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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. If it's a big turkey (20+ lbs), then I'd go with the rotisserie basket. Smaller birds (12 - 14 lbs) would do fine on the regular roti rod/forks or the Octo's.
  2. I've never been that hardcore to cook it ASAP after picking, but I understand that time is of the essence - at least 50% of the sugar is converted to starch within 24 hours of picking (you can slow this reaction down a bit by putting the ears in the fridge.) I buy it in the morning from the roadside stand - picked fresh daily, then put it into a slightly salted water bath when I get home until tossing on the grill, in the husks, for dinner. If it's early season corn, so not at peak sweetness, I'll peel the shucks back, remove the silk, slather butter, S&P and the "secret ingredient" - fresh tarragon, on it, then tie the shucks back up with butcher's twine, then onto the grill. The tarragon adds some perceived sweetness to the corn. But once the "good stuff" starts coming in, I do nothing to it until it hits the plate, then it's just butter and S&P.
  3. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    I'm looking forward to what everyone comes up with using this nice rub. I'm going to keep working on my recipe - which is taking some direction from tekobo's. @MacKenzie - any fried potato would likely benefit from a sprinkle of this rub! I've used busted up pieces of cocochar to use in my yakitori grill. Works great. But, as you all know that have it, it's a PITA to start on its own. The benefit is the clean smoke - similar to binchotan; and both have high heat and are long burning.
  4. Same here - heat wave is supposed to break tomorrow! About a third of the folks at this party were from my homebrewing club, including the host, so yeah, lots of tasty beers! I took a nap when I got home - LOL!!
  5. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Bruce, I have that same grill. Don't use it often, but it does a nice job on any skewers - shrimp, veggie, meat. Haven't done any suya on it yet, but now I have my "authentic" rub, it won't be long. Got some good tips from ckreef on how to start my "B grade" binchotan charcoal, so I'm eager to try again. BTW - Dennis' cocochar is a good substitute for Japanese charcoal. I did a side-by-side taste test of the "authentic" version and my recipe of the rub - very different. I've already made a couple of tweaks to mine - added ginger and going to back off on the peanuts a tad. Made up a 1.5 lb batch of suya skewers for yesterday's 4th of July cookout at a friend's place. They were a big hit. Held back a bit on the chile spices so as to not hurt anyone! This is Iowa after all - LOL!!
  6. Very nice and happy to hear that the pooches got some snacks, too!
  7. Do a search on the Forum for posts from @Syzygies. He's posted his paella pics before.
  8. Very nice setup indeed!! I always tell folks that ceramic grills make the moistest chicken, and the KK is the top of the heap of ceramics. Everything else will be better than on the BGE, too. btw - love Asheville (grew up in Greenville, SC) - beer scene in Asheville is just stoopid! And, Curate is just amazing!
  9. Our local stands should be popping up here soon. Can't wait!! Picked in the morning, cooked the same day on the grill - nothing better in summertime (although fresh homegrown tomatoes are right up there!!)
  10. Sorry that the flies ruined your campfire experience. It was bloody hot/humid here yesterday - 103F heat index!! Beers were cold and tasty though!
  11. Indeed - and we'll all be here waiting to see the pics of it, too!!
  12. But he/she looks so sweet and innocent!
  13. Poor Bosco, we were merciless on him tracking his boat. His seemed to bounce all over the place before finally heading out across the Pacific to Vancouver.
  14. Spot-on explanation of why "real lemon" is better. I could cheat and use my pH meter in my brewing room to check it, if I go that far with it.
  15. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Very nice, Mackenzie. Can't begin to describe all the crazy good beers that I've drank in the last week. Portland has an amazing beer scene. I'm lucky to have any enamel left on my teeth after all the sour beers that I've drank.
  16. Why the insistence on Real Lemon over fresh squeezed - because Inquiring minds like ours would really like to know?
  17. We only tell folks AFTER they buy, lest we scare folks off. Don't want to lose Dennis any customers.
  18. tony b

    Nigerian Suya

    Sitting in the Minneapolis airport eating a salad - a nice salad, but I'm dieing looking at those amazing skewers! Can't wait to get home and make another batch - going to put the hurt on my friends at the 4th of July cookout.
  19. Welcome to the Obsession. You will be blown away when you see it in person. But, too avoid the curse, you need to post pictures of the uncrating and 1st cook.
  20. Deer are the reason I don't have roses anymore. They eat the buds just before they open. We call Hostas deer salad bar. Pretty critters, but cause a bit of damage, especially when they run into your car .
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