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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Welcome! Hey, glad to have you aboard! Enjoy the forum, ask questions, give recipes or you can just smack Gerard around - it's all good! -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: Greetings Most sophisticated spam bot I've ever seen! Just kidding... inside joke. Welcome aboard, PJ. Never claimed that one was Gerard; otherwise the account would be gone! -=Jasen=-
  3. Very cool looking! You might think you are smoking something else! Though I wonder there upper temp limit? There is also this:
  4. Re: Slacker! Yo lamo, it says admin next to your name too - hehehe!
  5. I was thinking it would be cool to have a rotisserie attachment just for ribs. This is just a rough sketch (as I suck at drawing), but it gives the general idea. There of course would have to be an additional side to hold the ribs in. This might also be able to be expanded from a 4 rack into at least a 6 rack. Oh yeah, this would be made to work with existing rotisserie equipment. Anyway, here it is. I know Dennis has a lot going on right now, man can you believe all the shipments going out! But maybe when time arises, this might be an idea he can think about - we can at least wish!
  6. Well I guess it is because you'll have not registered lately, but you must do the scrabbled inkblot looking letter things and use a valid email to register. Also, the reason the website is not showing up is I have installed a mod that only allows you to see the signature and website area after you have validated your registration as that was supposed to kill the spam bots. I think these might be real people, but they are still spammers as the rest of their registration follows the same pattern. There is also the fact that they have not validated their registration. The spammers issue is a daily battle as I fight it on the Guru forum too. I have not found a perfect spam elimination program yet, but it has been much reduced from a few weeks ago. -=Jasen=-
  7. Hehehe - sad. -=Jasen=-
  8. This is one of my favorites! I will lay out the pitcher recipe. -=Jasen=- Absolute Stress: 9 oz Absolut Vodka 9 oz Dark Rum 9 oz Peach Schnapps 18 oz Orange Juice 18 oz Pineapple Juice 18 oz Cranberry Juice I keep it simple, with nice even amounts, for when you are absolutely wasted!
  9. Re: Welcome George Davis Yup, ditto from what I said on the L-Young post. -=Jasen=- Drunk_Z in a few when I delete them!
  10. Re: Welcome L Young Yo Curly, I am sure the spam-bot that created that account appreciates the welcome. But as far as making fun of, I think that is falling back on you. -=Jasen=- PS, I give those account two days to activate and then delete. Almost all of the accounts that give a proper name and use USA or Russia as the location are spam accounts - just for future info.
  11. I was thinking of adding a beverage section to the recipe area - what do ya'll think? Interested? I was thinking not just adult beverages, but any! I have a kick butt lemon-aide recipe and an equally great Sangria recipe! You know, being Drunk_J, I gotta have a few - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  12. Man you got that quick! Nice looking setup! -=Jasen=-
  13. More Info! Here is some more info on the rotisserie - the parts you need from EzQue. viewtopic.php?t=704 -=Jasen=-
  14. Re: Hell yah turn it up Well welcome back! We try hard to keep things interesting and funny around here. I am a Guru user too. I used to cook my ribs at 225 and indirect (never any foil), but I have moved up a bit on the temp to 235-245 and direct. I like my ribs with a little bit of adhesion to the bone and not to just fall apart. Done in about 4-5 hours. So your a brisket chick huh? How about getting us some your brisket recipes on in the recipe section ... it would be greatly appreciated as I love brisket. I have a few rubs and sauce recipes in there myself! -=Jasen=-
  15. Chicken seems to get bad tasting really quick if the smoke gets too heavy. I am with him on this one, very light smoke - I use no smoke wood at all with chicken. Also like Gerard said, the dripping on just a stone can be pretty funky. -=Jasen=-
  16. Just a thought, but how about placing heat deflector on the very bottom, and a pan on the lower grill (will the rotis still work with a grate on the bottom rack?). That way it would catch your drippings but not be so hot as to cause the drippings to flash off and cause smoke. -=Jasen=-
  17. http://www.winebusiness.com/html/Monthl ... taId=37549 Yup, interesting, but I follow the same wine philosophy as I do with beer, "Relax, have a homebrew". Since I am not making 100 gallon batches - it will not hurt too bad if I lost one. Knock on wood - hehe - have not lost one yet. Now, if some really nice perforated stainless steel just dropped into my lap - ouch - but then I might would make one!! I am not into buying that kind of stuff - I have to make my own. I even made a counter pressure bottle filler for filling bottles of homebrew artificially carbonated. -=Jasen=-
  18. Yo Dennis! Nice pics! It is about time! I been asking for months, and you finally post some when the forum Grinch asks for them - haha - what's up with that?? -=Jasen=-
  19. Um, you mean people posting so you have something to read? hehe -=Jasen=- It happened again. Jasen, fix it!! And make Gerard and Dennis stop sayin I'm noisy. They're just jealous of us! -=Jasen=-
  20. You'll have really got to quit this jealously thing over my Pimped Out Smokey Joe. You and Gerard are just gonna have to fight it out as to who gets to buy it when I get my KK! BTW, you would not have a K right now either, if someone would have bought yours! -=Jasen=-
  21. Re: schweinshaxe Cool, thanks a bunch! -=Jasen=-
  22. Speaking of Curly, where-o-where is the boy? Hasn't posted in a week... Even D_J is starting to seem witty in his absence. I'm back good buddy, rest at ease . I was in Atlanta all week with no internet access, it was quite liberating too. The bad part was that I had TV (ya'll heard of cable...there must be 2 or 3 dozen channels) and I was stuck watching these stupid shows all week at night. Now I remember why we quit watching the boob tube...a big waste of time Did I miss something good, LeadDog cancel that yella thing and get a purdy colored one or what? Hey leaddog, just ask Curly, "What are you cooking on?" - hahahaha! I think I would rather have a yellow KK anytime over a K! -=Jasen=-
  23. Yeah, I have been thinking about that too. But that is gonna be the only choice until you can get your times worked out. I figure, grab a quick read thermapen and check it occasionally (in the same spot as not to have a bunch of hole in the meat) until you can narrow down the timing. I was planning on maybe keeping a log of item, weight and time so I can chart it. Eventually you can then just use timing. -=Jasen=- Yeah, geek dude, can you share that chart with us normal folks when it's all done . Just kidding man, letting you know how important your geekness is to us "normals". When I told you that Gerard missed you, did I happen to mention he was the only one?? -=Jasen=-
  24. Yeah, I have been thinking about that too. But that is gonna be the only choice until you can get your times worked out. I figure, grab a quick read thermapen and check it occasionally (in the same spot as not to have a bunch of hole in the meat) until you can narrow down the timing. I was planning on maybe keeping a log of item, weight and time so I can chart it. Eventually you can then just use timing. -=Jasen=-
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