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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Uh huh.... Better be a long low ramp. That's a HUGE amount of weight to let go like a roller coaster on steep decline! Pity the person on the bottom, guiding it! Or on the top, for that matter, trying to keep it from careening into the street. I'm picturing Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, or Keystone Cops here. Ok, so they've got a piano, instead, but still....
  2. Re: Easier than thought to move the Q
  3. Sanny

    First Brisket

    Looks like drumsticks to me...
  4. Majestic, Firemonkey, how long were cooks for the spatchy turkeys? Regular roasting temps (350 ish), or did you go lower?
  5. It's a place to find answers. Members can post on it. Better than a FAQ. You ever seen wikipedia? That's encyclopedia that people can update.
  6. No meat on em. They're only 3 lbs each. They're my "flock." I harvest their fur to spin into yarn. Harry fur on mittens is wonderful. These were mittens for a four year old girl who loved Harry. He's only little, but looks GIANT on her lap.
  7. Re: What did we all do pre-Google? What did we all do pre-Google? We flashed back to High School Latin class... Semper ubi sub ubi. (right or wrong, we translated that as "always wear underwear.")
  8. Hi Harrisburg! East of Philadelphia, here! :::waving::: There are some beautiful setups among those on the board. There are the Twins in Hawaii, and Deej and Tony in GA, and Cozy in Texas. Don't forget Trish's custom tiled one in CA. And and and!
  9. I think the lower one looks like pictures from Hubble Telescope... Oooh aaah! Whole new galaxies of Q! The upper one sort of reminds me of a blackboard. Deep matte black. Just don't make me clap the erasers!
  10. And, for the record, I'm still seein the "candy striper" in nursing school in upstate NY!! Handsome fella that he is. Remember? That's why TRISH gets Deej's cousin in the pokey. (The candy striper never tried Dale's seasonings either, I'm quite sure)
  11. I know of a little six year old who knows you are the bee's knees. I bet she's a sweet little smoocher who loves her daddy. See how unlonely you are?
  12. Sanny knits socks... These are for a dear friend whom I've known since junior high school. He was lamenting how he has only two of the three pairs I knit him several years ago. Nothing as happy as hand knit socks! Next projects, chemo caps for a friend who has breast cancer. First chemo treatment was today, and double mastectomy on April 2. Remind the women you love to do self exams (that's how this friend found it, in an early stage), and to get regular mammograms.
  13. Re: Expecting tomorrow Very politely, and it's usually a good idea to buy them dinner first. I find flowers and chocolate are not necessary, however. Of course, if you don't call when you say you will, your butt is charcoal. Just friendly advice.
  14. I'm gonna channel Bill Clinton here... I never smooched back! (that's like not inhaling, isn't it?) Nor have I ever used Dale's Seasoning. Maybe Dale smooched back... (and Trish, what about Deej's cousin in the pokey?)
  15. Sanny

    Side tables

    :::giggle::: Oh, Johnnyboy. The ideas you come up with! Firemonkey, if you were a GURL, you'd understand about the side tables and the jammies. See, if you have your fave pair of skinny jeans (the jammies) and you want to wear them with your bulky sweater, but tuck the sweater into the jeans (the side tables in the jammies), the jeans might not fit! Have to get bigger jeans. Or take off the sweater. (You have a tee shirt on, of course - get yer mind out of the gutter.)
  16. Sanny

    First Brisket

    Oooh, aaaah! Looks wonderful! Well done.
  17. But where does our own PC fit in to your plans? Huh? You're leaving our Trish out, too. Nope, better we're all not exclusive. One big happy cooker family.
  18. :::blush::: Oh Johnnyboy! OH MY!! Yup, really me. Thank you.
  19. Those aren't friends. Those are hyenas and jackals!!! I hope you kept your hands and feet away from their mouths!!
  20. Ok, if the 26 lbs was pre-cooked, assume you lost 50 percent of the pork during cooking. Maybe, maybe not. That's 13 lbs of pork. And 46 lbs of ahi, shrimp, potatoes, and veggies. PLUS poppers. For 30 people. That's nearly TWO POUNDS of food per person. Wow...
  21. See? There you go. A resident expert. Tadaaah!
  22. Wow... Did all the people explode?? That's a LOT of food! Did you have leftovers? Great job!
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