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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. I tried my bottle of sauce to make a batch of burnt ends. They came out really good. Sorry, no pics as the brisket cook was totally off my planned schedule and I wasn't about to stand outside in 35F weather @ 6:30am to take pictures! I had put the whole brisket (prime grade) on the night before around 10pm @ 250F (Guru) and was expecting to get up in the morning to wrap the brisket in the pink butcher paper (IT = 170F), but when I got up to feed the dogs and let them out, I checked the temperature sensors and the brisket IT was already at 204F - YIKES!! So, I had to hurry and dress to get the brisket off and wrapped and into the cooler. I cut off the point and cut it into cubes for the burnt ends and used the Dragon Sauce - a good match. Burnt ends went back on the grill for another 90 minutes. Should have used a wider pan, as they ended up swimming in sauce and fat. Tasty, but not crunchy. The flat came out perfect - very tender and moist. I had injected it with Butcher's BBQ brisket injection and rubbed the outside with the coffee rub that Aussie sent me. A couple of lessons learned on this one - prime cuts cook faster than choice (this brisket was done in 8 hours @ 250F!); and, use a bigger aluminum pan for the burnt ends so they can spread out more and not be swimming - more surface exposure to the dry heat.
  2. Yeah, I've been in his garage when it's running and it can take your breath away if you get a big whiff of it! You learn very quickly why they make pepper spray out of this stuff!
  3. My neighbor across the street grows hot peppers and has a dehydrator for drying them. He runs it in the garage, as it's too strong aroma in the house, it will burn your eyes!
  4. Leftover egg whites - can we say "Pavlovas?"
  5. I guess that I'm just a slow learner, as I just joined 2 new Kickstarter campaigns yesterday! I've had mixed success with those that I've backed to date - a couple fizzled out/crashed & burned; a few delivered the final product, but I wasn't exactly thrilled with it once I had it; several delivered a product eventually that I actually think is a good product; and I'm still patiently waiting on several more that are typically waaaay behind schedule. Despite the exceeding long schedule for the MEATER, at least I can say that I'm happy with the final product, once they delivered. YMMV
  6. You know me and my homemade hot sauces. I have 2 batches of chiles this year - yellow aji and something called "red dragon," which aren't that hot (so I plan to add a couple of Carolina Reepers to that batch to kick it up to where it needs to be.) I do fermented style sauces, ala Tabasco. It's just about the same amount of work as your recipes, just disjointed in time by several weeks. I've attached the instructions that I follow in making mine. This is a basic hot sauce, you can easily add garlic, carrots, herbs, etc. to the mash before fermentation. I also like to add Xanthan gum to mine with the vinegar to thicken up the consistency and to keep it from separating as it settles. I've experimented with several kinds of vinegar and have settled on Rice Vinegar, but experiment with other types - wine, apple cider, balsamic, etc. to see what you like best. This is last year's batches. Can't wait to hear what you all do and how it turns out. I'm probably a couple of weeks away from making my batches this year, as there are still a few peppers left on the plants that I hope to harvest before our 1st hard freeze (likely this coming week.) fermented hot sauce.pdf
  7. Can't wait to see how the new units work out??
  8. I'd give it a test spin - literally, with a rotisserie cook, as it's the only device out there that you can use for it! I got their notification that they've upgraded the single probe units with Bluetooth in the charging stand that acts like a repeater, to extend the range to the app on your phone. I reached out to them and asked if we could just buy the upgraded block without having to buy the entire kit (which they were offering a discount on), but they said not at this time. I passed, as I didn't need another probe, and just wanted to swap out the charger station. Hopefully they'll let us original Kickstarter backers upgrade without buying a whole new setup after the initial campaign is over.
  9. Just relax, have an adult beverage, and you'll be ready to break it in before you know it!
  10. tony b

    Beef Ribs

    Are you both cooking indirect? That could explain the difference in cooking times.
  11. Lucky carpenter! No wonder he keeps doing those special projects for you, MacKenzie!
  12. Can't wait to see the finished pics of the ODK.
  13. Great meals all week for sure! Brisket looks awesome. When you asked rhetorically - "What shall we do with this celeriac and beetroot?" My first thought was - toss them in the compost bin?? LOL!!
  14. Nice to see you posting again, Doc! Brisket looks great!
  15. Cauliflower coated in harissa - might actual make it edible! LOL!
  16. @tekobo - used Airbnb and trip advisor a lot on the trip to Greece. No one steered us wrong and we found some absolutely wonderful spots to eat/drink. All the Airbnb spots were very nice, in particular the house on Crete.
  17. Forgive me if I don't use it tonight while watch my Bees sting on them L'ville budgies!
  18. My box arrived today - safe & sound. Thanks, Jon!! Thinking I'll try this stuff out on a batch of burnt ends I plan to do in a couple of weeks.
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