -=Jasen=-
  3. Hehe, I can't just create a little controversy and slip out - hehe? -=Jasen=- I think we need some more emoticons; I have gone through them all already.
  4. Did you forget that the whole Mac line is now Intel? No, I did not forget that Mac is now trying to turn their computer into a PC. Funny how cycles go; since it was the reverse for years. -=Jasen=-
  5. Re: MAC Daddy I AM!!! I knew something was wrong with you - hehehe! That makes about 4 or 5 of you culties on this forum now! Man, what are we doing wrong here to attract this kinda crowd? Opps, forgot Dennis was one of them, hehe! -=Jasen=-
  6. Re: Packaged Lump Maybe you missed the posts before this one were we discussed this was coconut natural lump and/or CEL being imported? Yes we have Cowboy here (which I do not like) at Lowes and Royal Oak (which I use) at Walmart. But getting in something maybe a little better, different and cheaper (don't know as I have not tried it yet) worth a shot? -=Jasen=-
  7. Just wanted to let you know I have not forgotten about this one. It is on the to-do list while I am lounging around the house during my back surgery recovery month (yeah, I am sure I will be drunk most of that). Majestik and I also hashed out some details on how to improve the recipe section, so look for some changes there too. They might be a bit subtle, but we think it will be a big improvement for actually locating the recipe you want and keeping it organized. If you like it, I did it; if not he did it! -=Jasen=-
  8. That makes it simple: we need a 2 piece, OTB shaped, adjustable size heat deflector (with an 80g hard drive and 12 woofers......) Only if it can have a Pentium dual core processor too (we will have none of this Mac stuff)? OMG, I bet I just started something else. -=Jasen=-
  9. Hey Greg, do you use the Hi Mountain cures too (opps - reread your post and see you do - isn't that stuff great!!)? That is what I am currently using. I just cannot find anything I like better than their plain peppered cure and I add a heaping teaspoon of red pepper to it. I cheat on the drying though, I had a dehydrator and sold it; it might be blasphemy, but I prefer using the oven at 180 with a spoon in the door. I have a Cabela's 1/4 hp meat slicer ( http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ ... 20099&rid= ) and 5 of their oven racks ( http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templ ... hasJS=true ). I usually only work with about 10 pounds (I buy whole center rounds from Sam's). I did experiment one time on my old K (the Cabela's oven racks fit perfect in it) and the wife and I hated it. I love jerky, but the wife will hold my toys ransom when I do not make it for a while; she is rather fanatical over it. I am gonna agree with you on the slicer, I wish I had never bought it. While it slices perfectly, it takes another 20 minutes to clean it all up after finishing. I think manual is better; especially if you soft freeze it first. One day when I can get a better grinder/stuffer, I want to learn how to do the beef sticks too. But for now, the best purchased ones I have ever had are Tillamook ( http://www.tcsjerky.com/ ). I know here in the south, you used to could walk into most convenience stores and find them in a small Plexiglas display case. But now I have to order them online. On the charcoal thing, would any of you prefer lump over extruded if someone figured out a way to package it and it not break up? -=Jasen=-
  10. Dude, just trying to get it right for everyone! If it is not discussed, then Dennis will never know what everyone wants! -=Jasen=-
  11. DudeJ how often do you have fire outside the general circumference of the lump basket (clear out to the edge of the firebox [ring]?? That would be required to come anywhere near getting past the edge of a smaller deflector. The current round version is easily an inch or more smaller than the firebox but seems to do fine blocking all the direct heat. I had her up to 600 last week as you may recall and the deflector worked fine - in fact, I had it on the lower grill which is another 8 - 10"? above the normal resting place. Blazing hot fire, elevated smallish round deflector- great pizza! However, I don't think I'll do that again, the lower grill warped (sagged) some from the heat with the heavy reflector on it. Are we saying the same thing but getting it confused? I am not saying the deflector needs to be the same dimensions as the outside of the firebox - I am saying it needs to cover the area of the firebox with a charcoal surface (the inside diameter)! If it is 1 inch smaller than the inside of the firebox, then there will be charcoal exposed to a direct line up - right? -=Jasen=-
  12. Re: Welcome! Ouch! God I hope not. Unless Austin Powers joins this forum! Well, it is funny how many people get the CEL due to the fact that is all they can get. Most people who have charcoal discussions indicate they like the CEL for low and slow, but that is about it. Well, if nothing else, maybe there is a market for both? We will just have to see what Dennis has up his sleeves - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  13. Welcome! Hey Greg, welcome to the forum! I love beef jerky; please post a recipe. If you post one, that will be one more than Gerard ever posted! On the charcoal thing. I mentioned to Dennis the other day I thought more people might be interested in coconut natural lump rather than extruded (I know I would). We should get a consensus on what the majority want so when he does get time to start that up, we already agree? -=Jasen=-
  14. I completely agree with what you are saying Porkchop. But at the same time, how can you go any smaller than the surface of your fire/firebox and it still deflect? If you go an inch smaller than the firebox all the way around, then there is a potential for the outer surface area of hot coals to directly radiating or flame up without being deflected. So lower = smaller => agree, but I think it should take up the same area as the fire box opening - directly above. -=Jasen=-
  15. Just curious here, why do we even need a big heavy stone for a heat deflector? Why not a simple cast iron disk? Another thought, would a very heavy perforated screen work (it would arrest the flame yet allow heat through)? Just some food for thought (or I could just be smashed outta my gourd right now too). -=Jasen=- Oh yeah, scary, but I agree with Gerard's last statement too.
  16. For waterproofing, I use a large ziplock bag - fits perfect on mine! -=Jasen=-
  17. I am a little worried about the idea of a heat deflector resting on the rear wall? I would think that would make a much cooler spot directly above and cause the heat to soak more into the rear wall as it would have to travel around to the sides before it could move up. I like the two piece idea, but I think there should always be a gap between any exterior surface and the deflector. -=Jasen=-
  18. As long as there is plenty of air space between the deflector and the side of the KK (about 2 inches ??? and there appears to be) I think matching it to the opening of the charcoal basket is the appropriate size. If you make it smaller then there will be direct heat, defeating the purpose of the deflector in the first place. So, it looks good to me dude! -=Jasen=-
  19. ThreeDJ16

    gas question

    Just an observation from my old grill; the jet got clogged which lowers the pressure, therefore not as much air is pulled in with the gas. It might be a benefit for you to try cleaning your jet out. You have to remove the valve to do so. Might want to count the number of turns to remove the valve if it once burned OK; if not that is another adjustment that might help. Lastly, make sure the holes on the head are clear too. -=Jasen=-
  20. More than likely the porch structure can handle the loading; it is probably more of an issue of whether the porch decking can handle the pressure of the small wheel footprint with the heavy load. Read my post above for more info. Curly is right in his post, if it cannot handle a couple of hefty people, then it is unsafe right now. -=Jasen=-
  21. Uh-oh, I think someone is getting a little jealous Whizzy? Maybe you will have to let him come over and sniff some of your cookin' - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  22. ThreeDJ16

    gas question

    Yup, the draft door is replaceable. You can just get one with the gas attachment if you decide later. Actually, the gas option is more for starting the charcoal, but can be used for gas grilling. Welcome to the forum! -=Jasen=-
  23. Cool deal! Glad you decided to post for us. We would love to have some pics if you get a chance. I am sure The Whiz is enjoying the product of your misfortunes, but at least you got a brand new one! -=Jasen=-
  24. Re: An Obviously Stupid Question Yup, that one will work; or Guru, or Maverick! Never a stupid question, if you don't know the answer. -=Jasen=-
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