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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Nicely done. I noticed that you cut the tomatoes paper thin - smart, keeps them from being too wet on the pie and making the crust soggy.
  2. Our 1st cold snap is upon us - low tonight below freezing and a high of only 46F tomorrow. Time to bring in the geraniums and my herb plants, as well as kiss the last of the tomatoes and peppers goodbye!
  3. Excellent looking beef ribs!
  4. My first thought after reading your original post describing the design and seeing the pictures was "major weak link in that padlock," but there was method to your madness, as you stated later. Seriously nice looking dog, but I don't think that I'd want to piss him off!
  5. Isn't a man's solution to most problems to take a hammer to it??
  6. Recently read that there's no difference in cooking shiny side up or down on the AL foil. Counter-intuitive to this engineer (radiant heat transfer), but this came from the Reynolds folks, not some internet babble.
  7. tony b

    Peruvian Chicken

    Have you tried it yet? How was it? Sounds tasty. I can see using a CI skillet on the lower level grate and a turkey baster instead of their oven technique.
  8. If you cook them indirectly, they'll cook evenly.
  9. Like others have said, those pies look just fine from here.
  10. I'm confused. The charcoal basket in a 23 is round, so it should fit anyway you turn it? At least that's the way mine is. Not true for the BBC 32.
  11. Was gonna ask about the bean paste - Chinese black bean? W/garlic? W/chile?
  12. tony b

    KK Rocks!

    She's just the KK Goddess.
  13. Mackenzie, that sandwich looks killer. I can see why it's your new fav!
  14. Nice score!! That's why vacuum sealers are worth the $$.
  15. I was outside on my deck Sunday and the beetles were flying around. Only a dozen or so, no where near what you had, MacKenzie. But, they were the first ones that I'd seen this fall. As a kid, "cured" pork chops were one of my favorite foods - still love them now, just don't buy them much anymore (might have to consider making my own though )
  16. Perfect looking steaks! Nicely done.
  17. Welcome! Nice looking setup you have there. Great to have another homebrewer on the Forum. I just kegged another batch of Purple Crack beer this weekend (Blueberry Wheat with Tasmanian Pepperberries.)
  18. It seems happy in its new home, even if it has to share it with 2 eggs!
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