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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Re: schweinshaxe Jasen - I've got 5 different recipes - all in German. Be glad to scan the pages and post for you One is Nuremberg style, one Munich - both of which are really boiled. Then from another old Bavarian cookbook, with a picture of schweinshaxe on the cover, there are 3 recipes - one broiled, one boiled and one grilled. If you speak Deutsch, I'll post a scan. Otherwise if you pick one, I'll have my wife translate it - of course that will be at a price to me, which means you'll have to pay me with a good homebrew recipe. Hoppy extract (haven't graduated to all grain yet). Kevin OH YES!! Please, scan and post!! I can get them translated; I also speak little of it myself (mainly just the bad words though - hehe). Man, I have looked high and low for good haxe recipes and been tweaking on my own for a while. Any chance there is a kalbshaxe recipe in there too (I know, I am pushing it here, but I had to ask)? Pretty much all my recipes are all grain, but I have a few books that have extract recipes. Let me know what you are looking for and I will send them your way! -=Jasen=-
  2. Must be nice! I am working all weekend. Matter of fact, I am out the door now. Enjoy and have one for me! -=Jasen=-
  3. Re: Atomic Buffalo Turds They look great. I gotta say though, I wonder about eating something called a turd, cover in #1 and stuffed with "crean". I will take your word on them being good! -=Jasen=-
  4. Re: I got to have an OTB Supreme Welcome Zorro! Any questions you got, fire away as almost anyone here is more than glad to help. Just watch out for Gerard, he is kinda our forum Grinch! -=Jasen=-
  5. You got yourself into this mess - so don't look at me. BTW, I am in the 8' cradle group - hehe! -=Jasen=-
  6. Very nice! So why are there 4 clamps? Is it large enough to handle 4 boston butts? -=Jasen=-
  7. It does, but all the colors of the rainbow come out in the flame! -=Jasen=-
  8. Close enough - only a few thousands difference. If you ever need it to burn a little hotter, just increase it a tiny bit. -=Jasen=-
  9. Re: Anyone know what size drill bit to convert to NG? All that info and more - viewtopic.php?t=703 . Based on the chart, I think I remember someone saying it is about 20k BTU burner (Dennis??) and 4" NG - I would say 3/32 inch drill. -=Jasen=-
  10. Nice, that cleans it up really well. -=Jasen=-
  11. Re: Hi Betty Samantha, I think Betty here was an account created by a spam bot (hope I am wrong). Many of you have probably noticed numerous new accounts being created (you see newest member at the bottom) only to see it gone later. That is because we get many spam accounts created a day which I delete. This account follows the same format as the rest but I will give them a day or so to respond to your message then that account is deleted. I am working on software to try to prevent or at least slow them down - it is an uphill battle. -=Jasen=-
  12. Re: Huge gusher of hot gas and mud Ok that's embarrassing.. I pasted that from an Email I had received and just thought Damn!! Did the math.. I stand corrected.. Enjoy this my friend.. It does not happen often Spelling.. it's that damn spell checker DJ installed.. gotta click submit! 126 000 cubic meter = 102 acre feet 1 square mile = 3097600 square yards = 640 acres. 102/640 = .16 x 12 = 1.9" That's still a whole lotta smelly mud! Oh sure, just blame the drunk guy cause you can't spell or do math - hahahaha! I don't like that spell check either, but it was the only one I could find like it; I use the google toolbar which has a built in spell check that works much better! -=Jasen=-
  13. Re: Sounds kinda like what happened to me after all that salsa I ate the other night! -=Jasen=-
  14. Welcome to the forum! We look forward to you sharing your cooking pics and recipes regardless of the grill flavor! Though I must warn you, if it is pink like Firemonkey's #5, your gonna have to deal with some ribbin' - but it is all in good fun. -=Jasen=- Hmm, this is post 911 for me. I guess I need help.
  15. Well the conversion would not be too hard, but finding an appropriate size bladder would be fun indeed. Especially since they do not give bladder dimensions for the ones they do sell. Oh well, I will probably just stick to the ole acme threaded rod and press plate. I do have a muslin cloth bag, that fits my press, in which I place the 'must' before pressing; that helps a lot. -=Jasen=- I sure could go for some home made plum wine right about now!
  16. Yeah, when I was designing my wine press, all presses I had ever seen were open and I really could not figure out why. So as usual, just because my ideas do not follow standards does not dissuade me from making them anyway. I was pretty happy with the results too. Basically what you said, is exactly what I do for cleansing - fill with whatever the latest best antibacterial cleanser is at the time, scrub and let soak. One thing you cannot see from the picture that I forgot to mention; the press comes completely apart for heavy duty cleaning. The wooded slats are attached to two separate spring bars that expand to fit the inside of the keg. So you just pull one side in and remove, then do the same for the other side. The false bottom is also removable. Fun and function! The whole thing is also on adjustable legs now; back in those pics I sat in on a cooler to use. Now, making it a bladder press? I assume you mean for squeezing the press plate? I can already exert a tremendous amount of force on the press plate with that acme threaded rod on it now - but it might be fun to build anyway. -=Jasen=-
  17. So, does that make him Gandalph the Grey - hahahahahahha! I could not resist that one. Seriously, that is very cool. You gotta get us some more pics!! -=Jasen=-
  18. So, you gonna invite us all over for a wine tasting soon?? hehe -=Jasen=-
  19. Re: Christmas gift Man, that must be nice! -=Jasen=-
  20. Um, you mean people posting so you have something to read? hehe -=Jasen=- Yah, that! Where's that feature? It's me! I am that feature - don't you just feel special now? I posted this just for you! -=Jasen=-
  21. Um, you mean people posting so you have something to read? hehe -=Jasen=-
  22. Oh, and I am the geek - huh? hehe Not! -=Jasen=- You'll note I NEVER suggested I wasn't one. Just that you are!! hehehee
  23. Uh yeah, I am sure most of us PC users are running a $3k dual core Xeon at home - hehe . But for an average user, a $499 Del bundle is more than adequate. I generally put my own together, so that usually runs about $700 - $800 very nicely equipped. Geez, how many threads throughout history has been ruined by the hopeless debate that is Mac Vs PC. So I agree now, back to getting Dennis to make a new web site!!! -=Jasen=-
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