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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Awesome! Know it was crazy good, just by looking at it.
  2. I've tried the Bavette and Pichana. Both were excellent. I have beef short ribs in the freezer that I haven't gotten to yet. Heads up - they have a tendency to run out of the more interesting cuts. I don't currently have any discounts. I get at least 2 emails from them every week.
  3. Good luck to you all in the uncrating. Can't wait to see the pics!!
  4. GTFO - $130 for a basic SS pan with a spike in the middle? Should be half that price.
  5. Yer killin' me, MacKenzie! Now I'm starving and dinner's another 2 hours away!
  6. I only saw 3 steaks on that platter - hope the dog got some trimmings!
  7. My "care package" arrived safe and sound.
  8. To be clear - there are 4 levels in the KK: Upper, Main, Lower and Sear (upper grate upside down on the charcoal basket handles). Upper: pizza and spatchcocked chickens. Main: Almost everything Lower: Normally where I sear meats. Main use is it's covered with foil as the heat deflector for indirect cooks on the Main and Upper grates. Sear: I rarely use this setup anymore. I can get a good sear without worrying about over charring the meat on the lower grate. YMMV
  9. Just shut the vents and wait for the temperature to drop 50F or more, signaling the fire is out. Then crack open the top vent off the seat, open the latch to the 1st position, then put the cover on it - wet or dry. No worries.
  10. Welcome to the Obsession! Can't wait to see pics of the new grill upon uncrating!
  11. Dude, that's just sick!!!
  12. Indeed! Lots of folks in that area are wishing that they had nice charcoal grills right now to help use up all the thawing foods in their freezers after days without power!
  13. Can't wait to see pics of the finished ODK and some tasty cooks on the new grill!
  14. Looks like you're settling in OK there!
  15. Sad news, indeed. Here's hoping for a full, speedy recovery.
  16. Yes, the cocochar has very little smoke flavor on its own. That makes things very nice and flexible for a lot of cooks that either don't require any real smokiness; and for cooks where you only want the flavor of the smoking wood that you want to use. For a big steak like these, I use a combo of post oak and mesquite.
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