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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Sorry to hear about all your hassles. I've experienced most of them myself. Perseverance, my friend. Check out the MEATER wireless temperature probe for the rotisserie. Love mine. Black Friday weekend sale - 20% off. Code is ROAST20.
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the Obsession. My bet is that the BGE is the 1st to go. It pales in comparison to the KK.
  3. What size KK do you have? A BB32 shouldn't have any problem with both on the main grate. A 23 might handle both on the main, depending on the size of the ham and don't put the turkey in a pan and use a drip pan underneath on the lower grate. Otherwise, you might have to stack the ham on the main and the turkey on the upper grate (or vice versa depending on the size of them.)
  4. tony b

    Cyber Q

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm a total Ludite about this stuff. Hope your cooks all come out well.
  5. Welcome to the Obsession. What color KK did you get? Pictures would be nice.
  6. Welcome to the Obsession. Picture of your KK, please. I'm in the shop vac group.
  7. And it's highly addictive. LOL
  8. Early jump on Turkey Day dinner. My fav cranberry compote - slowly poach fresh cranberries in brown sugar, brandy (or Gran Marnier) and orange juice until the berries burst. Finish with orange zest, candied ginger, chopped walnuts and a splash of port wine. I'm sensing that this could be a Purple Crack opportunity?
  9. So, you ended up not smoking it on the KK after all? Two pounds - sounds like only 4 sammies to me - gotta go deli-style and pile it up!!
  10. Nice Chook, MacKenzie, as Aussie would say - LOL! Are those cranberries in the bowl? I know it's not beets, as they are hiding on the plate in the back (didn't think that I'd spot them back there, did yah?)
  11. Looks very tasty, indeed. What's the swirly white spoog on the plate?
  12. I'll have to remember to add some Purple Crack to my Santa Maria rub on my next tri-tip.
  13. A friend of mine's original model Anova pooped out on him, too. He upgraded to the 2.0 version (Bluetooth) and hasn't had any issues with it yet. Mine's still going strong (fingers crossed now that I've said that!), but it only gets used infrequently in my brewing room (like today after I get off of this Forum.) Their Nano model has been pushed back until late spring of next year due to supply chain problems. In the meantime, the Primo Eats is my workhorse in the kitchen. Used it yesterday to do a steak for dinner.
  14. 3332 Bhat = $101 USD, so about $33/lb. Not a bad price for Wagyu!
  15. Oh yes you do, Aussie! btw - how are doing on supplies going into your BBQ high season? Time for a shipment from the US?
  16. Screams out for Sous Vide to start with and finish on the KK - just sayin', Dennis!
  17. Nice, MacKenzie. That's how I've done my pastrami in the past - buy a pre-brined corned beef, rinse it, season it and then smoke it. I didn't wash mine as much as you, but I wanted to retain a touch of the original flavor. Are you planning to smoke yours after the SV is done?
  18. Just curious as to which brand you bought that you had trouble with? And, what did you replace it with? I have one of the original Anova's, with the latest version (Nano) on order. I also own a Primo Eats model that has become my everyday one (smaller) - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTV4EQ7. The original Anova is mostly used in my homebrewing to heat my sparge water to the exact temperature that I need. The new Anova on order will be used in the kitchen, as it's nice to have 2 machines for doing different temperature cooks (like having 2 KKs). I've not had any problems with either of my units so far. I bought this model for my nephew for his birthday, as he was interested in learning about SV cooking and it was on-sale on cyber Monday last year. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M6AZ8CL Once he got the hang of it, he's not had any problems with his either and is falling in love with SV cooks.
  19. Yeah, Bruce, it doesn't take much to flavor a dish. I typically only put 2 or 3 dashes in whatever I'm making.
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