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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Will try the Black Bag after I run out of my current stash of Rockwood. Anyone ever try this stuff? It's not in Naked Whiz's database. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01EVPVQKC
  2. See, that's what I'm talking about! I'd have never thought to put Pineapple Head on chicken - even on Huli-Huli chicken that has pineapple in it.
  3. Killin' me, Aussie!!! Amazing cook!
  4. All Aussie's posts of shorties had me Jonesing for some. I had a pack of bison ribs in the freezer, plus the local market had some beef ribs marked down, so grabbed a pack of those, as well. Did 3 different rubs - the bison (large rack) was the Cave Man Coffee rub that Aussie sent me, the beef rib on the right was Lane's Pitmaster Select #1 (Ancho Coffee Rub) and the other beef rib was Plowboy's Bovine Bold. They were cooked direct @ 250F with the cold smoker loaded with pecan wood pellets. Plated with some local corn, mashed potatoes (done sous vide), a nice salad with a tomato from my garden. Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille! My fav of the 3 rubs was the Lanes. And the Cline Zin wasn't too shabby either!!
  5. One of the main reasons that I stopped using Fogo - the pieces are too damn big! Plus it's hard to light and sparks like fireworks going off. I'm OK with the Rockwood, as I can get it locally. Haven't notice the white film. Just tried my first bag of Jealous Devil. I'm liking it. Good sized pieces, easy to light, burns slow and a pleasant flavor. It's also a Quebracho wood charcoal. Available on Amazon.
  6. Sorry to hear that you're having to sell it! As we've seen before here, it won't take long to find a willing buyer. That's an exceptional price for all that gear. And, being here in the Midwest, plenty of folks within driving distance.
  7. Sounds like it. Contact them and see what they say. I used mine tonight without any transmission issues, but my receiver was in my kitchen only about 10ft away from the KK. One thing that I did notice for the first time tonight, if you use one of the designated "pit probes" for a meat cook, you can't set the alarm for the desired cook temperature, as the lowest allowed setting is above 210F. Just a "work around" as I just didn't set the alarm on that probe and just monitored the temperature directly.
  8. Sorry to hear that you're parting with your almost new 32! I remember chatting with you when you got it!
  9. But, like you said earlier, you still make him do his own laundry when he comes home!!
  10. Even @ $100/kg; it's still on the pricey side, but for a special occasion, it would be a nice treat!
  11. If you don't mind us asking - what did that set you back??
  12. How was the Yardbird on beef? You crack me up breaking the "rules" with your choices of rubs and sauces.
  13. Yeah, the regular MEATER has a fairly short range. It doesn't affect my cooks much because my KK is only a few feet outside my kitchen door. However, the signal still periodically just drops out; but re-connects itself almost immediately. I had to change the sound it makes for the alarm to the least annoying one as it was driving me crazy!!
  14. You planning to rotisserie them? That would a cool first cook!
  15. Plan to give my new Maverick XR-50 it's first workout this holiday weekend. Will be using 3 probes on the cook.
  16. Very nice knife, indeed. I like Japanese style knives. Still waiting on my 2 Japanese knives from my Kickstarter campaign that were supposed to be delivered last Christmas! Don't fret on the Maverick. They have great customer service. I got one of the original ones that had the battery drain problem. They sent me an entirely new set of transmitter/receiver and probes for free and I got to keep the old one as a spare!
  17. We'll be here, waiting with bated breath to see it when you do!
  18. Yeah, I think we're all dying to see a whole piggy on that thing!
  19. Very nice. Can't wait to see the inaugural cook - what's for dinner??
  20. WOW!! I bet you got a lot of stares on the road driving that beast home!
  21. Nice, but I'm curious as to why you used a roasting pan - gravy?
  22. My MEATER does graphs, too. I find them interesting, especially during the stall.
  23. Let us know how you like it in action.
  24. I was a bit nervous after the first pic, but I saw that you actually put the onion crisps on the green bean casserole at the end!
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