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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. Thanks, but no thanks! Just bought a new bag of russets today. Hoping to practice some more on our fries experiment on Sunday.
  2. While I'm definitely going to try this for comparison, it will have a ways to go to match last nights spuds - smashed yukon golds with heavy butter, sour cream, half-n-half, Boursin cheese, salted chives, roasted garlic, and S&P. Just sayin' !!!
  3. Cookie, PLEASE post a video of it if you do! Every POSK owner would be forever in your debt as that was probably everyone's fantasy!!
  4. Thanks, MacKenzie. Gotta work on my photo skills though. Used the cell phone again and it just doesn't cut it.
  5. Great looking steak, MacKenzie. So, how'd you do the fries in this one?? Were they SV'ed as well?
  6. Please tell us that he got a nice treat in the end for being such a good dog!!
  7. It's called "better living through chemistry," Bosco! A handful of ibuprofen and you'll be fine and ready to throw some hunks of meat on those bad boys!!!
  8. Awesome! Now, get to cooking, Bosco!!!!
  9. Great pic! But, seeing as he's such a good dog, he's just happy getting to inhale it!
  10. OK, tonight's dinner. Another round of Chalet chicken, only this time it's parts and not a whole chicken. Marinated/injected with the Chalet mix overnight. Indirect on the upper grate, with peach wood, put the chicken on around 200F and let it smoke as the KK was heating up to target (350F). Total time on the grill was about an hour and 15 minutes. Sorry the grill pic is rather dark, but guess what, it was dark at 5:30pm. Used the salted chives in the spuds again, MacKenzie. Great tip!! plated with the companion Chalet dipping sauce! Money Shot.
  11. Seriously kewl! Have had pumpkin soup made/served in the pumpkin before, but not a casserole.
  12. Nothing better than a good brioche bread, especially for making French Toast or Grilled Cheese!!! Nice job, MacKenzie, but what else would we expect from you?? You Rock!!
  13. Be glad to help you get started, Ken. Just say the word! Thanks for the propers, PRippley!
  14. Better living through chemistry, baby!!! Update: just went to Amazon and order the organic diastatic barley malt powder. Can't wait to try the potato idea and will probably use a bit of it in my pizza dough, too!
  15. Gave away the POSK to a buddy who helped me move it off my deck and the new KK on in it's place. Still have my baby Grill Dome, but never cook on it anymore since I got the basket splitter for the KK. Have contemplated selling it, but never get around to it.
  16. One of the reasons that I stopped shoveling out the ashes through the front vent door was I recall a post from Dennis saying that he didn't recommend taking the door completely out, as it is designed as an interference fit. The rods can get easily sprung once removed when you try and reinsert them into the tubes and you can lose the tight seal around the door. I got the "bad dog" lecture from Dennis for tweaking the rods and not the tubes when doing an adjustment.
  17. Tremendous news, Bosco!!! We are all so happy for you to finally get them home where they belong!!! Can't wait to see all the uncrating and virgin cook pictures that I know that you are going to take!! And I really can't believe that you have the self control to not uncrate at least one and cook on it tonight???
  18. Very nice. Great minds - I fried up some chicken cutlets in panko/freshly grated parmesan and had with a nice cream vodka sauce over angel hair for dinner tonight!
  19. Hopefully on your doorstep by Xmas!!!
  20. Doh! But, I've slept since reading that post!
  21. Just bought this one, but I've been happy with it so far and the price is reasonable. http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0060EUA32?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
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