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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Yesterday was First Friday Firkin at the local brewery. It was a triple dry hopped IPA. Very tasty! Followed by their barrel aged Oktoberfest beer.
  2. If you can't get it down under, Aussie, I'll put it on the list for the next Care package.
  3. OK, MacKenzie, what's the trick to get sausages to stay on the Octoforks like that (i.e., stabbed on each end)?? I tried it once and 3 of the 4 brats fell off and into the fire. Managed to salvage them. I've also have had chicken thighs fall off on a single fork (2 tines per thigh). I think the problem might actually be in my motor. It seems to have a hitch in it's rotation and causes the rotisserie assembly (whichever one I'm using, so not limited to Octoforks) to jerk at that point. I think that it's literally shaking the food off. Thinking I need to take the motor apart and see what's up (maybe a broken gear tooth or loose mounting screw?)
  4. Nice, I like the Sazons. This one is my "go to" for rice dishes. https://www.amazon.com/Badia-Tropical-Seasoning-Coriander-Annatto/dp/B00GJFHSZK
  5. I've been retired for 4 1/2 years now - how about you?
  6. I think you're the 1st person that's built a special enclosure just for storing their KK.
  7. I discovered the company via a Kickstarter. Went to their website and ordered the 3 pack. This one isn't seriously hot - medium. The scorpion pepper one will light you up! I'm using the regular one that they call "HAWAIIAN CHILI PEPPER WATER" on a lot of things. It's about the same heat level is Franks, Tabasco, etc. https://adoboloco.com/
  8. Nice chook, Aussie! Bruce, other than a quick sear of a steak, you should never cook on a KK with the lid up for any length of time. It's bad for the gasket.
  9. Dennis will be the final say in how bad it is, but from the sound of it, it's nothing to sweat. But, pictures would help a lot.
  10. As Robert said, the main effect is from the top vent. But the bottom vent controls how much charcoal is burning (i.e., air inflow). If you want to ramp up quickly, then open it a lot. Once you get to within 50F of your target temperature, you can dial the bottom vent back to conserve charcoal. The KK is very efficient, so once you're at target temperatures, it doesn't take a lot of air flow to maintain it.
  11. Prejudice, even in cooking. What a shame!
  12. Nice, but kiss that nice white interior goodbye! It won't take but one or two cooks to change that.
  13. Hi, Doc! Glad to see you posting. I can get Prime briskets at CostCo. Not that much more expensive than Choice and much better quality. Now Wagyu on the other hand - that's pricey!!
  14. First, welcome to the Obsession! Now, what did you order - size, style, color, accessories, etc.???
  15. Silly Bruce for even asking! You KNOW the answer - it's MacKenzie for crying out loud!
  16. Might give this a try, but instead of pineapple juice, I'll hit with this.
  17. Nice tomatoes, MacKenzie. Mine weren't nearly that big. I never get enough at one time to do anything with except eat them!
  18. Yeah, it's a pretty intense spice. Rather than crush them this time, I upped the amount by 0.5 oz from the first batch. As I said, the wheat beer started out "spicy" so we'll see on the back end how it ends up? This is for a charity dinner in 3 weeks, so I'm a tad nervous about it.
  19. Left them whole. I had soaked them and the blueberries for a couple of hours in sulfite first (2 campden tabs in a gallon of water) to ward off any "wee beasties." I'll check the flavor mid-week and if it's not coming along, I might mash them at that time.
  20. Congratulations on the new "baby" in the Family!!
  21. My current charcoal is Rockwood. I like it a lot. Easy to light, burns clean, and the distribution of pieces in the bag is very good. I've tried a lot of brands and most are good, some just OK (RO), and others are just crap (Cowboy). If you have any doubts, check out the Naked Whiz's charcoal database. It's surprising how many "store brands" are just repackaged RO and marked up in price (BGE).
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