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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Good that you spruced up the area, as the KK expects a nice home when it arrives!
  2. Need to find a KK owner in Maine, much closer than Jon!
  3. Super, Duper excited now!!! The Dizzy Pig order has shipped, so it should be here by the end of the week - fingers crossed! Then I'll be able to ship out your box of goodies.
  4. Now I 'member. The basic sauce on WS website looks like 1000 Island to me; so start there and hit it with some Sriracha and do a taste comparison, MacKenzie.
  5. I think that mine are Coarse, probably should have gone with Medium. But, the last time I used the smoker, I did hand sort through the pieces to remove or break up the bigger ones. Still thinking pellets is the way to go.
  6. Just a short hop across the border to Upstate NY for a shopping trip and I bet you could even stay with Jon and do some cooking!
  7. OMG. And I thought plain ole duck fat was decadent! Gonna have to hit this hard!! Update: Just ordered the foie fat and happened to run across this on their website. Takes decadent to a whole new level - http://www.hudsonvalleyfoiegras.com/index.php/duck-67/foie-brat.html
  8. The last time that I used the cold smoker was for my bacon. I have to admit that it was a fairly windy day, so that might have had a part in it. I did use the small piece of lump, just like you said, and my chips are from Fruita as well. I lit the charcoal outside the smoker and made sure that it was going well, then dropped it in the tube on top of the chips. Then covered the charcoal with more chips up to the top of the tube. I've only had one experience similar to yours and it was my first. I let the smoker run overnight and when I woke up in the morning, it was empty. So, I thought "woo, hoo" this thing is the schniz! Unfortunately, I have yet to repeat that experience in multiple attempts. I was thinking about shifting from wood chips to pellets???
  9. I'm still struggling keeping my cold smoker lit. I've even tried Dennis' suggestion to light a small charcoal piece and drop it on top of the chips just above the air tube, then fill the cylinder the rest of the way with chips. It went out after about 15 minutes. I end up babysitting the damned thing and relighting it through the side holes with my MAPP torch about every 10 -15 minutes. Any tips, Keith, would be appreciated.
  10. Gotta clue me in, MacKenzie, on this Burger Bomb Sriracha Sauce - sounds right up my alley!
  11. Mine's still rocking on. Just used it last night. Highly recommended for folks that don't have outdoor electrical power nearby.
  12. Only way to cook eggs! I keep a jar of bacon grease right by my stove, just like my Momma did! She didn't raise no fool - well, at least not in the kitchen!
  13. I think that I'd eat an old leather shoe if it was cooked in lemon caper sauce!
  14. Aussie, I have a S&P set from Peugeot. They look nice, but I don't think that they work as well as some others that I have that cost much less. Charles, those handmade ones on ETSY look beautiful. I'd be seriously tempted, but have like 5 or 6 grinders already. I like the ones made by William Bounds. I own 2 - a wooden one and a metal one and they both work great.
  15. One of Dennis' prototypes - those are for gas burners. Not the same as the gas burner insert down below. This is a dual fuel model.
  16. Nice pie, for sure! Good crust. What did you cook it on - looks like cast iron?
  17. Are they all still in the box, Bruce? (sorry, couldn't help myself! )
  18. Love Szechuan peppercorns, so that one would be my choice here. My "standard" fried chicken recipe is something similar to the first one, but with Frank's hot sauce in the buttermilk marinade instead of the cayenne. I'll pass on those dipping sauces. The last one, all I can say is "Meh!" Nothing going on there for me.
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