Just curious as to which brand you bought that you had trouble with? And, what did you replace it with?
I have one of the original Anova's, with the latest version (Nano) on order. I also own a Primo Eats model that has become my everyday one (smaller) - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTV4EQ7. The original Anova is mostly used in my homebrewing to heat my sparge water to the exact temperature that I need. The new Anova on order will be used in the kitchen, as it's nice to have 2 machines for doing different temperature cooks (like having 2 KKs). I've not had any problems with either of my units so far. I bought this model for my nephew for his birthday, as he was interested in learning about SV cooking and it was on-sale on cyber Monday last year. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M6AZ8CL Once he got the hang of it, he's not had any problems with his either and is falling in love with SV cooks.