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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. You just go inject your OWN butt, Glenn! OUCH! Keep that inject thingy away from mine!
  2. Just remember me in your will, Trish!
  3. Gotwood, that tile is a custom job, we all lust after! Ok, maybe not all of us, but all of ME lusts after it. Tish sent the boxes of tiles to Dennis, and his craftspeople sweat, bled, cursed, fumed, and otherwise worked magic to make it. Isn't it spectacular? One of a kind. Sigh...
  4. Maybe in a future mod, Dennis could do a mushi (or whatever it is) rack with a hole in it for wok to nestle in. That would fix your problem.
  5. Oh, Saucy! We need to get you a bib for typing in.
  6. Well done! If at first you don't succeed, do it again better.
  7. Sanny

    Tandoori Chicken

    Oh, just give her a straw and a napkin. Or even a paper towel.
  8. Oooh! My bad! I hauled it to the woods to make compost. :V-8 swat: Dunno if plumbago will grow around here. Looks like it's a warm climate crop. I'm USDA zone 6. But the purple clematis will get to have the fence to itself now. And the figs won't be overrun. I think kiwi-ectomy was a good thing.
  9. Alas, just a deep tub. Not so achy from the gardening as from the massage the day before. My neck and shoulders have been locked in mortal combat for weeks, and the hour of rubbing them out HURT! Ow. If only I had someone cooking me something delicious on a K... Sigh. I micropoached a piece of fish. That'll have to do.
  10. Sanny

    More Ribs

    If our own JackLink is in hospice care, "whole" could be years. One doesn't get completely whole after losing a parent.
  11. Wow, Trish. Sybil and her butts and shoulder, up close and personal. Looks like a good cook! My day was way less eventful. Went out in the cold rain and murdered the kiwi vine that had taken over the fence and driveway. We went for best two outa three falls, and I eventually won.
  12. In light of (dare I suggest) shrinkage, do you have to tighten the roti clips during the cook? Looks yummy.
  13. Re: Way Harsh! Saucy, not to worry. See, there was this flashback episode where I lost the hair on my right arm, and my right eyelashes, and frizzled the hairs on the right side of my head. So, Trish is talkin truth! Scary stuff, those flashback things. Perhaps less of a problem with Dennis' design of KK. I have Another Manufacturer's product, and I couldn't just drop the lid. Well, I could have - and probably SHOULD have. But you get the idea.
  14. Central Casting I can't decide who's gonna play me in the movie. I could listen all day to Denzel Washington or Glenn Close reading the phone book, but neither is quite right, you know? Judy Davis might work, but she's rather a lot older. Trish, who's gonna play you? Even though those IMPORTANT things haven't been worked out, the whole video demonstration thing sounds like a great idea. Be sure to include one on how to avoid a flashback. OUCH!
  15. And who deserves it more than you? Ok, other than my dad...
  16. Hey, all's fair in love, war, and butting in line for Dad's Christmas present.
  17. Ooh aaah!! Most spectaculous, Cozy! You are, truly, amazing.
  18. Re: Potato Chip Casserole Yer just not right.... lol. (Greetings from Key Largo, btw. VACATION!!!)
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